July 25th, 2014
I feel that I should be over the trauma, or the distress of being raped so many years ago. However, at times, 1987 seems like yesterday to me and reliving that day happens more often than I care to share. I lived in a very friendly, unpopulated and isolated part...
July 24th, 2014
Repressed Memory
I feel like an impostor, like I might not even deserve this space, but I don’t know. I don’t remember anything but tiny bits from my childhood. Part of that is because the divorce from age 9-11 was so central to my life, partly because I think I have repressed...
July 24th, 2014
One Morning
My friend introduced me to this guy. I knew him by sight, and he knew me. After a couple of dates he told me he had loved me from a distance for a long time. Our relationship wasn’t sexual, until one morning. Even though my instincts were telling me to...
July 22nd, 2014
He was a babysitter. I was 4 or maybe 5. He masturbated and ejaculated in front of me. I remember touching the ejaculate and asking what that was. Thank god I don’t remember anymore.
July 22nd, 2014
Respect Our Elders
Growing up in Hawaii, we were taught to call our elders “Auntie” or “Uncle” if they were a friend of the family. I was about 8 or 9 years old and I remember being at my grandfathers house on a school day. I stayed home from school for some reason...
July 22nd, 2014
Four years ago, my ex partner had raped me. I remember everything like it was yesterday. He lives on an island, and to get there you would have to take a boat, and his dad worked on the boat. My nightmares would always either be me stuck on the island...
July 22nd, 2014
Almost Raped
I dated him about 5 years and then one day I took him home and we sat in my car and he out of the blue said, “I have been thinking about taking you down and having my way with you”. I was stunned, and said, “you know they call...
July 21st, 2014
In the Hospital
I was a medical student, and he was a resident in a surgical specialty. We were dating, and he had been respectful of my boundaries. As a Catholic, I intended to remain a virgin until I was married. We were both on call at the same hospital, and there weren’t...
July 21st, 2014
ללינור היקרה
היי לינור, קוראים לי אוריאן אני בת 16 מתל אביב. אני כותבת לך מכתב זה כי אני מעריכה אותך ורואה בך מודל לחיקוי. האומץ שבך,האסרטיביות,הכוח רצון,החוזק שיש בך נותנים לי כוח ורצון להמשיך הלאה. את אישה מדהימה ליונר, את לקחת את הכוח שיש לך לדברים טובים,לעזרה לזולת,ואני מתכוונת לכך שכשזכית...
July 21st, 2014
Undertones Throughout My Life
I was groomed as a child. A man rang my house phone and told me that he knew my mother. For talking to him and doing what he told me, my mum would get loads of money. I can’t remember exactly how I old I was, I think I was...
July 21st, 2014
In 2011, I was fresh out basic training and attending technical school. Every weekend my friends and I would go out and have so much fun. After classes, the weekend was always something fun to look forward to. We never drank, we were under age so we were always completely...
July 21st, 2014
It was the day before my 23rd birthday. I had moved to a new city to be closer to my boyfriend but we ended up breaking up a few months after I moved. Throughout the time we dated, I became friends with his best friend. Even after my boyfriend and...
July 21st, 2014
The Hole in My Heart
For a long time, I have been living with a hole in my heart, and for a long time I did not mention to anyone that I was raped, in fact, the person who raped me, made himself out to be “the good guy” who everyone got to know…and love,...
July 18th, 2014
The Elevator Man
He knew me. I was a passenger in his elevator frequently, as my best friend lived in the building that was just a few blocks away from mine on the upper west side of New York City. That day, en route to my best friend’s apartment, he closed the elevator...
July 18th, 2014
My Little Town
My story is something I talk rarely about but your documentary has really help me find a common ground. And for once not ashamed to talk about. I’m now a 32 years old who’s become an alcoholic and has anxiety and who who use to be a good mom. Sadly...
July 18th, 2014
I was drugged and raped by my neighbor on my way to church at age 14. He was 34 at the time. He almost killed me. He gave me a soda with drugs in it without me knowing. I woke up naked barricaded in his room paralyzed and unable to...
July 17th, 2014
My Father Molested Me for 10 Years
When I was 6 years old my bother began dating the man I have known as my father. You see, before then it was just me and mommy conquering the world, the two of us with our hands zipped into each others tight so no one could separate us. I...
July 17th, 2014
I finished the film a few minutes ago and I am in awe. Although I have not been raped, I have been a victim of emotional, verbal & physical abuse. I have never really told anyone & the times I have mentioned my terror, I’ve made it seem as if...
July 15th, 2014
No More Silence
I have kept my secret, his secret, their secret, for 36 years, my brother, later my husband. I was 4 years old the first time I remember, but it wasn’t the first time. When I began menstruation I was immediately sent away to boarding school. At the time I didn’t...
July 14th, 2014
I Was Only 14
I was having fun at a friend’s sweet 16 party. It was held in a little “club” that was very popular. It was very hot inside and I had never danced that much in my life. I went outside to get a breathe of fresh air. A strange man was...
July 13th, 2014
I Was a Virgin
I can’t believe when I remember my story or I speak about it I still cry. I always believe that I am healed, but I guess you cannot heal completely from something like this. I was a virgin and I was never been kissed with an open mouth feeling a...
July 13th, 2014
I Was 16
It has been with me since I’ve known. I’ve hidden it since it happened, or at least so I thought. The night it happened I will never forget. We went to a party, too young but yet responsible young girls. It was supposed to have fun fight. Something happened however....
July 13th, 2014
I was 19 when I was raped. I knew him. We had met through my friend. I was just getting over a breakup and wanted someone to take my mind off of him. We had hung out once before the rape with my friend and one other person. Everything was...
July 12th, 2014
A Week Before 18th Birthday
I’m 45 and I am a Rape survive. After 28 years, at the end of this month on July 31st to be exact, in the middle of the night that my rapist broke into my house and into my room. He forced himself on me. Many years later, I have...
July 11th, 2014
Raped as a Baby
When I was around 4 or 5 I was raped by a grown man who was a friend of the family. We lived in a big house that was also a furniture store below, so my mother was very busy. My father lived somewhere else because they were divorced. After...
July 11th, 2014
Didn’t Know Until Later
I am 25 now, and when I was from the ages of 4 to 13 I was molested by my mother’s half sister. I didn’t realize it was molestation because I found out later on in life that she had been grooming me most of my life. I finally told...
July 10th, 2014
I’m Alive
The first time it happened I was 9, it was two muons after my father passed away. He was my cousin, a boy I looked up too and someone I trusted. I still haven’t told anyone of that. Well anyone but who is reading this. Anyway, I didn’t really understand...
July 9th, 2014
Something I’ve Never Shared
My story isn’t something I’ve ever talked about, so this feels very strange to me, but I just watched Brave Miss World and I was completely moved. I was 16 when I was raped. I shudder to even say that’s what happened to me. For a very long time I’ve...
July 9th, 2014
37 Years Ago
I just got thru watching your documentary on Netflix I cried thru most of it as obviously I can relate to some of the stories of the victims. I was not raped I was sexually molested by my grandfather at ages 6-9. As I now am 43 years old I...
July 9th, 2014
When I Was Three
My story starts when I was three years of age. I was molested by a stranger in my bedroom while my mother was having a party. That’s when it all started. I remember my biological father use to take baths with me and bathe me. I was molested all thru...
July 9th, 2014
My Story
I was molested at 7 years old in the apartment complex I currently live in. My best friend was also molested with me. It is now easier to talk about it, but I have not found a way to cope. Only my mother and one of my cousins know what...
July 8th, 2014
Child on Child Sexual Abuse
Our son was sexually abused by an older male cousin at the age of 5. We only knew there had been inappropriate behavior on Christmas Day in 1995, when our son (age 8) at the time, told us of an incident when this same older male cousin pinned him up...
July 8th, 2014
Impacted Forever
I was a private duty nurse taking care of a very critical patient. I was very foolish and trusted the Son that lived in the home. He was very kind and caring. I had been working there for over 6.5 months. One day the Son and 2 friends came in...
July 8th, 2014
Never Be the Same Again
On 03/02/11 my world changed forever I knew this guy he was acquaintance we decided to hangout I made it very clear to him I didn’t want to do anything sexual and he agreed and he told me he wouldn’t do anything that I didn’t want to do. So I...
July 8th, 2014
I Still Blame Myself
It goes back to November 2013. I cheated on my long-term boyfriend. He didn’t find out until February of 2014. However, one of the first people I told was a male I met on my Birthright trip to Israel. I feel because I told him I cheated, he thought I...
July 8th, 2014
Multiple Rapes
Dad’s dad grabs my breast and french kisses me when I am 11, 12 years old. Dad lifts me up above his head and drops me on the ground breaking my ribs and gets on top of me and won’t get off until I threaten to tell mom age 14....
July 8th, 2014
I just watched your documentary yesterday and I am glad to see some one CAN speak out and hear people stories. I am a 46 year old French woman who was walking in the streets of upper west side of Manhattan on May 16th when a man dining outside a...
July 7th, 2014
Someone You Know
Rape is only something that happens to other people until it happens to you. And, yes, it’s mostly done to you by someone you know as it was done to me not once, but three times. The trauma lingers on forever.
July 7th, 2014
So Long Ago But Still With Me
More than thirty years ago I was drugged and raped by the man I was dating at the time and two of his friends. I was so numb the next day, I could not register what happened beyond the fact that I’d “lost” an entire night of my life. The...
July 7th, 2014
My Rape
I am 17 years old and live in Canada. I was with many people from my town at a campsite 2 hours away, a tradition for all graduating students called prom camping. I had only been there about 2 hours and I had been drinking but not much. I felt...
July 7th, 2014
I Too Was Raped
I was raised in a very strict and religious household. In high school I would come to my mother and we would pray over the girls in my school that would have sex. I have always believed that sex is for marriage and marriage only. outside of marriage it is...
July 7th, 2014
More Than a Survivor
I have had many experiences with sexual assault, starting at the age of seven. My parents had a foster son who molested me while my parents were in a different part of the house. When I screamed he claimed he was tickling me and then left me alone. I didn’t...
July 7th, 2014
We All Have a Voice
This is very hard for me to write this but after just watching this movie it brought me to tears and I realize now that more people need to speak out about this. When I was in grade 9, 13 years old, I was brutally raped by 2 men that...
July 7th, 2014
Raped Husband
I was married when I wasn’t a Christian. I was pregnant when I was 21 and my husband 24. I had a difficult marriage because my husband loved to get drunk. But, one time he told me he was rapped when he was a child by a 15 year old...
July 6th, 2014
Breaking the Trust
I was raped for the first time when I was 18 by an undercover cop. I had dissed him at a college party, I was followed by cop, ambushed from behind and was raped in a back alley and left me handcuffed to a pole naked for friends to find...
July 6th, 2014
No One Is Who They Appear To...
I am 16 years old and was sexually assaulted a year and a half ago. I was assaulted by someone I had known since kindergarten. In a flash, he took a piece of me that I will never get back. Sexual assault was always something I had heard about happening,...
July 6th, 2014
Raped by Abusive Husband
I am now 52 years old and was raped the first time at 15 and then again at 27 this time by my extremely abusive husband…..there is so much more to this story. I suffered many years of abuse both physically, mentally and sexual. I have only one good thing...
July 6th, 2014
Public Rape
This isn’t so easy. I’m 45 years old and though the trauma of what happened to me all those years ago has diminished, the memory will never go away. I’m told that I have PTSD from the experience I’m about to relate. Keep in mind as I tell it that...
July 5th, 2014
Only Six
I’m scared to write this here, but I need to open up. When I was 6 years old, I lived with my mum in really quiet and nice neighborhood. It was summer, I went to my friends place and he lived like 10 minutes away from home. It was around...
July 5th, 2014
A Day My Life Changed Forever
It was Thanksgiving Day, 2009. I was going to meet a long time friend. We had known each other for 7 yrs and had been each others support when his sister, my lover had passed away 2 yrs before. I trusted him, he was a green barret soldier, I didn’t...
July 5th, 2014
My 18th Birthday
I had been dating him for 6 or so months. We were in band together, and started dating on a band trip. Everything was innocent. I was very insecure about my feelings with boys because I was more comfortable in relationships with girls rather then boys. So even kissing and...
July 5th, 2014
Forgiving My Rapist
I was raped two years ago at a high school party when I was 16. A lot of factors made the experience traumatic for me, but I think the most disturbing and upsetting of those was the fact that I was unconscious for most of it. I had passed out,...
July 4th, 2014
A Survivor, Not a Victim
My mother was 17 when she met my father, he was 24. A year and a half later, I was born. My father played the father role only when it was convenient for him, as a result, I saw him every other month for the first 2 and a half...
July 3rd, 2014
Too Scared to Share With My Family
I am a muslim girl too scared to share with my family what I went through in my childhood and why I am so different and difficult. I don’t know how to write this but watching Brave Miss world has left me in tears. I saw Linor turn from the...
July 3rd, 2014
3 Days After Arriving at College
I was 18 years old, I thought he was cute, he was big football player I was meeting people in the first week. He seemed nice he invited me to a party in his dorm. I went there were people there and drinking, we flirted, then he signaled to his...
July 3rd, 2014
I Was 19
I met him on the job and he asked me out. After two dates he was pressing me for sex. I didn’t enjoy it at all. He was rough with me. I didn’t understand at the time what I was suppose to feel like during sex since I didn’t have...
July 3rd, 2014
Was Raped
I am originally from Colombia, in South America. I was raised by a single woman. She always provided for us my sister and I. She always wants us to have things she never had. She decided when I was around 7 to get me a membership to the Boys Scouts....
July 2nd, 2014
A Man I Looked To As A...
I have never told anyone the details or the fact I was molested and my husband knows any a few facts. I remember bits and pieces because either I wanted to block it out or the fact I was young around 4th grade. The pieces I can remember are laying...
July 2nd, 2014
A Memory That Came Back
I feel weak as I’m writing this. I’ve never told anyone this story. When I was 17 I was an a car accident, I broke my neck, but luckily survived and without permanent damage. I was on very heavy narcotics at the time. I’m not sure exactly when the memories...
July 2nd, 2014
My Scars Do Not Define Me
Walking home from the stables after a riding lesson, I was attacked. My hometown was an affluent beach town, the kind of place where nothing “bad” ever happened. Million dollar homes lined the neighborhood. I was 12 and hadn’t even kissed a boy yet. I didn’t know what was happening,...
July 2nd, 2014
5 Years On
Two days before my 18th birthday I was out with my friends in a club. A random guy kept coming up to me, trying to get me to dance with him. I plainly rejected him but he was so persistent so I finally gave in & danced with him, along...
July 2nd, 2014
Rapist Turned Murderer
I’m in my 30’s now and am not all there any more but I try to be a good and happy person. The thing is I don’t remember much of what happened to me. People exclaim that if you go through trauma you’ll remember every detail but that isn’t true....
July 2nd, 2014
I Am More Than It
It started when I was 8, he was my friend’s dad. She was a year younger than me and our families were close. Her dad was the one who helped my dad find a job and an apartment when we moved to California. I think I blocked a lot of...
July 1st, 2014
I’m Doing You a Favor
I was 7 years old when we moved into my step-father’s house. Around that time he pulled me into his dark bedroom and whispered that there was something very important he wanted to show me. My mom had just left the room to go downstairs and make dinner for us....
July 1st, 2014
The Devil You Know
I was raped by my brother’s best friend when I was 19. It was at my brother’s house. He was sleeping in the next room. I was extremely intoxicated. I didn’t want to get in trouble and I blamed myself for being drunk. It finally came out while I was...
July 1st, 2014
7th Grade Assault
I am in 10th grade. 15 years old. It has been 3 years since my rape. I was 13, in 7th grade, still figuring myself out. During this time, I was going to a new school, a high school and middle school combined. I had recently been fitted for hearing...
July 1st, 2014
Thank You
I was raped when I was in college. I haven’t told many people about it because I had been drinking at the time and did go home with him. I thought it didn’t count or I deserved it because I had lead him on. Watching Brave Miss World made me...
July 1st, 2014
I realized I was holding shame of when I was molested from a childhood friend at age 8. She was a child herself that was brutally molested. For years I held anger towards her then let that go. Then held anger towards her abuser. We were children who both had...
July 1st, 2014
Molested By a Stranger
When I was younger about 6 my mother and father were heavily addicted to drugs, I remember one night or it could have been during the day. My memories are a little fuzzy. My mom had dropped us off at a mans house. He was African American. My younger sister...
July 1st, 2014
Trusted Him
I was 13, attending high school. I had developed a crush on an older boy whom was 16 at the time. We flirted here and there and I was really hoping he would notice me too. He did. We had made plans to hang out one night, a month and...
June 30th, 2014
Happily Married, Rape Survivor
I am one of the lucky ones, I was blessed with an amazing man, who loves and supports me. I do not know if it has to do with the fact that he himself is also a survivor rape victim. I cannot remember at what age I began to be...
June 30th, 2014
Married My Rapist
I watched the project on Netflix. I saw Joan Collins. She is the first person that I have heard of doing what I did. I was a virgin and had planned to remain a virgin until I was married. The guy I was dating knocked at my apartment door which...
June 30th, 2014
We Live Part of Hell on Earth
I grew up believing that the world is a very dangerous place and i thought that after my first trauma, i would never have to deal with a similar event. When i was 6 years old, my grandfather molested me several times. it may have lasted for about a year...
June 30th, 2014
Few People Know
I was 17 years old and told my mom that I was going over to my friends house to spend the night, and she told her parents the same thing. We’d been walking around the small town where we lived and ran across a friend of my boyfriends, whom I...
June 30th, 2014
I was raped when I was 16 and again when I was 17 but now I am in my 20s. When I was 16 I started looking for companion ship online. I was always a socially anxious person so it was a way, for me, to meet new people. I...
June 29th, 2014
With Love
I was 6 years old when I was first raped. My older brother saw fit to make me a woman. For many years this went on, I didn’t even realize what he was doing to me until I was 13 and it continued for several years after as I did...
June 29th, 2014
In my high school senior English class our teacher had us write many personal essays to prepare for our college essay. For the unit final we had to write passionately about an event that changed our life and read it to the class. When I was 16 I was raped...
June 29th, 2014
Scars That Heal
I was 14 years old spending the night with a friend, for the sole purpose of being in the same house as her older brother who I thought was cute. I knew my mom didn’t want me to spend the night at this family’s home, so my friend and I...
June 29th, 2014
I Am a Survivor
On day at my grandmother’s home, my step cousin and I were going to take a shower together, as most cousins our age did…only he was about 12 and I was 4. In the bathroom he told me to take off my clothes and after I had done so, he...
June 29th, 2014
In Korea
I was living in a desolate part of Seoul. It was my second time around. I knew the contract was sketchy, and, admittedly, I pretended I’d never been there before. They told me I was living in a officetel in a building in Dongdaemun. When I arrived, it was a...