July 10th, 2019

So drunk I can’t remember

I was turning 18. I was partying like any teen would. I drank a lot. I threw up, sat down. They picked me up and put me in their car. They said “don’t worry we’ll take care of you. You won’t miss the bus”. I remember lying on the bed...
March 8th, 2016

Abuse Continued

My story differs from a lot of stories here in that, there was no actual penetration (unless it happened to me during my sleep, which I sometimes wonder). I was molested by my mother’s ex-husband. I must have been around 7, 8 or 9. This “man” lived in the house,...
August 18th, 2019

Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
April 21st, 2021

A respectable collegue

The next day I walked down the stairs to the hotel, aware that he was sitting at the table having breakfast. Some things you think would never happen to you, you think that working externally with a colleague (married and with children) is not dangerous. But then in a moment...
October 13th, 2022

i was 5 , 12 , 13...

When i was 5 , i vividly remember things that happened around that age. Of course no one looked at the signs or acknowledged it and that only made it worse. I don’t remember who touched me first to make my behavior that way but this is what i remember....
January 10th, 2021

Michael B. raped me

When I was 17 years old I went to a job interview at Priority Records. Michael B. was there interviewing me. He took me out that night to a place called Boardners in Hollywood. He gave me a lethal dose of strong Ecstasy. I nearly overdosed as I struggled to...
May 21st, 2019

raped by my own brother

I was maybe 11 or 12 when i got raped by my brother. He would put me in his room and take off his pants and tell me to touch his penis and I was so scared i did. then he would take off my pants and touck my private...
January 2nd, 2016

It Was the Second

This story may not be relevant. But when I was 11 yrs old, I was almost raped by my aunt’s, husbands, uncle. I had such an uncomfortable feeling when I was around him…. well, I’ll just get to the point. He was a guest, so my aunt asked me to...
June 29th, 2020

Red Flags

I texted her. The girl he is currently seeing. I reached out to her as soon as I found out they were together. I told her that he was in fact a predator and told her to be careful. I didn’t need to text her, but I did. It was...
March 3rd, 2021

My protector, my father, my rapist all...

I remember the first time like it was yesterday. I was asked if I would like to “play a game”. Come to find out I didn’t like that game. I don’t think I’ll ever like THAT game. I was THREE the first time, and 13 the last. I was raped...
November 11th, 2016

Let’s Fight Back With Love

Hi fellow survivors. The recent posts I am seeing on this site sadden me because we are all strong survivors and we should try to always remember this. I know like me, many of you are still having a hard time processing that a man who is so clearly a...
September 18th, 2019

Raped in the Air Force

My first duty stationed 28 years ago, i was sexually assaulted by my first supervisor and violently raped by an officer in my unit. The violence of that raped, ruined me for a long time. Suffer from severe PTSD and after 31 years i am being forced out of the...
July 7th, 2019

@ years of rape and being drugged

I was repeatedly raped by someone I will call D.C. He was my 2nd boyfriend at the time who lied to me about his age. He was in his 20s I was 16. Within the 1st year the so called relationship became something vicious like a nightmare that I could...
May 10th, 2021

Twice is too much

The first time I was raped, I was 17 years old. I was walking to the local pizza place and then it happened. The second time I was raped I was 19 years old. I had gone to a party with a friend and I got drunk, passed out, the...
July 8th, 2021

Dad Raped Me

1) this man “casually” crossed my boundaries. When I told him to stop, he did, but throughout the encounter he continued to ask me if I would like it if he did the thing that I told him explicitly he could not do. I never mentioned this interaction being poor...
April 20th, 2019

“raped” by my long time bf

One night we were out to bars with friends to get drinks, including my bf of 7 years. After drinking we went to a hostel room. Everything started as usual, then he wanted to have anal sex, which I refused cause it hurts, he answered with “I don’t care” and...
January 4th, 2021

Michelle Johnston

I just wanted to write on here. Something amazing happened today. I came home and my mom was telling me about this documentary and how Linor was trying to encourage woman to speak out. I got a lump in my throat as I had just reported the rape that happened...
July 3rd, 2020

The pain that was never mine to...

I was a freshman in college. It was first semester and I was there for maybe about a month. One night my friends and I went to a party. As we were there, I started talking to a guy and eventually went back to his appt.  Once we were in...
February 23rd, 2021


I was molested as a child by Michael Terral Wilson. He was my brother and at the age of 16, he molested me as a child at the age of 8. He would bribe me with piggy back rides and then told me that the reason for why we are...
April 3rd, 2023

He was 56

Dear Jr, This for you if I happen to leave before whoever and you’re able to read this message. Jr, I looked up to you as that father figure when Daddy became ill and you the only person out the meeting that decided to take all three of us in....
August 30th, 2019

My story growing up with a secret

I’m a black South African, I’m 40 years old now, and my son it 20 years old… loved, taught but I still can never live him alone with my nieces as I was left alone and violeted💔💔😭😭 I have spoken about this, but I hate putting this down in writting😭😭...
March 18th, 2015

The Stepmonster

I was only eight when it originally started. My stepdad would touch me in my crotch and chest area. He would only do it with my mom at work. He would even do it in front of my little sister, but he never did it in front of his son....
March 5th, 2021

7 years and it still controls me

I seen him today. The exe who thought he had the right to just take what he wanted. It’s like you need you moved on. That your okay. Then ask if takes is to see him and can’t breathe. I froze. I just turned around and wanted to run. I...
February 13th, 2024

1 hour 3 days

Before you decide to read my journey can I ask that you keep the title 1 hour/ 3 days in the back of your mind? I decided to write about my journey as a survivor of rape and sexual assault to ensure that people are aware of what happens as...
August 25th, 2020


I am confused. My grandpa always kisses me hugs me and touches me in my hand. But today he touched me two times on my butt. was it accidental? was it out of love because he just sees me as a kid? or was it meant something bad and I...
November 3rd, 2019


I was sexually assaulted at 10 years old. I need help.
June 24th, 2020

Too naïve

I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
October 31st, 2020

How it makes me feel 5 years...

When I was a young kid I allways liked to play fairytales. But in my head the stories all had a different ending than the original ones. I remember that I wanted to feel powerful. One time I pretended to be Rapunzel. But instead of waiting in the tower to...
March 14th, 2015

Broken Trust

I had a friend who I quickly became very close with. I was very depressed at the time and he was too so I spent all my time with him and went to his house everyday. However, when I started falling asleep there, he would touch me and I would...
January 18th, 2021

Finally Arrested

Lexington man charged with indecent liberties with a minor One if the men who molested me was finally arrested… I never told on him but one strong child did! Thank you child, I am sorry I didn’t report this when I should have. You are brave!
April 27th, 2019

Everyone Else Likes You, Too

I had never been to a bar before. Sure, I’d gone out to Applebees with other coworkers where they’d serve me drinks. But I was 19, and had to drive home. I had never been drunk before, and didn’t push my limits. I went to the bar to see him...
July 18th, 2024

Not normal

Molested from age 2-14 then raped by adopted father. I ran away stayed in the system till I got married to high school sweetheart.
August 17th, 2019

My/our German “Weinstein” Case

My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
October 15th, 2022

Male dancer

Hello my Name is Tj. This happen about 4 years ago I was 19 years old at very young age I always tried to see the good in people. I was always happy and felt nothing could break me down went threw cancer as a baby lost my brother and...
May 3rd, 2019

Nearly 50 years later

In an odd way, I am a “victim” of sexual abuse, even though I have never met the abuser. Her is my father, but he is also either my grandfather or my uncle. I was adopted as an infant, and my mom and dad always told me I was adopted....
June 8th, 2023

Unethical or illegal?

Last year my partner and I worked for the same business. It was a small business near a small town and it had no management or HR of any sort – only one man owned and ran it, even though it served thousands of people each year. I hit it...
August 17th, 2019

My/our German “Weinstein” Case

My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
July 16th, 2020

Mental Breakdown

My life’s a mess at 19, but I don’t like complaining to people (friends + family) because I don’t want to burden someone else with my problems, and to be honest nobody really cares like that, I don’t want to project myself as this ‘weak abused girl’ so later on...
April 21st, 2023

sexual assault & abuse

we were first together when we were in 7th grade, he left me and never came back like he promised. & when i was in the end of my 8th grade year (he was a freshman), he came back. But he never changed. He got worse. He would touch me....
July 25th, 2020


At the beginning of my sophomore year, I was at a new school, and this guy started talking to me very early on. People at the school don’t like him, at all, but I didn’t know that, I was new, and he always pulled the new girls who wouldn’t have...
August 24th, 2020

My deaf husband sued the Vatican

My deaf husband was molested by the priest who is the head of the deaf residential school in which he was raised. This is for your mother and your husband. I am them. Although you were the person who was raped, those of us live with you and love you...
January 24th, 2021

Survivor of COCSA

My sexual assaults story is uncommon for most and hard to most people to grasp. Who would believe that children are capable of knowing and doing such gruesome things to person? Most children are not like this and their experiences are different. It first happened when I was 8 years...
August 13th, 2022


This is my story; Being a fan of a few Korean actors and follow them trough a fan page is a great way to be updated for all the in’s and out’s. Especially you can share these with more admires all over the world, we all admire these amazing actors....
June 18th, 2019

My best friends dad

April 27th 2018. Two weeks prior to this incident I was in Longleaf psychiatric facility. I took over 300 pills cuz I didn’t want to be alive anymore but little did I know the worst was yet to come. Ironically when I decided to take all the pills I called...
May 7th, 2019

Did I ask for this?

During my childhood-teen years it always seemed like there was a dark cloud hanging over me. One abuser after another, after another. At 12 years old I started experimenting with drugs pretty heavily. It was my way of forgetting reality. I was with my first love for 5 years. He...
May 8th, 2019

Spoke out and was blamed

I am the only girl at a job of 4 men. I am also 20 while these men are 40+. One worker would grab me from behind when I would walk in the back to the bathroom. This would happen often. One day all my coworkers had to go outside...
May 12th, 2020

What even happened

Last year in March my cousin was getting married say we were all at my uncle’s house, choreographing dances, planning and organising. I was going through a terrible time facing recently broken up with my boyfriend bcs of my parents and gave him go out with my bestfriend who didn’t...
May 31st, 2019

I Recorded my Rapist

I was gang raped almost 30 years ago by my ex boyfriend and at least 3 of his friends, 2 of which I never spoke to. I never spoke of what they did to me until the Supreme Court event, which more than triggered something inside me. I had been...
January 11th, 2016

My Family My Love

I had always been close with my family. My family is everything to me. We were kids he was only a year older than me…he was my cousin. He was my first kiss, the first boy to tell me I was pretty and I fell in love with him. It...
December 2nd, 2020


I think I may have been raped, nearly 20 years ago. I was staying at my boyfriends house (now ex) at the time. We were young (17) and I was a virgin as we’d decided to wait to progress our relationship. One night I stayed over at his parents house,...
May 24th, 2019

The Statistics that Changed Me

2 sexual assaults and 1 rape… the statistics of my story. I can’t promise that this story is pleasant, but I can tell you that power and growth comes with telling it. So sincerely, thank you for hearing me out. October 2017 I was in Chebut, Argentina(a part of the...
June 1st, 2019

The Life I Live

When I was 7 my cousin started touch me. He was older and he said it was okay we were practicing. I wasn’t sure what he meant. This went on for 3 years. He would touch my body and claimed it was his. He said it was a way to...
May 14th, 2019

Drunk and taken advantage of

It happened in October of 2018, I was 15, and a sophomore in high school. I live in a small town where teens to nothing but party to have fun because there is nothing else to do. In the town next to mine there is a college that a couple...
November 4th, 2019

I don’t know anymore

My high school ends at 10th grade. So you basically start college at 16. As for me, I decided to go abroad and come to the US for college so definitely the rest of the college students were all older than me. I didn’t really fit in. Then one day,...
July 18th, 2024

I was just 9.

All I wanted was a father figure, and you were there for me. I always thought it was weird how you would accuse me or now shower and ask to smell my privates just to know if I did, but I was just a child and I didn’t know better....
December 26th, 2019


I was raped by a co-worker when I was in my mid-20’s. We were at a work function, we were all drinking, then about 10 of us went to his place to continue the party. He grabbed me on my way out of the washroom and dragged me into his...
April 21st, 2019

4th grade

I an finally seeking help and starting therapy next Sunday for an on going sexual assult that occured in 4th grade. It happened in a dark classroom behind his big desk. All I could do was focus on the sparce light coming through the window, the rattle of his belt,...
March 8th, 2020

You Were Supposed to Be My Protector

You were supposed to keep me safe. Instead, you were the one to cause me harm. You came into my room one night when I was thirteen and took my virginity. You were my stepfather but still was supposed to take care of me like a father. You entered my...
January 18th, 2021

Finally Arrested

Lexington man charged with indecent liberties with a minor One if the men who molested me was finally arrested… I never told on him but one strong child did! Thank you child, I am sorry I didn’t report this when I should have. You are brave!
May 4th, 2019

To my best friend who raped me

To my best friend who raped me, I am so torn between feeling love for you and feeling hate for what you have done; what you have taken away from me is irreplaceable. On the first of May, I lost hope for all living things to live and breathe and...
June 7th, 2016

Was It My Fault?

My experience has left me confused so I would really appreciate it if someone could help me understand this. First off I was 19 when this happened & I’m 20 now. This happened back in September of 2015. I was in a sexual relationship with a Marine & I had...
March 25th, 2022

Marital Rape

My husband raped me through the night of February 7th 2020. I was unconscious due to prescription medication taken after being in a car accident two months prior. Police arrested my husband. He posted 25k bail and got out the very next day. Bruises on my stomach and my hips....
August 18th, 2019

Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
June 24th, 2020

Too naïve

I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
November 15th, 2020

J’avais 13 ans

J’avais 13 ans j’étais allé avec mon amie chez un gars pour la soirée ils étaient trois gars et c’etait la première fois que je buvais de l’alcool et ce gars qui s’appelle pascal m’a agressé. Je ne l’ai dis a personne et j’ai fait comme si rien ne s’était...
October 12th, 2023

Workplace Sexual Harassment

As I write this story to you, please note that this sexual harassment case is still in progress. It began in December of 2022 when I worked as a contractor for a company named TEKsystems. I do IT work for Nutrien Ag Solutions. The first week I was there, I...
May 28th, 2021


We were in the office room of my parents house. Both of my parents were out that evening, or maybe it was late afternoon. There had been an incident the week before in my room where we had almost had sex, but I held back at the last minute; starting...
April 2nd, 2016

Kidnapped in Naples

In December of 1989 I was traveling in Italy alone, but I had contacts that my boyfriend in Canada had set up for me in different cities in Italy. I left friends in Rome to go to Naples specifically to see Pompeii. When I arrived in Naples my contact had...
January 6th, 2019

Black Girl

As a black child she grew up with many black women An atmosphere of mostly females and children A plether of differences yet many the same someone points the finger but no one takes the blame Attenion seaking variances of competition with the appearance of being soft For the man...
December 5th, 2020

Summer 2019

I got my first job working at a lovely Mediterranean restaurant/cafe one summer because my teacher said she knew the man who ran the place and put in a reference for me. I was 15. He was in his 60s. Two days after I started, the groping began. Only he...
March 23rd, 2021

Thought He Was A Friend

I was raped when I was in my early 20’s by someone I thought was a friend. The night began when a group of us went out to the bars and came back to my friends house afterwards to crash. I had gotten very, very drunk and I passed out...
April 1st, 2021

Sex doll

After work one night I was drugged by a co-worker. I woke up in his bed naked. He was not in the room. I felt 2 emotions very heavily and immediately. Shame and wrong. I remember looking around for my clothes in a panic. I don’t remember how I got...