September 3rd, 2014
לפני 14 שנים
והסיפור בעברית כי אני לא טובה לכתוב באנגלית!! דבר חשוב שיש לי לציין לפני שאני מתחילה לכתוב אני לא יודעת אנגלית טוב אני יודעת רק עברית אז מקווה שהתוכנה תתרגם נכון. שלום ראיתי את הסרט שלך והרגשתי צורך לכתוב לך את הסיפור שלי. כיום אני בת 16… זה קרה לפני...
March 17th, 2016
My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend
I was in a relationship with a guy from 2 days before my 14th birthday to 4 month before my 15th birthday. All together we were together for a total of 8 months. In that time, I was constantly being hit and whenever he would get high, he would use...
August 17th, 2015
He Took My Virginity
I was never the type of girl who would sleep with anyone. I was, what the boys used to call me back in high school, ‘frigid’. In reality, I was just shy. I believed in intimacy as being something between you, and your partner with whom you loved and cherished....
February 17th, 2017
I Need to Tell Someone
I’m not sure how to begin to be honest, I have never gone into depth about it. I was molested and raped by my father and his brother. My father raped and molested me from age 4 until I was 13 his brother molested and raped me from ages 10...
January 28th, 2018
My Mother’s Life Partner Sexually Harrased Me...
When I was 13 & a half my mother took me out of school & used me as a labor child . She prevented me from going to school , having friends, or ever leaving our home for one full year I worked like an adult DAILY in her clothing...
April 3rd, 2018
I tried to bury it for seven...
I lied to my friends about the extent of what happened. I lied to myself that my emotional binge eating was tied to my parents’ divorce. I lied to myself that he only kissed me. I lied to myself that I did not not feel violated. The worst lie of...
September 7th, 2009
הסיפור שלי…
במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...
September 8th, 2017
I guess it was rape
Took me 6 years before I told myself that I was raped. It was valentines day 2011 when I was with my boyfriend, I was with him for maybe 4 months by that time (just a dumb high school relationship). He always pressured me for sex, but I always told...
February 5th, 2017
Holding My Feelings In
I’ve been raped twice and attempted rape, which I was coerced into I stopped but it was still very much sexual assault. This is over the past few months. I’m jumpy can’t focus very anxious all the time sleep is when I can I try to sleep and have nightmares...
September 26th, 2016
Unhealthy Relationship
I already knew this guy, he was a friend of my friends. One day we all hung out and he said he had feelings for me, and that those feelings have been there for quite a while. I thought he was the mos amazing guy ever by the way people...
April 25th, 2015
This happened to me 20 years ago. My older brother by 3 years started touching me and gradually raping me. I don’t know how long it was going on, I think a few months to a year. I don’t have a lot of memories of the abuse,only pieces of it,...
September 29th, 2015
Still Hurting
My name is Tamika and I am a victim of childhood abuse that lasted from the ages of 3 to 16 by different types of people. My uncle molested me when I was 3 years old. I lost my virginity at age 6 by my teacher. It was the worst...
July 10th, 2018
The thief
I was only 5, people say you can’t remember it because you were so small but I do remember everything that happened, I was sexually harassed by my cousin who I loved like a brother, I don’t know but I was so scared to tell anyone so I told the...
September 15th, 2009
First date: Raped after school at 15
I was a freshman in high school. He was a senior boy. He asked me to go for a drive after school and would take me home. I was honored and felt special. A senior boy would ask me, a new freshman girl, to go for a ride and offer...
February 17th, 2017
Hated Myself
I was 15 years old when I came from school waiting for a taxi to go home. Normally that taxi spot is always busy but that specific day there was a witness with no one in site when suddenly 3 guys came from across the road making as if they...
August 5th, 2015
They Laughed
It was the first time I’d ever used a fake ID, the first time anyone had ever bought me a drink, the first time I’d ever worn too little clothes on a freezing December night because hours of dancing didn’t need a winter coat. I was celebrating the end of...
May 2nd, 2018
Finally Sharing
My story is old nearly two decades and yet it as if my rape was yesterday. I have done a lot of healing absolutely but this type of trauma never leaves you – it shapes you. I feel sad about the circumstances around my rape and as others have experienced...
מרגיש מכני נושא הסיפור: והסיפור: כלכך ישיר לנושא כלכך מורכב אני שכנה שלך ממש חדשה ברחוב הסחלב 96 רמת פולג בעלך עבד עם חבר שלי שמנהל את הקפה קפה באמנון ותמר 6 (של אבא שלי) הסיפור שלי כזה הייתי ילדה שמחה מאוד ואז זה הפסיק פעם אחת קצרה ,אבל כלכך...
July 4th, 2015
I’ll Never Be Whole Again
My story is long. Long and pathetic. Have you ever heard the saying “I survived, but I’m also dead”? That’s me in a nutshell. Everything I’m writing is true, and really happened. The way I’m going to write it is like reading a fucked up book. The reason why I’m...
May 24th, 2016
Broken Homes, Broken Families
my mum and I were always really close when I was younger, when something happened at home (I live with my dad) I could always vent o mum. when I was 7 years old, dad meet my step mum. they got married four years ago. they are now divorcing. my...
November 26th, 2017
A Lifetime of pain
I have had many experiences with attempted rape before I experienced an actual date rape. It first started as a young child where a family friend would wake me to perform oral sex on him. There was an incident at my school where a cousin of a good friend on...
February 28th, 2015
Girls Without Parents
When I was 6, I was adopted after my biological parents passed away. Two other girls were also adopted into the same family. Between ages 8 and 14, the “adoptive parents” sent me every Sunday to my “uncle,” a family friend only, not a real uncle. Classic story, making me...
December 10th, 2013
יש חיים אחרי אונס
שלום לכולן, אני בחורה חוזרת בתשובה מזה ארבע שנים .. בגיל 15 בערך עברתי אונס ע”י מציל .. שהיה באמצע שנות העשרים שלו.. לא הצלחתי לדבר שלוש עשרה שנים .. לא הצלחתי להגדיר לעצמי .. עברת עכשיו אונס .. אז שתקתי.. אבל הפצע לא מוכן להישאר בנפש ובגוף .. הוא...
November 15th, 2015
Holiday Rape
So I went on holiday with my best friend. I’d just come out of a long term relationship and she thought a girls holiday would cheer me up. I was 20 at the time, I’m now 21. On the second night we got ready to go out, and a group...
August 6th, 2015
En Enero de 2010
No se como contar algo que todavia duele, que todavia me mata un poco cada día. En enero de 2010 fui violada por un hombre que no consigo acordarme de su rostro, pero si de su voz y ese recuerdo me acopaña hasta ahora. Mis padres nunca supieron de nada,...
It was the first day of my job interview. I had gotten an early scholarship for college when I was 15 and I finished it by 20. I’m now 25 and still can’t forget my rape story. It was terrifying. The guy who was the interviewer told me that getting...
April 13th, 2015
A Meek Young Girl
I was 17 at the time and my attacker was 16. We started dating in October. We were dating and everything was going great through our relationship. 2 months into our relationship his friends made fun of him by saying how I wasn’t a virgin and he was and that...
April 9th, 2018
Rape survivor
I was 14 years old when i was raped. It was my boyfriend at the time and i was still a virgin. We had sexual contact at the time but i did not want to have sex. I felt that i was not ready to lose my virginity yet. He...
October 30th, 2016
Trying To Help
I’m Barbara, I’m Brazilian, and am 19 years old. I was abused by my step father when I was 8 years old. I told to my father, who told my mother, but they decided that I was lying, and ignored me. My mom sad to me that if I want,...
March 23rd, 2016
Sexual Assault
Oh goodness this is hard. I was 13 years old at the time, my “best-friend” was spending the night at my house. She convinced me that we should sneak out of the house to meet her boyfriend at his house (right up the street- he was considerably older than us)....
October 17th, 2016
A Night To Remember
It was prom night. I was a sophomore so normally I wouldn’t be going but an older guy who played basketball with my brother Colt asked me. It was so much fun. After we all went out to eat and went bowling. Jackson, my date, dropped me off at my...
September 4th, 2018
Feelings After I was Raped 20 plus...
I am always screaming inside. What is Normal. I forgot who I was before I was raped. What is it like to be Happy. I never really sleep. I am always mad. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Rapist(s). Why I never told anyone. I...
February 2nd, 2018
Rape on a Foreign Exchange Trip
When I was 16, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Spain on a full scholarship for a year to further my Spanish-language abilities. I was so excited because I had dedicated my whole life to the language and would finally be living it. My foreign exchange included staying...
August 11th, 2015
Doesnt Think He’s a Rapist
Last summer, when I was 16, I was really into partying. I went to a party with a bunch of friends and a guy that I’ve known since I was 7 was there. His sister is my best friend. The whole night he kept giving me drinks, and later on...
June 16th, 2015
I Hate My Father
I want to start by saying; it was not my father who raped me. It was New Years Eve, 08/09, I had just turned 16 and was on Holiday visiting my father. We were at the beach celebrating, until my father got really drunk. He is an alcoholic, which I...
February 19th, 2015
The Setup
Growing up I was always a good church girl. Never cursed,n ever had sex, never did a lot of things. Until I turned 16, and began experimenting with opiates. I became an addict. To this day, my mouth still waters when thinking about a day in bed with a nice...
October 22nd, 2017
Say Something
My girlfriends and I were going out to a few bars on a Friday night to celebrate a birthday. We were all a little drunk, but no one was out of control. At the second bar, we met up with a few of our guy friends to keep the celebration...
August 3rd, 2016
Life Changer
From the age of five to the age of nine I was sexually abused and assaulted by a family friends son who was a couple years older then me . He would touch me and tell me he was just trying to play . As I started getting older around...
June 9th, 2016
Raped Study Abroad in Seoul
First, I have to say that the actions of one individual does NOT define an entire culture — so if you are thinking of traveling there, please know that it is just as safe as any other western city, if not safer in some areas. So my story begins. I...
July 3rd, 2015
Family Rape
One night when I was 12, my cousin came over to spend the night while my parents were out. I kinda was sexually attracted to him so when he was laying down I messed with him and soon he got an erection. I played with it for a little and...
April 29th, 2017
Ignoring only gets so far
I had thought that if I ignored it, it would go away. Here and there throughout the past eight years, this proved true. Like all things, some days were betters than others. Like all things, this would have to come to an end. This past week, that end was now....
I felt so nasty, hurt and betrayed. I didn’t even know him. He didn’t even know me but he’s been inside me. I was walking home in when this man popped up out no where asking for money. I’m only 13, I have no money, so of course I said...
The first time I was raped I was about 7 years old, my uncle raped me in my grandmother’s house, he had previously assaulted my mother when he was younger and my mother was a kid. I was sleeping in my room with my cousin by my side, and I...
September 29th, 2017
I recently went through a very hard time in my life and I turned to alcohol. It was my coping mechanism, it helped me through the darkness. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do but I continued to do it against everyone’s wishes. I finally started getting better,...
(I’ve felt) Man in Florida ruined my innocence I’ve felt sorrow I’ve felt vengeance I felt what it was like to lose God Tears run down my face allot no one understood I felt the guilt and the blame I felt what it was like to be ashamed being in...
September 4th, 2017
Was led by the quarterback
I can’t believe I’m sharing this. I can’t believe I’ve come up with the strength to do it. I apologize in advance for writing so much.. Until this day the only person who knew was my husband. It happened to me when I was 17. He was 17 too. He...
December 4th, 2017
Rape by Boyfriend
I never really told anyone the full extent of mine. I was in my first year of college and had severe body issues. I hated myself and was amazed when a couple of guys asked me out. I clicked with one guy and we started hanging out all the time....
February 22nd, 2017
My First Time
I was 19 and it was my second year in university. It was great, I lived in my new dorm with some really nice girls and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. It was December 19. I came out of an economics lecture and it was relatively late, it...
May 16th, 2016
Don’t Know
I was 17 and he was 20 we were dating for 4 months he was lovely. He moved to London and I stayed at his for the weekend but it wasn’t the 1st time. Everything was normal. He put my phone on charge for me as we were watching Mean...
April 13th, 2018
A young mother
I came to college a year early, I was seventeen and so naive. I had taken summer school 2 years so I could get out of that small town Kentucky high school. I was so ready to have a fresh start. My first semester was awesome. I joined a sorority...
May 27th, 2016
Was Once a Best Friend
It actually wasn’t too long ago that this had all happened although I do see myself as less naive and a stronger person since it has all happened. I would give anything to take back my own choices that day and maybe take a more light approach. So, me and...
August 24th, 2009
חיה בשני עולמות מקבילים
מאיפה בכלל מתחילים לרשום את הסיפור שלי כשמרגישה שלא משנה כמה אני ירשום- זה פשוט לא יהיה מספיק. אני חיה בתוך הסוד הזה כבר שנים רבות- רבות מדי. אני בת 25, לאחרונה סיימתי את התואר הראשון שלי. למרות הכאב שאני חייה בחיי- לאורך השנים תמיד וידאתי שאת כל הכוחות שלי...
January 5th, 2017
Out of Control
I’m a 19 y/o freshman in college, and this was the first New Years Eve that I haven’t spent with my parents. I went with two of my friends to a frat party at our state college. I told my parents I was staying at a girl friends dorm afterwards,...
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
July 7th, 2014
Raped Husband
I was married when I wasn’t a Christian. I was pregnant when I was 21 and my husband 24. I had a difficult marriage because my husband loved to get drunk. But, one time he told me he was rapped when he was a child by a 15 year old...
December 9th, 2014
Halloween 2014
I went to a Halloween party with some of my friends. We had a couple drinks beforehand at my apartment before going out. I brought a bottle of Coke with two or three shots of alcohol in it, intending only to drink that that night so I would stay safely...
I was living in a desolate part of Seoul. It was my second time around. I knew the contract was sketchy, and, admittedly, I pretended I’d never been there before. They told me I was living in a officetel in a building in Dongdaemun. When I arrived, it was a...
April 10th, 2018
A person to trust became my worst...
It was supposed to be one of the most exiting weeks of my life, a step into adult-hood i had dreamed about all of summer. Freshers week. The week everyone is supposed to let go of all inhibitions and have an amazing time with new friends and people who you...
June 6th, 2017
I Didn’t Choose This Life
My mom met a guy after my dad moved away. She took me to his house to meet his family and children. A few months his sons became my step brothers. There was the oldest which was the nice one and the youngest at the time about 14-15 while I...
March 26th, 2014
Sexual Assault at 11
I was sexually assaulted when I was eleven years old. It was the summer and my friend had wanted me to go over to her place. While walking to her house there were three boys from school outside and her. She wanted me to go with her to their place...
אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
August 21st, 2016
I Can Barely Remember
I was a bit of a nightmare teenager. I used to go out, get dressed up have a few drinks and mess around with my friends. I was always doing things before my peers in school. I was 17, there was nothing I hadn’t done or tried. Everything apart from...
January 15th, 2017
Raped 14 times in 1 year
i had this uncle and i never met him before but he stayed with us for 6 months and after about 1 month he started. he wouldn’t stop. at the time i was 13 and he was 21. i haven’t told anyone. — survivor, age 15
June 27th, 2017
Less than a Minute of my Life
I was jogging through Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, just like I did twice a week for years, listening to my tunes, in the zone. Suddenly he grabbed me, dragged me into the bushes, and threw me onto the ground cover of ivy. In a second, my pants were off, and he...
October 3rd, 2015
Overcoming My Story of Rape
Being raped was something I never ever imagined would happen to me, the hurt, the pain, sickness to my core, but I know I was never to blame for what happened. Here is my story told in part poetry form and anyhow I can express what happened. I have to...
July 23rd, 2018
How Many Times?
I have been raped, I don’t know anymore whether I admit, or declare it. My first time, also my first time, was on a date with my boyfriend. We were making out, and he went up my shirt, and I stopped him with a no. He kept trying until he...
December 4th, 2015
For years my uncle called me names that were sexual. He’d make sexual jokes towards me and I didn’t think much of them. May 8th he took something that was special to me and its something that I’ve never been able to get over. I was scared and didn’t want...
August 12th, 2014
A Childhood of Sexual Trauma
My father began sexually abusing me before I started school. I remember him telling me to touch his penis as he was lying on the bed and I was sitting beside him. He told me it was ‘sex education.’ I have only that one flashback from the early years. Years...
April 21st, 2015
I just don’t know how to start. It feels weird and I am ashamed, I feel dirty and I don’t have any self-esteem left. I am having a great boyfriend. We both are having a strong relationship and we are dating since five years and a half, I met him...
October 5th, 2016
My Innocence Was Taken Away
I am a rape victim. I was raped twice by a family member who is my cousin. It had happened when I was 11 year old at the year of 2005. It was summer break and all kids want to have fun with families and friends. However, my male cousin...
November 29th, 2014
Not Safe in Your Own Family
My mother had me very young, she cannot afford us a place to live so we were staying at my grand mother house with my 3 uncle and my aunt. The night one of my uncle was coming to bed with me and abused me. I was very young, so...
June 17th, 2014
Boyfriend Hell
When I was 20 years old I was dating someone I met offline. I would go to his place every other weekend. We’ll the one time I went his him, his friend, and i were all hanging out till about 12 midnight. I got up to go to the bedroom...
October 23rd, 2018
I Didn’t Know I Was Raped
Upon the eve of my 21st birthday my boyfriend of the time (who was everything to not date in a man) raped me. We went to a bar and were drinking. I am not even a fan of bars. I wanted to go camping, but he insisted. (Side Note: After...
September 7th, 2015
University Bar
I was in my university student bar with a friend visiting from home- we had decided to let loose one final time before exams and got incredibly drunk. Upon arriving at the ‘Club Night’ in my SU we were waiting at the bar and met some guys. From what I...
When I was 9 my favorite holiday was always Halloween, going out at night scaring and getting scared but it was more of a joke scare. But, Halloween 2010 was not a “joke scare.” My mum was sick and couldn’t take me trick or treating so my neighbor took me....
May 25th, 2018
Twice a pattern?
If something bad happens once, people usually say it’s bad luck. But to happen twice, just seems stupid. Growing up in a restricted family, I had never been exposed to the sexually explicit content that is out in the world. However, when I turned 17 that all changed for me....
September 7th, 2009
לדבר, להלחם, לנצח
לינור יקרה, בלי שתדעי ליוות אותי בשנים הקשות שלי. נאנסתי במשך שנים וכשאת סיפרת את הסיפור שלך אני הייתי בת 13. נתת לי את הכוח לספר את הסיפור שלי ולבקש עזרה. היום- יותר מעשור אחרי… ואחרי טיפול ארוך שנים ואין בוף עליות וירידות אני גאה לומר- ניצחתי. אני חיה. נהנת...
The night He sexually assaulted me It was a normal date at first. At the end of the movie, we kissed. It was nice. Then he started kissing me a lot, maybe too much for a first date. But I brushed it off as over eagerness or nerves, nothing to...
February 20th, 2017
Being Raped
With the help of God, I can finally write this down. I watched Brave Miss World the same year I confronted on of the men who raped me. This site has allowed me to find strength and solidarity among the words, the deeply respected and haunting stories of others who...
October 1st, 2018
What To Do IF You’re Not Raped...
I am writing, because none of the other 120 media people I contacted thought I was worth a moment of their time to respond. I am truly grateful for the “Me Too” movement that is spreading across our Country, and for the first time, America’s focus is on women who...
August 29th, 2015
I Kept Saying No
I was raped by a person that I knew who kept asking me out and I kept saying No. One day he offered to drive me home after I had a tiff with one of my good friends, he took me to his place and raped me. it wasn’t violent...
January 4th, 2017
My Best Friend’s Boyfriend
My junior year of high school I had class with this guy I had never seen around school before. It turns out he transferred from another school and as time passed he began dating one of my best friends. I had a crush on him but I obviously didn’t purse...
March 23rd, 2016
Afraid of the Truth
i’m 28 years old and have been in trauma therapy for close to three years since its happen, and i still have a very hard time speaking about it. it happened while i was in israel for a 2 week vacation during college. i had had a few drinks and...
October 5th, 2016
My Innocence Was Taken Away
I am a rape victim. I was raped twice by a family member who is my cousin. It had happened when I was 11 year old at the year of 2005. It was summer break and all kids want to have fun with families and friends. However, my male cousin...
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
For my 23 birthday I wanted to do something special for myself, and let go of what holds me back. In the last year so many things have happened and changed me as I am. I’m done hiding something that doesn’t define me, that wasn’t my fault. At the young...
August 25th, 2016
The Night I Wished Never Happened!!
was 22 yr old Virgin(indian) when this occurred…. I’m a doctor was doing my internship at bangalore medical college… I was so fed up with studies I wanted to have fun i made new friends and one among that was a girl named kritta .. she was living the life...
May 16th, 2018
By my friend
I was hanging with my friend from school. We are both in a mainstream learning disabled program. We were in my room playing a console game. He was excited as he won fight after fight. Without any warning, he threw me down on the rug, and removed my sweat pants....
May 29th, 2014
Mi Historia
hola tengo 38 años mi historia comienza cuando tenia 8 años mi padre murió y quedamos con mi madre en ese en toses vivíamos en el campo mi familia es numerosa somos 8 hermanos entre mujeres y hombre yo soy la numero 7 y mi hermana la numero 8 ella...
February 28th, 2018
I was raped
I am a freshman at Upper Darby High School. I was raped while walking home from school. I don’t want to go into a lot of details, except that I was a virgin before it. He is a member of my class, and I see him every school day. I...
February 9th, 2016
Now I Understand My Husband
My husband was brutally and violently raped by the taxi driver who was trusted to take him to school – a friend of his Grandfather. He was 12 and grew up in Lebanon. I was the first person he told and he was 45. He suffered in silence using alcohol...
January 27th, 2016
My Rapes
I am an alcoholic/addict in recovery. I have a little over 1yr sobriety and I am 44yrs old. I honestly cannot remember how many times I’ve been raped. While I watched the film, I thought of two. I don’t really want to think of the rest. I was drinking and...
September 26th, 2015
My First Memory
I was 8 years old. I am now 19. My mom was a single mom with two kids my brother and I. I had never met my dad but little did I know I was going to meet him soon and it was going to be horrifying. My mom told...
July 31st, 2018
Supe que fue un abuso cuando ya...
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, no recuerdo la edad exacta, un primo mio de unos 17 años solia sentarme en sus piernas y frotarse sus partes conmigo. Nunca intentó tener relaciones conmigo pero fue algo que me afectó por años. No sabía si debía contarlo o no porque no sabía ni...
June 24th, 2014
How My Life Has Changed
I have the most incredible respect for all of the victims who are speaking out. I am writing about my experience only because I CAN NOT IMAGINE what would have happened if I had not escaped my attacker, because…even though I escaped, my life has never been the same. I...
February 12th, 2018
My Life in Foster Care
No, it’s not the story you Expect. I was not abused in foster care, and there were several group homes run by the same agency, and none of them had a complaint filed in the time I was there. It was the discipline and the perception of how the houses...
July 23rd, 2018
I forgot, but then I remembered
He hit me in the back of the skull with a beer bottle. I didn’t have much time to prepare–we had gotten into a drunken argument and he lunged towards me. The last thing I remembered was the cold, hard glass snuffing out my consciousness. Everything remained dark for four...
August 16th, 2015
Never Wanted to Believe
My name is Jessica, i’m living in Belgium. I was 16 years old. He was my boyfriend for almost 1 year. I had a vaginal infection and my doctor prescribed also a cream for him, because she said that sometimes men could have like an infection which is not declared...
December 14th, 2017
So one day I was hanging out with this guy friend if mine. We had consensual sex about a week before this. We were in a hotel room and I got into bed naked with him. He started to put me down telling me I was a whore and I...
February 9th, 2015
My Secret
The other day a high school friend of mine posted pictures of the inside of the school before it gets torn down. I smiled as I saw the lockers and the hallways I frequented. I remembered seeing friends and boys I had crushes on. I felt happy. Then I saw...
I was doing well in school, and I was in ColorGuard and was a honor roll student than I met him. We started out as friends, we played video games together. Then we became good friends. I developed a likeness for him because he was the first male to ever...
December 2nd, 2016
Six Year Old’s Point of View
You Knew, But Didn’t Care You knew as soon as I ran into the kitchen sobbing, “He hurt me!” something bad happened to me, but you didn’t care. You knew it was so bad I peed right in front of the oven door where one of you was basting the...
September 5th, 2010
גבר אלים וחולני
לקראת גיל 15 התחלתי לצאת עם בחור שהיה גדול ממני בשנה, לאחר חודשיים בערך ביחד הייתה בנינו מריבה מטופשת במהלך המריבה הוא נהייה אלים כלפי זאת הפעם הראשונה בעצם שהוא הרים עליי יד, הביא לי סטירה שהפילה אותי על הריצפה וכשאני שוכבת על הרצפה הביא לי מכה חזרה בבטן עם...
August 27th, 2014
He Was My Boyfriend
Sometimes I have a hard time saying that what happened to me was rape. I feel like it takes away from legitimate experiences of it and that I’m just being stupid. But what better place to talk about it than here, right? I was 20 years old and he was...
December 12th, 2017
I don’t know what to call it. Its been a rough year, my cousins lost his sister to suicide, & I know it shouldn’t be an excuse for why I let him do what he does to me. I thought the first time he took advantage of me was going...
I’m 16. I’ve known the guy since I was 12. He’s been my best friend since I was 14. Last night, we were supposed to go to a lake and just hang out. It was boring so we went home, as normal. I had this brilliant idea that we could...
January 2nd, 2016
Hola soy una mujer de 31 años. Viví una situación muy confusa cuando era niña casi 9 o 10 años. Mis padres nos dejaban vacacional en la casa de mis abuelos que nos cuidaban, nos consentían con golosinas, ver televisión y jugar. Una tarde ya para llegar la noche nos...
September 12th, 2016
If I Were Stronger Then
If I were stronger then, I would have left him after he sexually assaulted me in our mutual friend’s downstairs bathroom. I would have known that it was sexual assault. I would have told somebody. I wouldn’t have excused him by telling myself, “Hey, he could have inserted, but he...
November 30th, 2016
My Side
Only three weeks ago, I had my first kiss. About 3 minutes later, I had my first sexual experience, against my will. It was the Friday before Halloween, and I was spending it with kids from my school, all of whom I felt comfortable around and felt safe with. All...
June 6th, 2015
I Was Only 7
I’m from a little town in Mexico (I apologize for my english) And my nightmare started when I was 7 years. I Was a little girl, a little happy girl… but when I started the school, my cousin, (a nephew from my father’s) raped me and changed everything. He was...
October 22nd, 2017
Say Something
My girlfriends and I were going out to a few bars on a Friday night to celebrate a birthday. We were all a little drunk, but no one was out of control. At the second bar, we met up with a few of our guy friends to keep the celebration...
September 7th, 2009
עדיין מציק
וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...
(I’ve felt) Man in Florida ruined my innocence I’ve felt sorrow I’ve felt vengeance I felt what it was like to lose God Tears run down my face allot no one understood I felt the guilt and the blame I felt what it was like to be ashamed being in...
Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
August 1st, 2015
April 2015
I just turned 13,and I was a virgin.I planned to go my boyfriends house with my best friend to drink and a few of his friends were there too and before I got inside one of the guys there texted my friend saying that her boyfriend is “trynna fuck” but...
I was about 16 the first time it happened. I didn’t know the guy, but my mom was dating him so I thought I could trust him. The first time we met, he wanted to see my backside in the swimsuit I was wearing to go to the pool at...
June 23rd, 2014
My Mother Was Raped
I was not sure if I should talk about this in public. I have saved this feeling in my heart for so many years, I remembered one day my mother and I were arguing about a boy I wanted to go out with. My mother was so afraid and started...
March 27th, 2018
“I’m not gonna have sex with you”
I think about it all the time. The feeling of my legs shaking afterwards and the rest of the night. The mark that was left on my neck. The wave of confusion that I was left with. The feeling of shame and disappointment I had in myself for letting him...
March 21st, 2016
Child Abuse
I was abused as a child. He was my parents friend, and his children were my friends. He wanted me to touch his penis, one time he was supposed to drive me to his kids school but instead he drove to an isolated area near the forest. Then he pulled...
September 7th, 2009
עדיין מציק
וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...
August 3rd, 2014
A Self Destructive Life
I was sexually abused by my stepfather from age 5 until age 13. My mom knew and did nothing. Actually she told me when I was 10 that… ” everyone has hardships and this was mine so shut up and deal with it.” I was also abused by 2 of...
July 5th, 2014
My 18th Birthday
I had been dating him for 6 or so months. We were in band together, and started dating on a band trip. Everything was innocent. I was very insecure about my feelings with boys because I was more comfortable in relationships with girls rather then boys. So even kissing and...
July 4th, 2014
A Survivor, Not a Victim
My mother was 17 when she met my father, he was 24. A year and a half later, I was born. My father played the father role only when it was convenient for him, as a result, I saw him every other month for the first 2 and a half...
My name is Alexandra and I was raped at the age of 14 by my step dad in my home. Yes I was a virgin, No i didnt want that to happen, No I wasn’t dressing anyway infront of him. I loved him at one point now I wish he...
September 27th, 2016
Multiple Times
I have been raped more than once. And unfortunately, some people start blaming the victim after the first time it happens. And unfortunately I rarely talk about this because it takes a piece of me every time I talk about what has happened. The first time I was raped, I...
June 26th, 2014
Raped at 16
I was sixteen taken to a party by a girlfriend that I trusted. When we showed up there were on 2 men there that I never met. We drank and got drunk, I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and one of the guys were...
July 21st, 2014
The Hole in My Heart
For a long time, I have been living with a hole in my heart, and for a long time I did not mention to anyone that I was raped, in fact, the person who raped me, made himself out to be “the good guy” who everyone got to know…and love,...
March 4th, 2018
An uncle who couldn’t keep his hands...
I wanted to share my story with you. I’ve lived in the Netherlands from the age of 3 and I am now 22. I am originally from Iraq. When I was 16, I woke up with an uncle next to me who wanted to put his fingers in my vagina....
June 22nd, 2014
Over 40 years Ago
I have been raped both by a stranger and on a date, both in my teen years. The stranger was giving me a ride and took a side road out into the woods. I was helpless to fight physically, so I just acted like it was ok and tried to...
December 5th, 2014
First Friend at University
I went to university in Newcastle, UK. It was my fourth day of university and i was just getting used to meeting new people and getting to grips with being on my own and away from home. I had met some people during this time but the first person I...
December 26th, 2014
I was sexually assaulted 5 months ago on June 30th 2014. I had the idea to take myself and two of my other friends bridge jumping, so I feel as if I’m to blame. We got there and we noticed a strange man who was by himself staring at us....
June 7th, 2015
Time Stood Still
My name is Ilse and I’m from the Netherlands. When I was 17 years, I was raped with violence. He was a stranger. I was following a nurse education. I walked that morning too the bus station and suddenly a man who walked by grabbed me from behind with a...
November 15th, 2017
I did Not need to know this
Youngest of 3, and I was the most outgoing. I was into sports and clubs, and after school church activities. I came home from field hockey, all sweaty and stinky, and needed a shower like no tomorrow! I went straight in and to my room to get a change of...
September 11th, 2018
Still Terrified
I was scared to write this. But, since I cannot settle my mind, I thought I would just go ahead and write so that I can clear my head and hopefully ease this pressure off my chest. You should know, if I may say, this is not easy, actually it...
August 26th, 2016
Why Me Over and Over?
I see stories of women being raped once when they are young adults or even teenagers and I kind of understand that was bad luck and that it could happen to anyone. I also hear stories of girls that were sexually abused when they were little and I guess that...
July 24th, 2014
One Morning
My friend introduced me to this guy. I knew him by sight, and he knew me. After a couple of dates he told me he had loved me from a distance for a long time. Our relationship wasn’t sexual, until one morning. Even though my instincts were telling me to...
July 18th, 2017
Not all friends are true
I grew up such a trusting and open person. I cared about everyone who crossed my path and I would give the shirt off my back to anyone who needed it. So when I got a call at 11:30 from a guy friend saying he needed a place to crash...
January 24th, 2018
Child rape
Some people think that when two little kids around the same age engage in sexual activities, neither of them know any better. Maybe with some cases, but this is not one of those cases. I was around 6 years old, a very innocent child, and didn’t even know what sex...
August 30th, 2016
Forgotten Memories Submerge
I’m 21 years old, but my story begins from when I was 6 years old. My parents were not really involved in what was going on in my life, and simply, not interested. I was sexually abused spanning from age 6; 10; and 11. The incidents from when I was...
February 19th, 2016
Moving on Alone from Rape
I am a 26 old women. When I was 25, I was raped by someone I never knew. I was on a dating site. A guy started talking to me we exchanged numbers. He sounded nice we started messaging each other. Good few hours later, he wanted meet in the...
February 19th, 2018
My rape story
When I was 10 years old my father raped me in a bathtub and told me it was my fault. Then the next day he sent my brother to my uncles and I was alone with him and his girl friend next thing I know I tied down while he...
April 7th, 2017
My Best Friend
I’m sorry that I shared personal intimate details of my life with someone who was supposed to be my best friend. I thought the feedback was coming from a genuine place not of something evil. unfortunately I used to joke with him about my sexual habits how I like hair...
August 3rd, 2015
Our Stories & Pain Are Valid
I saw Brave Miss World today on Netflix, I watched it with my partner. She’s asleep now and I’m looking at the website alone trying to process what I saw privately so she doesn’t have to know the effect it had. When I was 17 somebody spiked my drink and...
September 24th, 2015
10 Years!
Past: 1998: It all started in 1998, I was 16 years old. I was on a vacation at my uncle’s place. It was around 6pm & no one was home. Everyone stepped out due to some ceremony at a neighbors house. Two guys (strangers. Lets name them, YO & AM),...
April 4th, 2016
A Life of Pain
My twin brother Levi and I were adopted when we were two months old by a woman who wanted children so bad and a husband who didn’t. We had a happy childhood though. When we were four our parents got a divorce and we spent every other weekend driving from...
August 22nd, 2015
Now It’s Too Late
My partner was raped by numerous men several years before I met her. I wish I could tell you more, however I could never bear to hear the details. I was full of hatred and fear that my anger would consume me with thoughts of what I would to do...
September 30th, 2017
My Best Friend’s Brother
A few months ago, back in February, I went through something I can’t ever forget. A little backstory, about a year ago in October, my boyfriend of a little over a year left me after telling me he wanted to marry me. I obviously was devastated and didn’t handle it...
July 14th, 2016
I Thought I was Safe
I was in class and I thought I was safe. It was my freshman year of high school and it was the week of finals. We didn’t have a final in that class so all of us got to play games. I sat next to him bc my friend was...
May 22nd, 2016
Close Call
I dated a guy, for a day, in second grade. My memories of him that day consisted of us holding hands doing circles around the skating rink. In sixth grade, we were once again in school together. I remember him telling everyone I was his ex girlfriend and I thought...
February 11th, 2016
My Story
I was 5 years old when I knew what sex was. I don’t know how exactly, I just knew. By the time I was 6 I was exposed to pornography from my dad. He either had nude magazines laying around, or would watch porn around us- he even told us...
August 24th, 2009
כמוני כמוך
מחזקת את ידיך. כמוני כמוך, כמו כל החברות שלי, אין אישה בישראל שלא עברה הטרדה מינית / תקיפה מינית / אונס או גילוי עריות.
April 17th, 2015
Christmas Horror
On Christmas Eve 2005, my daughter’s father and I walked to a store to finish our last minute Christmas shopping then going to get our 1year old(our only child at the time) something to eat. While he was at the counter about to pay for the items, store was New...
January 8th, 2017
Stormy Night
My story is not like the other stories… I lived on a military base with my family. I was always a Tom-boy kinda girl. I liked sports,hanging out with everyone and just living my 13 year old life.There was this guy named nick that lived next door to me. I...
July 21st, 2014
ללינור היקרה
היי לינור, קוראים לי אוריאן אני בת 16 מתל אביב. אני כותבת לך מכתב זה כי אני מעריכה אותך ורואה בך מודל לחיקוי. האומץ שבך,האסרטיביות,הכוח רצון,החוזק שיש בך נותנים לי כוח ורצון להמשיך הלאה. את אישה מדהימה ליונר, את לקחת את הכוח שיש לך לדברים טובים,לעזרה לזולת,ואני מתכוונת לכך שכשזכית...
July 1st, 2016
The Cliche
Rape is an ugly word. Short, finite, guttural. The word reflects its own nature, the lasting impact a few moments can have on your life. And yet often so many of us refuse to use it. For so many years I did. Because I thought of rape as an extreme...
September 8th, 2015
The Day I Was Raped and Abandoned
1.9.07 It is the same every year. Every year the leaves turn, and there is that slight twinge in my leg, a hesitant reminder of times past. Every year as the winds change, there is that slight catch when you take a deep breath. A catch not from the cold...
November 22nd, 2015
Trying To Be Better
I’m literally watching “Brave Miss World” right now and I find it really inspiring. Here’s my story: I was molested when I was 5 years old by a 14 year old, friend of my brother. It took me a long time to realize that it was not my fault. He...
January 11th, 2017
Prom Night
This happened fourteen years ago but I am just now realizing that I was raped. I can look back and see how it affected me but at the time I thought it was my fault. Back in high school I had a large group of friends that was composed of...
December 13th, 2016
I’m trying hard to understand what you did to me. I know what you have told me, I know what others have told me, what I don’t understand is why. why? Why did you take something so precious from me, something that was mine to give away, not for you...
January 13th, 2017
It Can Happen To Anyone
I don’t remember the exact age it started, i was about 7 or 8 years old and my assaulter is my older brother. It happened several times so ill just give a brief story. It happened every year up until i was about 16 years old. He threatened me saying...
August 10th, 2014
Restoring Innocence
I just wanted to write to all of those who have taken the time to write. I am a victim of rape as well. I am saddened and horrified by the stories here. By the stories of my past. I just wanted to offer up a little joy. I am...
July 5th, 2017
A letter to my rapist
I cannot even put into words how much you have hurt me. You have completely broken me and I hope by writing this I can explain at least a bit of how your assault affected my life. What you did to me has shattered the way in which I see...
January 9th, 2018
Being Done
My young childhood was mostly good. My mom, who did 80% of the parenting, died unexpectedly when I was 10. My dad attacked me from ages 12-15. My younger brother and I were in and out of the foster care system (we got sent back to him). Mercifully, we were...
June 20th, 2018
A Silent Fighter
I will not be a victim, I will be a voice. Although my voice may shake I am not weak. I am not just a survivor, I am a fighter! A girls night out took a turn for the worst, innocent flirting and being a tease with no intentions, became...
When I was 20 years old I left my boyfriend after 1 year of emotional, mental, and physical abuse. Soon after I missed my period. I went to his house to speak with him about the possibility and he was drunk. Instead of speaking with him I went to leave,...
July 30th, 2018
I Came Home
I came home from school, funny because it was the same time everyday from the same bus. I walked in our house, and down the hall. The door was open so I could see my Dad was on top of my 5 year old sister, between her legs, and attempting...
April 12th, 2017
Lost Trust In Men For The Longest...
I was 8 years old when me, my mom, brother and sister went to visit my dad and his family in Arizona. My siblings and I wanted to stay the night with our cousins. My mom and dad left. When we were all asleep my uncle came into the room...
March 22nd, 2015
Molested, Tortured, Rape, Survivor
As a young girl, I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend son. I thought it was okay to let a little boy play down there, but then later on in life it was not. At the age of 16, I was walking home and saw these guys walking up behind...
September 28th, 2016
An Unknown Face & Hands
I was almost killed. I never thought I would utter those words let alone write them on a public website like this. I’ve written here before but that was a while ago, about a rape that happened almost 3 years ago. It’s happened countless times in my life already, I’ve...
So this is a bit difficult but I need to be able to express myself and doing that with my family hasn’t been helpful because they don’t understand my pain and what I went through. When I was 13 Years old I was followed grabbed forcibly and thrown into an...
March 8th, 2015
His Masterpiece
When I was 15 I became very close to my uncle because I felt he was the only one who understood me. I loved him so much. We were best friends and never in a million years did I ever think of him in any other way other than my...
December 21st, 2017
Too Many Times
I was raped when I was a kid. My dad is an alcoholic, my mom abandoned us for England. She tries to say that they didn’t, but she did. So where I was living, I pretty much didn’t have any parents, and these two men decided to use me. I...
July 28th, 2015
From the age of 1, he had been in my life. Of course I cannot remember back that far, but he never let anyone forget it, “I’ve been here from the beginning!!!!”, like it really mattered. Growing up, he was the only fatherly figure I ever had. He took me...
November 18th, 2014
De Los 6 a Los 12
Desperté con su aliento sucio y su lengua dentro de mi boca y, no entendí nada, quedé paralizada, tenía apenas 6 añitos y lo quería y admiraba… era mi abuelo. Esa noche, antes de irnos a la cama y con mi abuelo de visita, lloré desconsolada pues competíamos mis hermanos...
My dad had always been violent towards me. Me parents split up ages ago but he still come back to ‘see’ me. But he would hit me. He broke my jaw and cracked my ribs. He said if I told anyone he would kill me. So I kept my mouth...
July 28th, 2014
הטרידו אותי
היי לינור קודם כל אני חייבת להגיד שראיתי את הסרט שלך אולי מאות פעמים וכל פעם אני מתרגשת מחדש. אני בת 13 ולפני כמה ימים הטרידו אותי וזה לא יוצא לי מהראש זה הלך ככה הלכתי עם חברה שלי לקניון ואז איש מבוגר פנה אלי ואמר לי שיש לי יופי...
September 18th, 2014
You Were Suppose To Protect Me
I was…young. Five or six when my brother raped me. I didn’t know what was going on. He had just pulled me into this small hallway that connected the bedroom hallway and kitchen. He had pulled out his penis and told me to touch it. Told me to pump it...
March 21st, 2016
Freshman on Campus
It was my freshman year on campus. I was always shy and quiet but I always attracted guys. The wrong guys. I wanted that fairytale love. After my first big rivalry game on campus I said goodnight to my friends and started my walk back to my dorm. I met...
Hola, no comprendo muy bien el idioma ingles por eso escribo esta corta historia en español, la persona que fue abusa es mi esposa cuan ella tenia 11 años por el esposo de una tía de ella y el esposo de una prima de ella. Al contarme esto sentí demasiada...
January 14th, 2015
When I was 8 years old a woman came into me, my brother’s and my dad’s life. My dad fell in love with her. Two years later, he proposed. A year and a half later we moved into her house. She had a nephew who was 17. I had liked...
I was raped 8 months ago…I was 20 years old at the time at my university when it happened. After watching Brave Miss World I felt compelled to share my story. I went out to the bar one night and got a drink, I set it down for a short...
October 16th, 2016
My Sister, My Best Friend & Me
I grew up very aware of the consequences of teenage girls, alcohol, and teenage boys. My parents adopted my older sisters Hayleigh and Vanessa from Spain. They were told they couldn’t have kids, but 14 years after they adopted the girls, they had me. When Vanessa was sixteen she was...
November 22nd, 2017
Never Thought It Would Happen to Me
Dear Survivor, I know the bad days outnumber the good ones. Maybe you haven’t even had a good day since it happened. Maybe you feel like your temptations are the only logical way to escape. Maybe you’re ignoring it. I thought ending my life was the only way to escape....
October 22nd, 2018
It is not my fault
The first incident I can really vividly remember was my freshman year of high school. I went to a school that required us to wear uniforms and I had to take the metro to school every day. I was sitting down by myself and a guy got on the train...
May 2nd, 2018
Finally Sharing
My story is old nearly two decades and yet it as if my rape was yesterday. I have done a lot of healing absolutely but this type of trauma never leaves you – it shapes you. I feel sad about the circumstances around my rape and as others have experienced...
July 9th, 2014
Something I’ve Never Shared
My story isn’t something I’ve ever talked about, so this feels very strange to me, but I just watched Brave Miss World and I was completely moved. I was 16 when I was raped. I shudder to even say that’s what happened to me. For a very long time I’ve...
June 13th, 2015
I Didn’t Know
So, I had this strange memory, I thought it was of a dream, but in it my best friend’s older brother was doing strange things to me. My young brain couldn’t comprehend it at the time, so I just set it aside. Many years later when I was having a...
August 20th, 2009
my story
אני בת 28, נשואה ואם לילד. עברתי פגיעה מינית מתמשכת, מגיל 9, ועד גיל 13.5, מאדם בגיל של הורי אני לא אוהבת לקרוא לעצמי “שורדת” כי בחיים יש הרבה יותר מזה כיום, בעיצומו של תהליך החלמה ושיקום, אני פעילה בארגוני נשים שונים, ביניהם מרכז הסיוע לנפגעות תקיפה מינית בישראל תודה...
August 8th, 2014
After I Was Raped
When I was little and I first heard about the concept of rape, I didn’t understand what was so horrible about it. I understood that clearly it was a bad thing to do – no one has the right to take control of someone else’s body like that. But I...
October 31st, 2018
Married to my Rapist
I was married to who I thought was a good man. We were together for 8 years, and I knew that he had once had a drinking problem but had conquered it. He began drinking again shortly into our marriage and, unbeknownst to me also started a cocaine habit that...
August 22nd, 2016
Finally Accepting I Was Raped
My story starts my first year of high school. I was the youngest person in my class; starting my freshman year at 13 years old. It was the first time being mixed together in classes with people older than myself. I was very sheltered by my parents, never allowed to...
February 26th, 2018
Military Sexual Trauma
I was in the Air Force, 18 years old, stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. I worked in the Foreign Technology Division, for the Commander. My car was in the mechanic, and I needed a ride back to the barracks. The Commander asked a 65 year old...
July 6th, 2016
First “Real” Boyfriend
I was a late bloomer, sexually. I didn’t explore my sexuality with anyone until I was sixteen years old, with my first serious boyfriend in high school. I had never done anything with anyone until him. I started to feel comfortable and safe when we would fool around. A week...
September 4th, 2018
Feelings After I was Raped 20 plus...
I am always screaming inside. What is Normal. I forgot who I was before I was raped. What is it like to be Happy. I never really sleep. I am always mad. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Rapist(s). Why I never told anyone. I...
June 16th, 2014
Raped By 6 Men
I was 18 years old when I was walking to the bus stop after class. I hear voices behind me calling me names but I don’t pay attention to them. I don’t know exactly what happened but suddenly I get pushed and I fall to the ground and hit my...
May 30th, 2014
Sexual Abuse
Hola. Tengo 25. La primera vez que fue abusada sexualmente fue por mi abuelo, yo tenía 7 u 8 años, cuando él me llamó a su habitación y me preguntó que si yo sabía besar, y yo le dije que no. Desde ahí empezaron una serie de actos desagradables. Cada...
August 26th, 2016
Why Me Over and Over?
I see stories of women being raped once when they are young adults or even teenagers and I kind of understand that was bad luck and that it could happen to anyone. I also hear stories of girls that were sexually abused when they were little and I guess that...
When I was 15, my boyfriend asked me if we could have sex or any sexual contact, I said no I wasn’t ready. We had been dating for 2 months. 2 nights after he asked me, he took me out to see a movie. We sat in the back and...
October 23rd, 2017
Emotional Abuse
1) He was sexually aroused by fat women and weight gain 2) He asked me to gain weight, and when I declined, he accused me of suppressing/demonizing his sexuality, and damaging his psychosocial wellbeing 3) I regressed into eating disorder behavior, to justify my refusal 4) I lost so much...
May 21st, 2016
Assaulted on a Holiday
When I was 18 (I am over a decade older now) I drove to a party with two of my friends, about an hour and a half away. I was going to see a guy I had known for a few years and knew everyone else at the party. We...
It has been with me since I’ve known. I’ve hidden it since it happened, or at least so I thought. The night it happened I will never forget. We went to a party, too young but yet responsible young girls. It was supposed to have fun fight. Something happened however....
October 27th, 2017
Time To Tell
February 21st, 2017 . I (15) got into a friends car(17) . he was high as a kite. we drove through my town just fooling around like teens do. we went down this road i asked him to turn around and take me home because i had a strange feeling....
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
November 15th, 2016
Hidden Emotions
My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over two years. When we first started dating she told me that she had been raped and was very matter of fact about it. The only details she gave me was that it was someone in her family. Fast forward...
January 23rd, 2015
Who I Once Called My Father
I am afraid… I have never told anyone… I don’t know where to start… But it has to come… My story begins on March 20, 1997… the day I was born. Yes, I am only 17, still very young. Going back to the day I was born, I have no...
November 7th, 2016
The Girl Who Went To College
It was early into my first year of college in New York City. (I’m from a really small Midwest town and grew up as a painfully awkward band geek and was going through my first ever breakup with my then-long-distance HS boyfriend back home but we were trying to stay...
February 23rd, 2016
Prescription Drugs
I’m 18 and recently started seeing a 26 year old guy I met online. After several meetings which left me feeling shameful and dissatisfied I agreed to see him again whilst I was high on codeine DXM and alcohol. The combination of drugs meant from the minute I got in...
February 18th, 2015
Raped at Camp
I was 9 years old at a campground my whole family went to every year, literally since I was a baby. The two teenage boys that raped me were neighbors from the adjacent campsite. They were sons of a minister. It happened when I was walking enjoying the woods. The...
I trusted a lot of people, never in my mind, I thought they will harm me, but I was wrong. I was hurt in a lot of ways. My boyfriend at that moment, he was sweet at first but everything changes the longer we were together. He never likes it...
May 4th, 2016
First Love to Long Term Abuse
I met my first love when I was 14 years old. I felt like a lost soul at that age and befriended a much older neighbor who was in his early 30s. I told him all my problems and he seemed very sweet and caring towards me. If I’m honest,...
September 24th, 2017
Drunk and Alone
I went drinking last night with a friend and we both were there intending to pick up. We got pretty wasted from drinks these 2 brothers were buying and we went out and around back to the alley to make out a bit. After a few minutes my friend waved...
April 20th, 2009
Thank you for speaking out…
I would like to first of all, praise all the women who’ve shared their stories on this website. It is a brave thing to discuss a topic so horrific and traumatizing. Speaking from personal experience, I know what kind of strength and courage that is needed to do such a...
February 22nd, 2017
I think my “boyfriend” raped me
I’m 16. I’ve been basically dating this guy for a few months.. we just haven’t made things official. Almost every time were alone we end up having sex. On Valentine’s Day he invited me to go out to east with him so after school he picked me up and we...
June 13th, 2018
Today, I Let It All Go
My rapist- is what I called him. But I refuse to take ownership of him. I refuse to take the blame for actions. I refuse to hold on to the guilt. Today, I let it all go. My story begins in a high school biology class. A seemingly harmless flirtation,...
January 7th, 2018
God Saw You Kill My Two Little...
I grew up in the Appalachian mountains with incest and violence, I’m an Appalachian inbred Hillbilly, ain’t nothing wrong with that. People who write similar stories or movies most times are not an inbred Hillbilly which makes my story unique. At nine years old I was beaten and raped at...
March 27th, 2018
I was raped involving 3 men that worked in the same workplace with me. MY PROFESSION WAS A DIETARY AID. I WAS ASSIGNED IN AN AREA WHERE ELDERLY PEOPLE EATS IN THE DINING ROOM. I WAS ASSIGNED BY MYSELF(which I thought I was). Three men where talking to each other...
August 1st, 2014
A Loss to Mankind
I was 8 yrs old when a stranger molested me in the elevator. All I remember is the police station, hospital and my parents panicked reactions. They never spoke of the event again and still won’t talk about it, pretend it never happened. At 18 I lived as an au-pair...
May 20th, 2016
Sexual Assault
Last year I was on holiday with my mother. We decided that we would use one day by ourself, to do what we wanted. So I went to a castle, a little bit out of the city where we were. Beside the castle, there was a historical house, so I...
August 12th, 2016
Young and Unaware
I’m 19 now and it took 4 years for me to process what had happened. I really only became aware of it 1 year ago. But when I was 14, I was dating a boy who was 17. I had lied about my age and he thought I was 15,...
August 24th, 2009
לא יוצאים מזה…
לינור יקרה- הסיפור שלך השפיע עלי רבות בזמנו (1998) כי ממש באותה תקופה הסיפור עם השכן שפגע בי התפוצץ… אני לא חיה מאז. אני חיה-מתה למען האמת… כל יום הוא מלחמה עבורי… אני נאחזת בשיניים, וזה לא קל. סליחה אם אני נשמעת פסימית (אולי זה בגלל התקופה…), אבל קשה מאוד...
August 29th, 2020
Why you should talk to your daughters...
At 16 I began dating my first serious boyfriend. I kept it a secret from my mom since she made it feel like I couldn’t talk to her about anything, love, sex, school, nothing. I had recently turned 16 and he was 17 at the time. We went to the...
July 6th, 2017
Do you believe me?
I dated this guy for 2 years. One night we went to a party. Before the party we messed around. He told me that I owed him. We went to the party then afterwards I knew I had to give him head or have sex. I hated giving head. I...
October 17th, 2018
The reason for my tattoo
So I decided that I will be getting a new tattoo, it’s my tattoo that tells the story of my rape, and that i am a survivor and not a victim anymore. I changed my major in college from nursing to social work because I want to make a change...
June 11th, 2015
Multiple Times
When I was 13 years old, I was raped for the first time. I was walking home, and suddenly this guy grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the bushes. He tied my hands to a tree and he blindfolded me. I didn’t see his face, or hear his...
April 15th, 2016
This is MY story
My name is Emmalin. My sister Kylie shared her story in here “my coach my rapist”. I am 17 and a junior in high school. My best friends are my sisters Taelyn, Kylie, and Hannah. Hannah is in the grade below me. I remember how much pain our family went...
November 2nd, 2016
First Time Sharing
I have never shared my story before in detail. I have told a couple close friends that I was raped but I can tell by how they react that they don’t believe me or it makes them uncomfortable. I had known the guy for a few years, his family was...
February 14th, 2017
I Thought I Was Safe
It was sophomore year of college and I was so happy to move back on campus. It had never occurred to me that with the independence and freedom I found in college, there also came many things I needed to be aware of that could compromise my safety. I was...
March 28th, 2016
Gang Rape
Hi my name is Rebecca and I live in Sydney Australia. In year 12/final year of high school, when I was 17, I went to a friends 18th birthday party on a Friday night in April. I was really looking forward to it as that day was the end of...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
September 23rd, 2016
I was raped by a family friend. Someone I thought I could trust. I was wrong. He kept me in a room at my mother’s home all night long. I felt like I was going to die, or I wished it at the time. I wanted to go to the...
August 13th, 2018
Every one ignored me
Two days after Christmas last year 2017, my soon to be ex husband came into my home and raped me. He was furious I had been seeing someone else, tho we had been separated since September of that year, but he spent our entire 8 years seeing other women. We...
December 17th, 2015
Raped and Numbed
For a long time I felt ashamed about what happened to me. I thought it was all my own fault. I never had a high self-esteem of myself. Other girls were better than me, I was an outsider. I did not finish my school and went partying a lot and...
May 16th, 2016
Don’t Know
I was 17 and he was 20 we were dating for 4 months he was lovely. He moved to London and I stayed at his for the weekend but it wasn’t the 1st time. Everything was normal. He put my phone on charge for me as we were watching Mean...
June 3rd, 2021
he made me loose hope in love…
I met this boy soon after leaving a long term relationship.. I was heartbroken and had my guard down when we began dating. Our relationship started as innocent “hookups” and turned into more. But he quickly became abusive. In my words i would say, he treated me like a piece...
September 1st, 2014
Remember November
November 1st of 2013, my two friends were having a Halloween birthday party. Halloween is/was my favorite holiday but now it only brings bad memories to the surface. I was 19 years old and at my friends’ party only holding a solo cup full of water. I did not drink...
April 7th, 2016
Knowledge is Power
Summer of 2015 my cousin brought his best friend to our family’s 4th of July celebration. His friend had always been flirty with me, but I had a boyfriend before this summer and he had a girlfriend. After he found out I was single on 4th of July, he started...
January 16th, 2015
My father raped me, on average of twice per week, from the time I was 8-17 years old. When I was 10, I was mutilated during one of the rapes (there is no way to describe the pain), and hospitalized (see medical report here: My father was also physically...
February 9th, 2016
I Was Just a Dancer
I got kicked out when I was 17. My mother and I didn’t get along. My mother has some mental problems. I still love her though… Since I got kicked out and I was still in high school, I started to be a stripper because it got the bills paid....
August 14th, 2015
My Rape
It was 1 week before my 20th birthday, and I went to a bar after hearing that my grandparents had been in a car accident. I knew I was strong, and that I could handle myself, and I went without fear. A man kept buying me drinks, and I kept...
February 16th, 2017
Someone I Thought I Could Trust
It was summer 2016, I was 17 at the time almost 18. I was in karate for 7 years, I had quit when I was 13 or 14. By this time my mom was still going and I decided to go with her to watch. I saw a few people...
January 24th, 2016
My Younger Sister
I am a 29 year old woman living in Cape Town, South Africa. I have just watched Brave Miss World on Netflix and for the first time I felt like it was okay to cry but also know that there may come a time when my sister will feel empowered...
November 13th, 2017
Bad Morning
I woke up next to this guy. I don’t know what we did. I didn’t stay to find his name. I am in pain. I am not a virgin. I left him a post-it with my contact info. I need a call to discuss this. I want to back up...
May 14th, 2016
Party Assault
I went to a party about a year ago, and I saw a boy that used to fancy and gave him a hug, but I didn’t fancy him anymore. It was probably the first time he had seen me wearing makeup as i had moved schools and hadn’t seen him,...
July 8th, 2016
I Trusted Him
I was 11 when it first started, just about to start 6th grade. I would come home from school, put my stuff down and go tell him I was home. He would be happy, guide me to his room and undress me. I would hit him and bite him but...
My name is Mary I am 58 years old When I was 24 I was living in Holland I was raped at knife point I went to the police on the same day I gave a full statement and had to be examined The rapist was never found Many years...
February 2nd, 2022
It wasn’t your fault
It Wasn’t Your Fault The mere fact of being born a woman is enough to place you in a sort of danger for your entire life. Society still makes sure to place you there, and more importantly, to make you believe it is only your fault. And while I did...