August 30th, 2019

My story growing up with a secret

I’m a black South African, I’m 40 years old now, and my son it 20 years old… loved, taught but I still can never live him alone with my nieces as I was left alone and violeted💔💔😭😭 I have spoken about this, but I hate putting this down in writting😭😭...
April 1st, 2021

Sex doll

After work one night I was drugged by a co-worker. I woke up in his bed naked. He was not in the room. I felt 2 emotions very heavily and immediately. Shame and wrong. I remember looking around for my clothes in a panic. I don’t remember how I got...
August 18th, 2019

Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
September 1st, 2019

My fiancé is my rapist but I...

I have a past of sexual abuse but for the most part I’ve put it behind me though I get flashbacks every so often when watching a triggering show or something. My problem currently is my fiancé. This isn’t a new development in our relationship this started since we started...
November 2nd, 2020

Rape !!

It is how and why I was raped , and being told it was my mistake
March 8th, 2020

You Were Supposed to Be My Protector

You were supposed to keep me safe. Instead, you were the one to cause me harm. You came into my room one night when I was thirteen and took my virginity. You were my stepfather but still was supposed to take care of me like a father. You entered my...
December 26th, 2023

Daycare Teacher

To understand this story easier I want you to know I am trans, female to male. When I was a kid I had this daycare teacher. She was everyones favourite, all the kids loved her. I did too. I don’t remember her name, but I do remember she only had...
March 22nd, 2016

Gang Rape

Three years ago I was gang raped by three men, I was 13. It all happened when my mum was sectioned because she has bipolar and I had to live with my auntie for a while. It was just before Christmas and my auntie wanted to go to a friends...
September 28th, 2019

I Didn’t Know I Was Raped

Grass stains on my back and blood in my jeans I gain consciousness while my body is jerked like a rag doll My eyes focus on the hazy streetlights as I try to make sense of my surroundings I hear his zipper as he’s walking away So, I pull up...
June 26th, 2019

Why Me?

It was homecoming at my UW campus. Eau Claire is supposed to be a safe city. A good city. A great school. Homecoming week my friends and I attended a party one night. We had been drinking all day and it was bar time so we went to the party....
August 17th, 2019

My/our German “Weinstein” Case

My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
December 17th, 2019

dad and mom rape

July 3rd, 2020

The pain that was never mine to...

I was a freshman in college. It was first semester and I was there for maybe about a month. One night my friends and I went to a party. As we were there, I started talking to a guy and eventually went back to his appt.  Once we were in...
April 27th, 2019

Everyone Else Likes You, Too

I had never been to a bar before. Sure, I’d gone out to Applebees with other coworkers where they’d serve me drinks. But I was 19, and had to drive home. I had never been drunk before, and didn’t push my limits. I went to the bar to see him...
November 15th, 2020

J’avais 13 ans

J’avais 13 ans j’étais allé avec mon amie chez un gars pour la soirée ils étaient trois gars et c’etait la première fois que je buvais de l’alcool et ce gars qui s’appelle pascal m’a agressé. Je ne l’ai dis a personne et j’ai fait comme si rien ne s’était...
June 20th, 2023

Sexual harassment

When I was 17 years old, I used to go to my older cousin house for the summer and helped babysit her kids. Her husband who was a pastor started touching my me and would constantly tried to convince me to have an affair with him. I tried to stay...
June 24th, 2020

Too naïve

I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
March 12th, 2022


On February 24th 2021 by boyfriend (ex now) raped me in my home. I was black out drunk and unable to consent, and he crossed boundaries we had set sober. He lives less than a minute from me, and never faced charges because of lack of physical evidence. The detective...
May 1st, 2019

I don’t know if I was raped

One night my boyfriend of three years was out with some friends drinking. When he came back home I was already laying in bed. We got into a little altercation and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was always a big drinker and I never liked that...
July 16th, 2020

Mental Breakdown

My life’s a mess at 19, but I don’t like complaining to people (friends + family) because I don’t want to burden someone else with my problems, and to be honest nobody really cares like that, I don’t want to project myself as this ‘weak abused girl’ so later on...
October 4th, 2020

Pastor’s Son

He was a pastor’s son named after an important figure in the bible. A regular church attendee who made his love for Jesus well known. But now he is a painful memory. It was my first semester at Angelo State University. I was lonely. Luckily I met great people who...
October 29th, 2019

‘I have a voice’

I was about 35 years old and I’m sat in a police station talking to a policeman about what happened to me as a child. My friend had helped to get to this point but I had spoke out many times, even when I was very little girl around 4...
September 18th, 2019

Raped in the Air Force

My first duty stationed 28 years ago, i was sexually assaulted by my first supervisor and violently raped by an officer in my unit. The violence of that raped, ruined me for a long time. Suffer from severe PTSD and after 31 years i am being forced out of the...
December 5th, 2020

Summer 2019

I got my first job working at a lovely Mediterranean restaurant/cafe one summer because my teacher said she knew the man who ran the place and put in a reference for me. I was 15. He was in his 60s. Two days after I started, the groping began. Only he...
May 26th, 2020

My Last Party

It was my first year of college. I was the type that hated parties since high school so I barely go out. But our midterms were finished and my friend insisted we should go. So I decided to call my boyfriend too. I remember the party was too loud and...
April 9th, 2020

People don’t think your spouse can rape...

6 months ago my husband forced me to have sex with him because it was his birthday and he deserved it. Even after repeatedly telling him no, I was forced to comply with his request. I felt dirty after that. Like my marriage had been deviled. I went into a...
May 7th, 2019

Too much trauma

I applaud your mission and vision. Watching Brave Miss World was very cathartic. I had a very tough childhood, enduring physical abuse from a stepfather. When I was 11, I was molested by a male cousin. At 19, I was raped and sodomized by my boyfriend at the time who...
December 23rd, 2014

Blaming Myself

I am 20 years old and it happened when I was 17. I was at a party, the kind with drugs and alcohol. I got too drunk and passed out in the basement. When I came to the boy I had been flirting with all night was on top of...
December 9th, 2015

They asked if I was lying

In August 2005, I was raped by someone known to my family. I was drunk and passed out when it happened. For a long time, I felt like it was my mistake. Like it was my fault that someone had done this to me. I remember people asking me if...
March 15th, 2024

I’m a Survivor because I am a...

My ex husband wanted to get rid of me and my family because he had a new girlfriend so he started bringing the Neighbors in to rape me and his girlfriends to cut my hair and burn me nothing has been done I went to a woman and children’s battered...
May 14th, 2021

16 and 45

so im a boy and a met this girl when i was 16/15 ish and she was like 45 or something. anyway we met at a party and she was all over me kissing me. and as a 16 year old boy i thought it was cool and we started...
December 7th, 2019

Things do get better

I am a very happy person now. I’m dating the best person I know but I, too had a horrible history. I was bullied in high school. It all started when I was invited to a party. I went there and a guy offered me a drink and dumb me...
April 21st, 2021

A respectable collegue

The next day I walked down the stairs to the hotel, aware that he was sitting at the table having breakfast. Some things you think would never happen to you, you think that working externally with a colleague (married and with children) is not dangerous. But then in a moment...
June 14th, 2019

A not so perfect family exposed to...

When I told my story no one cared, my dad who had raped me hundreds of times was never charged, my mom who watched was never punished and my brother who wasn’t exactly innocent or guilty in the matter is the only one charged. I was told by police that...
August 25th, 2019

My Journey (sexual abuse)

After nearly 10 years, I have finally found the strength to speak up about what happened to me when I was a child. I was sexually abused by my step brother over a number of years from the ages of 8 till about 17. I didn’t know what was happening...
June 14th, 2014


When I was 15 years old I had gotten a Facebook message from a guy telling me I was beautiful and that he wanted to take me out for coffee. After he asked me if I wanted to hang out at his place and I went. I had fount out...
June 3rd, 2021

he made me loose hope in love…

I met this boy soon after leaving a long term relationship.. I was heartbroken and had my guard down when we began dating. Our relationship started as innocent “hookups” and turned into more. But he quickly became abusive. In my words i would say, he treated me like a piece...
September 13th, 2022

Raped in my own bed

Locked forever in Liberty Plaza, Frozen in time, always saying no, But no one hears me, no one listens and no one comes. But why would they? If I don’t scream for help. Locked forever, in my tiny uni room. Your clothes, stained with vomit, in my bathroom. Photos of...
October 12th, 2020

My Husband Repeatedly Raped me

“When I finally indulge inquisitive listeners with the truth of why my marriage ended, it’s a very mixed response… “Rachel!?” they ask “I thought you two looked really solid! You seemed to get on so well, why did you split up?” “Because my husband decided it was OK to rape...
August 30th, 2020

Drunken Sex or Assault?

First of all, ‘m not even sure if this was truly a rape or not. My memory of the night is very foggy and I want advice more than anything. I was drinking and catching up with a close male friend of mine. We met my first year of college...
May 8th, 2019

Spoke out and was blamed

I am the only girl at a job of 4 men. I am also 20 while these men are 40+. One worker would grab me from behind when I would walk in the back to the bathroom. This would happen often. One day all my coworkers had to go outside...
February 28th, 2016

Living Nightmare

Two years ago at about 1am this guy texted me and wanted to come over. Ie said he had a bottle of vodka so of course like a stupid little kid (I was 15) I was like oh yea come over. My parents were sleeping upstairs and my brother was...
December 11th, 2020

Letter to…

To all the boys who watched porn and grew up thinking that’s how women deserve to be treated To the parents, teachers, adults who should know better, who never taught us about consent or that women are equal partners in sex To the society that made me feel like sex...
December 30th, 2020


I got raped nearly 14 years ago now, it never gets easier over time im constantly numb, painless and confused. I’ve never felt what it is to be normal I always feel unwanted, scared and betrayed. The police never did anything, didn’t arrest him, didn’t question him they said they...
January 14th, 2021

Raped in my Hostel

His name is Charlie. I met him at the hostel I was staying at in Miami. He wasn’t friendly like others I had met. He didn’t speak to me until the night he left, the night he raped me. I was hanging out with some other people I met. They...
July 10th, 2019

So drunk I can’t remember

I was turning 18. I was partying like any teen would. I drank a lot. I threw up, sat down. They picked me up and put me in their car. They said “don’t worry we’ll take care of you. You won’t miss the bus”. I remember lying on the bed...
October 15th, 2022

Male dancer

Hello my Name is Tj. This happen about 4 years ago I was 19 years old at very young age I always tried to see the good in people. I was always happy and felt nothing could break me down went threw cancer as a baby lost my brother and...
May 25th, 2019

I need some advice

My name is Aleksandra and I am from Macedonia, Europe. I am almost 20 years old. On February 12, 2018 I was raped by 3 men. It was terrible, rape taking place in the woods, being virgin and taking several hours. I managed hardly to get home, being physically and...
May 24th, 2019

The Statistics that Changed Me

2 sexual assaults and 1 rape… the statistics of my story. I can’t promise that this story is pleasant, but I can tell you that power and growth comes with telling it. So sincerely, thank you for hearing me out. October 2017 I was in Chebut, Argentina(a part of the...
March 16th, 2021

I just realized this today.

I am an educated 37 year old social worker. I am married with two kids, 2 dogs, and 3 chickens. Over the last few months I’ve been having a profound experience where things I didn’t even know I had been holding to have surfaced. Today, while sitting in the car...
December 23rd, 2022

When school isn’t safe. (Australia)

I was in year 9. I endured over 6 months of sexual harassment, intimidation and violence every day during school times. The teachers were aware of this, but their only concern was the length of my skirt. Whether I was “asking for it”. Being “overdramatic”. The boys who did it...
September 30th, 2019

Finding Me

I don’t really know where to begin I don’t really know if some days I belive in myself. Somedays I suppress all the feeling away that in order for me to breath in order for me to stay alive. This is the first time Im telling my story and I...
July 11th, 2022

i hate myself for thinking its my...

it started when i was 6 i had a cousin and he had a game we would play he said it was a fun game and well unfortunately i didn’t know this back then by i know now that i was sexually abused back then he would touch me inappropriately...
August 18th, 2019

Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
June 8th, 2023

Unethical or illegal?

Last year my partner and I worked for the same business. It was a small business near a small town and it had no management or HR of any sort – only one man owned and ran it, even though it served thousands of people each year. I hit it...
June 24th, 2020

Too naïve

I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
January 11th, 2016

Dad and Uncle Raped Me

I was 12 years old. Christmas Eve 1995 when I was home with my dad and his brother who my uncle. They were drinking, I was in my room sleeping when my uncle came in and took my pants off. He was kissing and touching me. He said he wanted...
October 12th, 2023

Workplace Sexual Harassment

As I write this story to you, please note that this sexual harassment case is still in progress. It began in December of 2022 when I worked as a contractor for a company named TEKsystems. I do IT work for Nutrien Ag Solutions. The first week I was there, I...
September 24th, 2020

Broken down car

Back in the early 1980’s, I was just a young girl just starting to drive. My first car was a clunker but it got me where I needed to go except for that one time. I was fighting with my family so I left mad and went out for a...
April 12th, 2017

The abuser

When I was 4 my mum married the most aggressive man. When I was 6 he started touching me and making me watch him touch himself and was told to never to tell anyone. Of course I never because I was terrified it kept happening until I was about 15,...
February 28th, 2016

Living Nightmare

Two years ago at about 1am this guy texted me and wanted to come over. Ie said he had a bottle of vodka so of course like a stupid little kid (I was 15) I was like oh yea come over. My parents were sleeping upstairs and my brother was...
December 26th, 2019


I was raped by a co-worker when I was in my mid-20’s. We were at a work function, we were all drinking, then about 10 of us went to his place to continue the party. He grabbed me on my way out of the washroom and dragged me into his...
March 15th, 2024

I’m a Survivor because I am a...

My ex husband wanted to get rid of me and my family because he had a new girlfriend so he started bringing the Neighbors in to rape me and his girlfriends to cut my hair and burn me nothing has been done I went to a woman and children’s battered...
May 27th, 2019

I was raped…

He is the son of my father’s friend. We’ve known each other since we were children. May 28th 2018, I will never forget this day, he texted me that he was in the city where my university in and wanted to have dinner with me. We met at a restaurant...