October 10th, 2021

Is this normal?

It all started in Febuary 17th 2020. My first boyfriend. At first he was sweet, he’d walk me to school, compliment me, ask me for consent every time he touhed me. But then the honeymoon phase wore off right after he took my virginity 3 months in. He started belittling...
July 29th, 2013

Why: A Poem About My Rape

Soothe my whys with soft whispers Wipe my tears with your love Make me whole again No more, I beg No more No more Unwanted touch Unwelcomed Stiff, rough caresses No man to hold me down, Give me forbidden kisses Legs forced apart Like rusty hinges Hinges to a door...
October 9th, 2022

When My Body Wasn’t Mine.

I remember the times where my body wasn’t mine. When you grabbed my barely developing body forcefully. And my small body with little to no strength could not fight back. Could not take away your hands from places that were supposed to be private. Places that were supposed to be...
May 14th, 2019

Drunk and taken advantage of

It happened in October of 2018, I was 15, and a sophomore in high school. I live in a small town where teens to nothing but party to have fun because there is nothing else to do. In the town next to mine there is a college that a couple...
December 5th, 2020

Constant fear

Does he know he destroyed me? Does he know that have a “normal relationship” for 2 years because of him? Does he know that he made me lose weed little confidence I had? Or that I still have nightmares of what you did to me? Does he know that even...
March 8th, 2016

Abuse Continued

My story differs from a lot of stories here in that, there was no actual penetration (unless it happened to me during my sleep, which I sometimes wonder). I was molested by my mother’s ex-husband. I must have been around 7, 8 or 9. This “man” lived in the house,...
May 24th, 2019

The Statistics that Changed Me

2 sexual assaults and 1 rape… the statistics of my story. I can’t promise that this story is pleasant, but I can tell you that power and growth comes with telling it. So sincerely, thank you for hearing me out. October 2017 I was in Chebut, Argentina(a part of the...
September 8th, 2019

Frozen in fear

I thank you for your story. I have kept silent about all my traumas for most of my life. In the last 2 years I have started my healing journey and still have a hard time sharing with anyone but my therapist. I mostly have shamed myself because of how...
June 5th, 2019

Christianity teaches men to treat women like...

I was born into a Christian household, 12 siblings, my mum was pregnant with twins,when I was 19, the guy I started dating (courting) was perfect in the eyes of my father, he has 8 siblings and both attended the same Christian church. We married after 3 months, on our...
August 10th, 2014

Halloween Nightmare

I was raped at the age of 22 while in college. It was my senior year and all I was looking forward to was running well and making the grades in school. I was on the varsity cross country and track team for my university and when October came it...
February 28th, 2016

Living Nightmare

Two years ago at about 1am this guy texted me and wanted to come over. Ie said he had a bottle of vodka so of course like a stupid little kid (I was 15) I was like oh yea come over. My parents were sleeping upstairs and my brother was...
August 17th, 2019

My/our German “Weinstein” Case

My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
August 26th, 2019

Family members ex husband

I was 5 years old going through heart surgery when he would come home late from work drunk, or high or his normal scary self and he would come into my room and put his hands down my pants and feel my butt I would act like I couldn’t feel...
April 20th, 2022

So long, I’ll be seeing you everywhere

He was my boyfriend. I thought he saw us as equals – after all, we used to be members of progressive parties in our country. But I was wrong. One night, I told him that I do not want to have sex that time because I might get pregnant. He...
March 5th, 2024

My step dad raped me

I would have never imagined the person who I praised and idolised could have ever hurt me this much. An individual who I adored more than I could have anyone. A parent is a person whose sole purpose is to provide, care for and show love to their child. A...
August 17th, 2019

My/our German “Weinstein” Case

My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
November 12th, 2014

Finally Using My Voice

I just finished watching Brave Miss World and I wanted to thank you for making this movie. I was date raped when I was 16. This is how I lost my virginity. It took a long time to even understand what happened to me. I blamed myself for getting too...
August 11th, 2019

My secret

It all started when i was about 7 .first of all i thought it was all my fault because it was happening again and again …so i blame myself .but then i was only a child .i was sexually abused by 4 different men in my childhood .the first was...
June 3rd, 2021

he made me loose hope in love…

I met this boy soon after leaving a long term relationship.. I was heartbroken and had my guard down when we began dating. Our relationship started as innocent “hookups” and turned into more. But he quickly became abusive. In my words i would say, he treated me like a piece...
May 8th, 2019

Spoke out and was blamed

I am the only girl at a job of 4 men. I am also 20 while these men are 40+. One worker would grab me from behind when I would walk in the back to the bathroom. This would happen often. One day all my coworkers had to go outside...
September 2nd, 2020

I am a Survivor.

I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I was first touched when I was around 3 years old, all the way up until 14. The person who molested me as a child was my next door neighbor. I was not protected by my mother. I tried to tell her...
April 21st, 2019

Going Through the Emotions

I love Law and Order SVU. I watched it every Saturday, drawn in by the plot and intriguing characters, but I never understood the victims until I myself became one. While watching SVU I would sometimes wonder “Why don’t they want to report it?” “How can someone get raped so...
October 30th, 2020


I met this man online and after we went out to eat he took me back to his place and after me telling him no I didn’t want to perform any type of sex he proceeded to penetrate me until I started to bleed and he didn’t stop until I...
July 8th, 2021

Dad Raped Me

1) this man “casually” crossed my boundaries. When I told him to stop, he did, but throughout the encounter he continued to ask me if I would like it if he did the thing that I told him explicitly he could not do. I never mentioned this interaction being poor...
October 15th, 2022

Male dancer

Hello my Name is Tj. This happen about 4 years ago I was 19 years old at very young age I always tried to see the good in people. I was always happy and felt nothing could break me down went threw cancer as a baby lost my brother and...
August 8th, 2020

Will I ever get over it.

I’m not ready to share my story yet and the first time it happened was 13 years ago the most recent is 6 years ago. Will it ever be easier to talk about or cope with. I feel like I’ve moved on, like I’m over it. Then my husband tries...
July 30th, 2022

Some of my story

For a long time I left things unsaid about what I’ve experiencedin the care of NJ as a ward. The number of abuses I experienced are numerous, and difficult to hear and read, even this late they bother me but I’m working through them…they include: Having my underwear pulled down...
May 28th, 2021


We were in the office room of my parents house. Both of my parents were out that evening, or maybe it was late afternoon. There had been an incident the week before in my room where we had almost had sex, but I held back at the last minute; starting...
September 18th, 2019

Raped in the Air Force

My first duty stationed 28 years ago, i was sexually assaulted by my first supervisor and violently raped by an officer in my unit. The violence of that raped, ruined me for a long time. Suffer from severe PTSD and after 31 years i am being forced out of the...
August 24th, 2020

A letter to the monster

Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. That’s how the FBI defines rape. That’s what you did that day. You raped me. I realized it...
May 28th, 2021


We were in the office room of my parents house. Both of my parents were out that evening, or maybe it was late afternoon. There had been an incident the week before in my room where we had almost had sex, but I held back at the last minute; starting...
April 21st, 2019

4th grade

I an finally seeking help and starting therapy next Sunday for an on going sexual assult that occured in 4th grade. It happened in a dark classroom behind his big desk. All I could do was focus on the sparce light coming through the window, the rattle of his belt,...
July 10th, 2019

So drunk I can’t remember

I was turning 18. I was partying like any teen would. I drank a lot. I threw up, sat down. They picked me up and put me in their car. They said “don’t worry we’ll take care of you. You won’t miss the bus”. I remember lying on the bed...
December 7th, 2019

Things do get better

I am a very happy person now. I’m dating the best person I know but I, too had a horrible history. I was bullied in high school. It all started when I was invited to a party. I went there and a guy offered me a drink and dumb me...
October 10th, 2021

Is this normal?

It all started in Febuary 17th 2020. My first boyfriend. At first he was sweet, he’d walk me to school, compliment me, ask me for consent every time he touhed me. But then the honeymoon phase wore off right after he took my virginity 3 months in. He started belittling...
August 29th, 2020

Why you should talk to your daughters...

At 16 I began dating my first serious boyfriend. I kept it a secret from my mom since she made it feel like I couldn’t talk to her about anything, love, sex, school, nothing. I had recently turned 16 and he was 17 at the time. We went to the...
October 21st, 2019


My story is about how I was abused at the age of 9 till the age of 13 by a close family member, and how much this destroyed my life , it was a trauma as a child, it was intense
August 22nd, 2022

Fraternity gang rape

This is something I have never shared online before only with close family and my current partner. When I was freshly 19 I moved to Eastern Washington University to start school as a freshman. I had just gotten out of a long term relationship and would be attending school with...
December 5th, 2020

Summer 2019

I got my first job working at a lovely Mediterranean restaurant/cafe one summer because my teacher said she knew the man who ran the place and put in a reference for me. I was 15. He was in his 60s. Two days after I started, the groping began. Only he...
May 16th, 2021

My babysitter

My mom and dad used to work nights and would have my sisters friend’s parents watch us. They had three children…two sons and a daughter. My mom was always the one that would take us over there. The oldest son would put on horror movies and pin me down and...
April 14th, 2021


My freshman year of college I attended a party that ended with my friends leaving me and me getting assaulted by a group of men. Since then, I’ve struggled with my safety and my self worth. The second case was a friend who took advantage of me when I was...
January 27th, 2024

Blamed myself …

I got raped multiple times. I got sexually assaulted multiple times. I blamed myself. I saved a lot of women from being raped even men and when I was being sa and raped. no one saved me till today. I go outside and see the people who did it to...
August 30th, 2019

My story growing up with a secret

I’m a black South African, I’m 40 years old now, and my son it 20 years old… loved, taught but I still can never live him alone with my nieces as I was left alone and violeted💔💔😭😭 I have spoken about this, but I hate putting this down in writting😭😭...
April 27th, 2019

Everyone Else Likes You, Too

I had never been to a bar before. Sure, I’d gone out to Applebees with other coworkers where they’d serve me drinks. But I was 19, and had to drive home. I had never been drunk before, and didn’t push my limits. I went to the bar to see him...
February 16th, 2024

It was

I was 14, this was my first real relationship. A guy I had lost my virginity too. It was a very toxic relationship with a guy my age. We both came from very rough child hoods. One evening me him and all out friends got together and drank I decided...
August 29th, 2020

Why you should talk to your daughters...

At 16 I began dating my first serious boyfriend. I kept it a secret from my mom since she made it feel like I couldn’t talk to her about anything, love, sex, school, nothing. I had recently turned 16 and he was 17 at the time. We went to the...
April 21st, 2021

A respectable collegue

The next day I walked down the stairs to the hotel, aware that he was sitting at the table having breakfast. Some things you think would never happen to you, you think that working externally with a colleague (married and with children) is not dangerous. But then in a moment...
August 18th, 2019

Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...

Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
July 23rd, 2020

Sexual molestation as a child

I came to the USA from Ireland when I was 6. My mother had been here a year by then. I arrived with my siblings to a new world. My mother had an alcoholic abusive boyfriend that started touching me at the age of 6. It kept on until I...
June 21st, 2021

Drugged raped and failed by justice

On March 31st, 2017, I planned an early evening out wanting to catch up with my good friend Wendy, 35, a teacher for the Santa Clara County Juvenile Detention Center. We went to a place in Downtown Willow Glen. Wendy picked me up from my home about 8 pm. We...
December 26th, 2019


I was raped by a co-worker when I was in my mid-20’s. We were at a work function, we were all drinking, then about 10 of us went to his place to continue the party. He grabbed me on my way out of the washroom and dragged me into his...
July 17th, 2019

Boyfriend Forcefully Sodomized Me

I had been with my (still current) boyfriend for about a year the night that it happened. We had been staying out of town in the mountains, having a great time. That night, we had a few drinks at a bar across the street from the hotel we were staying...
August 13th, 2022


This is my story; Being a fan of a few Korean actors and follow them trough a fan page is a great way to be updated for all the in’s and out’s. Especially you can share these with more admires all over the world, we all admire these amazing actors....
April 30th, 2022


I was thirteen. I was dating this kid from another school, we had been seeing each other for about five months before the assault had occured. i had always noticed him getting violent with me or getting manipulative when he wanted me to do something i wasnt comfortable but i...
January 18th, 2021

Finally Arrested

Lexington man charged with indecent liberties with a minor One if the men who molested me was finally arrested… I never told on him but one strong child did! Thank you child, I am sorry I didn’t report this when I should have. You are brave!
April 1st, 2021

Sex doll

After work one night I was drugged by a co-worker. I woke up in his bed naked. He was not in the room. I felt 2 emotions very heavily and immediately. Shame and wrong. I remember looking around for my clothes in a panic. I don’t remember how I got...
July 16th, 2019


One night when I was 24 years old, I was returning home after a dinner with friends and two guys approach me two blocks from my building. The took all my money and things, and raped me there on the street. A month later the police caught the guys, and...
November 15th, 2020

J’avais 13 ans

J’avais 13 ans j’étais allé avec mon amie chez un gars pour la soirée ils étaient trois gars et c’etait la première fois que je buvais de l’alcool et ce gars qui s’appelle pascal m’a agressé. Je ne l’ai dis a personne et j’ai fait comme si rien ne s’était...
May 14th, 2021

16 and 45

so im a boy and a met this girl when i was 16/15 ish and she was like 45 or something. anyway we met at a party and she was all over me kissing me. and as a 16 year old boy i thought it was cool and we started...
October 4th, 2020

Pastor’s Son

He was a pastor’s son named after an important figure in the bible. A regular church attendee who made his love for Jesus well known. But now he is a painful memory. It was my first semester at Angelo State University. I was lonely. Luckily I met great people who...
June 29th, 2020

Red Flags

I texted her. The girl he is currently seeing. I reached out to her as soon as I found out they were together. I told her that he was in fact a predator and told her to be careful. I didn’t need to text her, but I did. It was...
October 12th, 2023

Workplace Sexual Harassment

As I write this story to you, please note that this sexual harassment case is still in progress. It began in December of 2022 when I worked as a contractor for a company named TEKsystems. I do IT work for Nutrien Ag Solutions. The first week I was there, I...
August 26th, 2020

Stranger, Friend, Lawyer, and Youth Leader

People have accused me of being a liar and the one with whom the fault lies… repeatedly. They use statistics to give themselves a platform to shame me or to feel better about their lives, because they don’t want to face reality. The reality is that statistics are not always...
June 30th, 2019

Need advice

I posted my story here in the past about how i was raped by a stranger when i was extremely drunk, however I am in need of advice, unfortunately I have to see the person who raped me every now and then in public in my town and it almost...
April 4th, 2020

It was my ex boyfriend

It was a ex boyfriend. 2 years ago and I was 22 years old. We had been dating for a few months. We were on a date and pulled into a parking lot to what I thought we were going to go inside a gaming store. He had other plans....
September 24th, 2020

Broken down car

Back in the early 1980’s, I was just a young girl just starting to drive. My first car was a clunker but it got me where I needed to go except for that one time. I was fighting with my family so I left mad and went out for a...
June 8th, 2023

Unethical or illegal?

Last year my partner and I worked for the same business. It was a small business near a small town and it had no management or HR of any sort – only one man owned and ran it, even though it served thousands of people each year. I hit it...
June 24th, 2020

Too naïve

I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
July 14th, 2020

Raped in a Psychiatric Hospital in the...

I apologize for not being able to share my name at this stage- my case is still under investigation, and I do not wish to jeopardize this. The shroud of silence is quadrupled when one is mentally ill and the perpetrator is someone who is meant to be a healer....