June 29th, 2014

Every Time I Said “No”

I could write a novel with the sexual harassment and mental and physical abuse i have survived in my lifetime. Yet i will stick to the worse three sexual assaults.. I was brought up in a very religious home. Not so much *the good type* of religion, yet the type...
June 29th, 2014

Never Got Over It

I am in my 40’s now, but I feel like a huge part of me is still stuck in the past! Every time something starts to go well in my life, I have a way of messing it up. I feel socially awkward, so I spend a lot of time...
June 29th, 2014

My Rape

I stare at this blank page trying to figure out what to write… I had been raped and sodomized several times by my children’s father, my husband. We got together in October 1999 and the first rape was in 2001 after our first child was born. My second child was...
June 29th, 2014


You are fearless – even when vulnerable. My story is different. I don’t know what is considered “rape” – my grandfather never inserted his penis inside me, but he licked me, touched me and massaged me. It was rape in my mind. He also raped my mind as he convinced...
June 27th, 2014

Lasting Effects

I just watched the Brave Miss World on Netflix. I was raped four times by four different men when I was between the ages of 16 and 22. I am now 44. I thought I was over all of it. The documentary showed me just how NOT over it I am....
June 27th, 2014


I just saw the documentary and can’t stop crying… I was molested as a child by a driver who worked for my family. He would run errands for my grandmother and I would come along (I was 6 or 7) because I loved the car ride. One night he parked...
June 27th, 2014

The Monster With The Pretty Smile

I was in grade nine when I lost something that can never be returned. I just want to make it clear that I do not want anyone’s pity, or empathy. I don’t want people to say “that poor girl how could someone do something like that to her?” What’s done...
June 27th, 2014

I Was 20

I was 20, he is a very wealthy man, I still see him often times, he didn’t rape me he sexually assaulted me, I said NO! he didn’t care, he showered me afterward, I wish I could punish him, I wish I could forgive him, I also wish I could...
June 26th, 2014

Afraid of Being Judged

When I was 18 years old I was like a lot of young women-dating, trying out relationships, making mistakes. My biggest mistake was to trust a “friend.”. We had a passionate relationship at the start. We were both college freshman, I had a long-distance boyfriend that wasn’t working out-and we...
June 26th, 2014

My Best Friend

When I was 15 my best friend was kidnapped and rapped by multiple men. I got a phone call from the police at my Moms home and we were asked multiple questions. My best friend had been kidnapped, walking down the street in Palmdale, Cal. She was with a 15...
June 26th, 2014

I Was Manipulated

3 weeks before I left my first year of college, (I had just turned 19) I met a boy through a school event and a few mutual friends. I talked to him first, and he felt that my initiation meant that “I wanted it”. I had recently been through a...
June 26th, 2014

Never a Victim; Only Myself

This is my first time sharing my story publicly. Although my story is like many others, my reactions to it, and my outlook on it, are very unique I believe. The first time I was raped, I was 18 years old. It was a beautiful night in the summer of...
June 26th, 2014

My Story of a Gang Rape

I was 18 years old and away at college. I was with my boyfriend and just had sex for the first time. Afterwards he was unable to start his car and 3 men pulled up and offered to help. They got out of their car with a gun. My boyfriend...
June 26th, 2014

My Journey Back to Life

I was six years old when I was raped and molested by a close family member. I suffered physical damage, emotional damage, as well as having my spirit broken for most of my life. My mother gave drugs to stop me from being hysterical and not sleeping at night. I...
June 26th, 2014

Lost Dignity

I was fifteen when the 23 year old son of my parent’s best friends came to stay with us. He had just moved from Toronto and was starting a new life in Winnipeg. He acted like my big brother and I liked talking to him. My family had recently also...
June 26th, 2014

Rape Survivor

It was supposed to be the best time of my life! It happened on December 23,2000 I had just became a Mom of a beautiful baby boy so I was happy and in love. But that day everything change. I decided to go out that night but came home early...
June 26th, 2014

Raped at 16

I was sixteen taken to a party by a girlfriend that I trusted. When we showed up there were on 2 men there that I never met. We drank and got drunk, I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and one of the guys were...
June 26th, 2014

Childhood Rape

At the age of 7, I was raped by a neighbor boy. I was in the barn that was on the property of this boy and his sister who was my friend. His sister, my sister, and myself were up in the upper loft playing hopscotch. My sister and my...
June 25th, 2014

Confronting My Step-Father

Although I was not raped by my step-father, I was sexually molested in our home when I was a teenager. For many, many years I turned my shame inward, believing I was somehow at fault. When I finally told my mother, she said that she believed me, but did nothing....
June 25th, 2014

The Pastor of My Church

I was 16 years old and still a virgin. He did not rape me – but he tried to. He engineered being alone with me by dropping other members of our church group off before me. He knew my father had just died & that mother was now an alcoholic...
June 25th, 2014

Overcome It

When I was a toddler a neighbor and friend of the family hurt me. I was left with the family next door along with my newborn baby brother on the day my mother’s father died. When my mother changed my diaper, she found blood and there were scratches on me....
June 25th, 2014

A Difference Perspective

In 1986 I attended the Academy Of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena California, where I met someone very special. We had a fast passionate dating period full of love, respect and admiration and we talked about marriage. We lived apart and one morning while I was on my way to a...
June 25th, 2014

Survivor, Still Struggling

My story begins 35 years ago at home at the hands of my brother. The feeling in the pit of your stomach as you begin to think of these things is creeping up as I type. I can feel the tears behind my eyes fighting for their liberty. My brother...
June 25th, 2014


He was the star football player and honor roll student at a local high school. Girls used to throw themselves at him and he rarely had to look far to get attention from anyone. I remember thinking to myself that he seemed like a jerk and I didn’t understand what...
June 25th, 2014

Endless Shame

I was leaving in Roma, Italy. I had a daughter, she was 2 years old. Her father, my husband and I were separated. He left often for the US and left us. I thought I could have ended it. I was a working model, 27 years old with a child....
June 25th, 2014

My Rape Stories

I was raped by my brother when I was 4 years old on more than one occasion. When I was 13 years old he approached me again in a sexual manner and asked if I would take off my shirt and bra and let him touch my chest, I was...
June 25th, 2014


I am a 62 year old woman in Ohio USA. When I was 17 I had a very close call but I was terrified. I was able to get away by jumping out of the moving car. I only ever told one person. I never told my family because I...
June 25th, 2014

Thank you for being LOUD!

I know it is hard to share this burden, to deal with it again and again, to listen to stories that are triggering of the PTSD and to try to help the whole world and feel overwhelmed. I hope you will give yourself a chance to take a break when...
June 24th, 2014

Multiple Times

Raped by a caregiver at 6 years old and then again after he was released from captivity. Second rape was also kidnapping and stabbing to punish me for telling the first time. I almost died. I blocked the trauma from my memory. My mother tried to get me help but...
June 24th, 2014

Paris Nightmare

19, first night in Paris, met a handsome guy my age. Kissed at a nightclub, he gave me his number as I was traveling around France for the rest of the summer but would be passing through Paris on the way back. Ring me, he said. I was flattered. Also...
June 24th, 2014

I Am Not Brave

It’s ruined my life and now I have multiple physical and mental conditions which have restricted my movement, motivation, and will to live. I now weigh almost 400 pounds and almost don’t care. I would end my life if I knew for sure I would not go to hell for...
June 24th, 2014

A Family Cycle

My name is Hannah, I am 31 now my molestation happened when I was 6 years old to 10. It might as well been rape cause the whole ordeal of what I went through felt like rape. My grandfather molested me. I remember. I know your story is different then...
June 24th, 2014

I Was a Child

I am 53 years old. Almost exactly 40 years ago to the day, as a 13 year old girl, I was raped. I stayed silent for almost 15 years and have suffered far beyond that. This event so shaped my intimate relationships and therefore, my life. My story……..I was “older”...
June 24th, 2014

My Daughter

My daughter was molested (8 yr old) one time by one of my brothers. God is so great that allow me to find out as soon as it happened. Soon after that we moved to US. In that week when happened I told my mother and she did not believed...
June 24th, 2014

How My Life Has Changed

I have the most incredible respect for all of the victims who are speaking out. I am writing about my experience only because I CAN NOT IMAGINE what would have happened if I had not escaped my attacker, because…even though I escaped, my life has never been the same. I...
June 23rd, 2014

Marital Rape

I myself experienced rape but it is a very different type and a very unique situation that made it hard for me to really know how to handle it at first. I was raped by my husband. It is one of those subjects that is a gray area where the...
June 23rd, 2014

Feeling Lost

Though at times I feel lost, I know now that I am not defeated. The first time I was assaulted I was only 4 years old. My dad’s best friend molested me. I only vaguely remember what happened, but remember how I felt more than anything. I recall feeling confused...
June 23rd, 2014

Holding It In

I was 14, a virgin, naive, trusting at my first sleep over at my father’s friend’s home with his older teenage daughter and my sister. He was part of a group of 19 and 20 year old that were friends of the teenage girl hosting the sleep over. Twenty, tall,tan...
June 23rd, 2014

Dirty Whore

was once innocent. But that part of me doesn’t exist anymore. When you’re raped you lose a piece of you in a sense. You find yourself left a different person with a broken spirit. I’m a shadow of the girl I use to be. Life is no longer safe and...
June 23rd, 2014

My Mother Was Raped

I was not sure if I should talk about this in public. I have saved this feeling in my heart for so many years, I remembered one day my mother and I were arguing about a boy I wanted to go out with. My mother was so afraid and started...
June 23rd, 2014

I’ve Never Told Anyone Before

I was first raped at the age of 13 hanging out with my friends when I wasn’t supposed to be. It was one of my friends there who was the son of my best friend. To this day you are the first that I have told. I did not tell...
June 23rd, 2014

When I Was 8 Years Old

It is a miracle I am alive. I come from a family in which my step mother and father molested, raped and raised me behind closed doors with the secret of rape… Among the dinner parties with friends and family around.. my brother and I suffered in silence. We had...
June 23rd, 2014

Molested at 3

I am 55 years old, I was molested at age 3, I can still remember that day as if it happened today. I grew up very shy, and scared of men even to the point I hated men Doctor’s….. The boy was 16, and a Family friend. He was left...
June 23rd, 2014

Virgin Rape

In 1971, I was groomed/tricked by a male student from Chicago’s south side who was at a community college located in southeastern Washington State on a football scholarship. I was 18. I came from an abusive home: my mother mentally, emotionally and physically abused me from my age of 2...
June 22nd, 2014

Over 40 years Ago

I have been raped both by a stranger and on a date, both in my teen years. The stranger was giving me a ride and took a side road out into the woods. I was helpless to fight physically, so I just acted like it was ok and tried to...
June 22nd, 2014

Raped as a Boy

I was raped as a child for many years by someone I considered a father figure, my uncle. I had only realized what it was before I became a teenager. He passed away in 97 from a flesh-eating disease. I always thought this was God’s doing for what he did...
June 22nd, 2014

42 Years Old

When I was 17 I was raped. I was raped by my daughters cousin who was a little older than me. At that time I needed a place to go and my daughters father n his family had us stay with their cousins. One night while alone in my room...
June 22nd, 2014

Please Allow Me To Be Heard

Throughout my adult life I have struggled with conflicting emotions, grief, shame, and sadness. When I was 15 I was raped by a guy I was dating. I was young and very naive. When I met him, he swept me off my feet. He said all the things a girl...
June 22nd, 2014

Heavy Is The Head

I was abused by a family member and a church member. It wasn’t until 20 years later that I told anyone. Even when you release such a tragic event from your mind, it does not go away like telling someone your sorry and they say I forgive you. You truly...
June 20th, 2014

Price of Paradise

Why, after such a painful sexual history, did I find myself in another painful, super stressful, confusing relationship? While I have had more than one sexual trauma in my life, for some reason, the most recent brings me the most emotions. I get nauseous, SO angry, ashamed, embarrassed of my...
June 20th, 2014

My Horrific Nightmare

Three years ago I was raped. I met a man who was a marine and had mutual friends. We hit it off and began dating. After two months he got out of the marine corp and moved back to his home of Reno, NV. Truthfully, I knew he had issues....
June 20th, 2014

Life Spiraled

When i was 14 i had a boyfriend who i only knew via phone calls. We made plans to see each other for a night so i lied to my parents and went to meet him at the mall. When he showed up he was with his entire family. Parents...
June 20th, 2014

In 1978

In 1978 when I was 21, I dated a foreign young man from the Middle East for about a year. During that time we did have sex and I ignored the fact that he made disparging remarks about the fact that I was willing to have pre-marital sex. Eventually we...
June 20th, 2014

Every Way Imaginable

I was first sexually abused between the ages of 10 to 12 by a family acquaintance. I did not deal with the abuse until I was in my 40’s. I am now 53. The consequences of being sexually abused at such a young age were staggering. I was extremely promiscuous...
June 20th, 2014

Silence In The Family

When I was 5 my mom used to leave me with a babysitter. My memories are vague about the incident and I was confused when I was young. I remember my sitters husband taking me alone to their bedroom and touching me down south. I also remember me sitting in...
June 20th, 2014

Ending Misogyny

From my shop in fashionable Georgetown, Washington DC, I took a break to walk into the public park on a Saturday afternoon. For a few minutes, no one else was present, and a man passed me and turned around and followed me. He grabbed me from behind with his arm pressing on...
June 19th, 2014

Rape and Anxiety

I was raped when I was 19 years old. I was very inexperienced sexually. I had started “fooling around” with a guy I met through a friend. It was Christmas day and he came over to my house (where I lived with my parents). I had told him I did...
June 19th, 2014

The First Man In My Life

Was my father. He was a religious zealot. x 3 every Sunday, morning evening services and Sunday school in between. He helped build a new church roof over many weekends, leaving me with negligent babysitters, some cruel. All Church people. He had my mother committed to a psychiatric hospital 12 years before I...
June 19th, 2014

Silent Rape

I spent twenty years of my life with my ex husband, 16 of them engaged to him and 4 married to him, we had 3 children. He was a jealous, abusive husband who used to accuse me of sleeping with an ex boyfriend of mine but I never did. Seven...
June 18th, 2014

Raped at 13

I was raped when I was 13 by a man that my dad knew. I did not tell anyone until I was 18. My parents’ reaction was disbelief and mostly silence. I felt lime my dad did not believe me. That hurt me psychologically more than the rape did.
June 18th, 2014

Let Down

When my siblings and I were little, we were molested by a man that forced himself into our lives. My oldest brother was 9, other brother was 5 my sister was 3 and I was two. This man was a guy my mom knew from the bar down the street...
June 18th, 2014


1990 was the year when I was going to turn 21 years old…..I went to Geneva and fell in love with a man. I will call him M in my story. We went out for a few dates and then he did not want to meet me anymore. Nothing happen...
June 17th, 2014

Seis Años

A los seis años fui a la fiesta de una tia buela una de las tantas reuniones que hacen en mi familia y cuando fui al baño el hijo de esa tia me llevo a su cuarto y abuso de mi yo trate de llamar a mi mama pero tenian...
June 17th, 2014

Still Carry the Anger

June 17th, 2014

Boyfriend Hell

When I was 20 years old I was dating someone I met offline. I would go to his place every other weekend. We’ll the one time I went his him, his friend, and i were all hanging out till about 12 midnight. I got up to go to the bedroom...
June 17th, 2014

13 and Raped

I had already been molested by my older brothers friend, whom I liked but I was 10 or 11 yrs old and he was 17,I knew nothing of sex. He kissed me and fondled me. I was scared but I also liked his attention and it kind of reminded me...
June 17th, 2014

Harder Than Expected

“This path I’m on is harder than I expected. I hope I’m living up to your expectations. I’m trying my best to be of help to other women. Even if it’s just one.” These words spoken so truthfully and beautifully by Linor are a mantra I go back to time...
June 17th, 2014

Teenage Victim

I am a 26 year old, female to male transgender, who was raped, I was raped twice when I was younger. Once by my ex boyfriend during my sophomore year of high school and once when I was about 14 years old by a stranger. When I was 14, I...
June 17th, 2014

Abused By a Relative

I’ve spoken to some about my abuse, just those who are very close to me. My husband knows and close friends know. I don’t see myself as a victim and have never sought out a pity party. Recently my husband and I attended marriage counseling for various reasons, from there...
June 16th, 2014

Tel Aviv

I was living overseas, Tel Aviv actually, and I was raped by a stranger that I trusted. I was 20. He was kind at first, enough to make someone like me who usually trusts no one trust him. He was so good at being charming and masking being a psychopath....
June 16th, 2014

Halting The Pain

It’s taken me 30 years to be able to face what happened to me, let alone be open about it. I have spoken about it since about a year or so only with a few people, and the hardest thing to do, and the only reason I do not go...
June 16th, 2014

Raped By 6 Men

I was 18 years old when I was walking to the bus stop after class. I hear voices behind me calling me names but I don’t pay attention to them. I don’t know exactly what happened but suddenly I get pushed and I fall to the ground and hit my...
June 16th, 2014

My Daughter’s Rape

My husband and I emigrated to Toronto from the uk in 2001 with our 2 daughters. Our youngest daughter, Abigail, was raped in 2005 whilst celebrating her graduation from high school. The tradition here is to go camping in a group the weekend after the graduation ceremony and prom. She...
June 16th, 2014

A School Trip

It was the summer of 2003 and I was on a school trip studying art in Aix-en-Provence. I was 17 on my way to becoming a senior in high school and so happy to be in France for the first time, exploring the beauty with my classmates and professors. I...
June 15th, 2014


I was raped repeatedly at the age of 8 by a neighbor teenager right after my mother had left our family, and I was sexually molested by a man who was 22 years older than me, a trusted father figure within a small religious community, when I was 16. I...
June 14th, 2014


When I was 15 years old I had gotten a Facebook message from a guy telling me I was beautiful and that he wanted to take me out for coffee. After he asked me if I wanted to hang out at his place and I went. I had fount out...
June 13th, 2014

He Was My Family

I was molested by my cousin when I was 10. We all lived in the same home. I was staying up late to watch tv and he was in the family room. He asked me to sit on his lap and watch a show. I didn’t think anything of it....
June 12th, 2014

I Told Him No

I was 17. I had recently broke up with my boyfriend and my ex’s best friend asked me to come to his house. I willingly let him kiss me and carry me to his room. I willingly laid in his bed and we kissed. It turned awkward and felt wrong....
June 12th, 2014

Getting Away

The first time I was 21, my roommate had brought him home on a night out. When she rejected him, he came in to my room and asked if he could sleep there. I did say no, more than once, but when he kept on touching me, something in me...
June 11th, 2014

As If It Never Happened

Do you know that thing that us women do where when one of us brings up a really difficult subject and we kind of brush it aside, like its a crumb from the bread that you’ve just eaten – a nuisance on your shirt – that you’ve been taught to...