January 3rd, 2014
Rape & Sexual Assault
This has gone on for too many years, not only to women but men too. The shame and guilt and fear kept me quiet for over 40 years.I let myself down as well as others. How to heal and speak out is something i need in order too move on...
January 17th, 2015
I was 7 years old. It was within few days after losing my father. My long distance cousin would come to my house. One morning, I found him playing with my boobs. Second day, I found him playing with my private part. Third day, I woke up early so that...
July 31st, 2014
Raped and Abused
I was raped by a male babysitter when I was in the third grade. He was 15. He was the son of missionaries who taught my parents in bible college. I never told anyone until two years ago when I finally told my therapist. I still have never told my...
September 4th, 2018
Extremely Terrified
So, I don’t know if this will help but I was thinking I should give this writing thing a try because… well I just don’t know what else to do. To start, I do have a great therapist… she has been so good and supportive of me… but the thing...
October 6th, 2018
Sexually assaulted at 4
I was born in Bogota, Colombia. I am now 64. When I was 4, me and my same-age friend passed by a nearby carpentry shop that was around the corner. We knew this guy. Everybody called him “Mr. Morris”. He enticed us to go into the shop, and then he...
August 12th, 2016
Young and Unaware
I’m 19 now and it took 4 years for me to process what had happened. I really only became aware of it 1 year ago. But when I was 14, I was dating a boy who was 17. I had lied about my age and he thought I was 15,...
April 20th, 2009
Thank you for speaking out…
I would like to first of all, praise all the women who’ve shared their stories on this website. It is a brave thing to discuss a topic so horrific and traumatizing. Speaking from personal experience, I know what kind of strength and courage that is needed to do such a...
November 28th, 2014
Was It Rape?
I was working a summer camp as a teacher and when the four weeks finished I went on a road trip with a friend from the camp. We were met in a campsite by our Supervisor in the camp. He was about 10 years older than us and I really...
July 31st, 2016
I Woke Up In The Tub
I woke up in the bathtub. With the shower running. My socks were on. My underwear between my legs. The alarm was going off. Something was wrong. Besides the socks. Besides the underwear. Besides the shower and the tub. Besides the pain. Don’t think about the pain. Something was wrong....
March 5th, 2018
Liberating Moment
I watched your documentary today and it was liberating. I too was a victim of rape. I was molested from age 11 to 17 by my biological father. He also molested my 2 younger sisters. My mother when she found out stayed with him. I have went through so many...
July 10th, 2016
What Is Success?
I’m not a doctor or a lawyer, a CEO, athlete nor a celebrity of any kind. I don’t own a boat of any sort or make six-figures. But I am a success. Here’s how… The first time it happened, I knew what it was, I said no. I was 18...
August 18th, 2014
Ignored For a Lifetime
I was sexually abused repeatedly at the hands of an uncle when I was nine years old. My entire family has always chosen to ignore that ever happened, to this day. The ghosts of this traumatic series of events have haunted me for the next 41 years of my life....
August 9th, 2015
Locked Up
My story is too long to share here, so I ask you to view my page www.thecasestudytas.com. My daughters and I were drugged with over the counter insomnia aides, and raped repeatedly by my then fiancé. “Inadvertent” errors made by the police led doctors to diagnose me as delusional. My...
September 6th, 2015
Gang Rape At 15 Years Old
My name is Patricia. I’m 18 years old and when I was 15, I was stranger raped. I had gone out to a party with my friends at a club, it was her birthday. There were other people there I didn’t know. But I didn’t mind, first thing we did...
November 22nd, 2017
It will get better
I was raped 1 year and and a half ago. I say rape even though I was drunk and maybes flirted a little because that doesn’t make what he done to me justifiable. I want all my warriors reading this to know that. It is not your fault. I lost...
July 2nd, 2016
A Voice to be Heard
I just want my voice to be heard for once, I want the truth to be heard and to stop having my words twisted. I’m done being silenced. If you have ever been blamed for your rape due to date rape this story is for you.
My name is Erin McKinney,...
March 22nd, 2015
Molested, Tortured, Rape, Survivor
As a young girl, I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend son. I thought it was okay to let a little boy play down there, but then later on in life it was not. At the age of 16, I was walking home and saw these guys walking up behind...
i was only 7 years old. He was my babysitter. he raped me. i remember i was just playing with my dolls when he came into my room. he said “can i play too?” i said yeah and handed him one of my ken dolls. “no not that kind of...
April 22nd, 2016
Smoke Together
I had just entered high school and i felt comfortable with more freedom and extreme stuff. I had some friends and in my country weed is really in-fashion… I found a person that was only 2 years older than me, he was handsome,fun and he started selling me the strongest...
December 7th, 2015
Twenty Years of Hell
I was twelve. I hadn’t become a woman yet as mother nature was not ready, I was not ready. My family needed a horse trainer for our paso fino horses. We met a man, age 26, that was working at another farm a about two hours away. He began training...
August 17th, 2018
Overtaken Twice
I honestly never thought something like this would ever occur in my life. I never envisioned the day where someone would violate my trust and my body. It was the beginning of January when a couple of friends and I went to a party. A 28 year old guy one...
January 17th, 2022
You had no rights
“Meet me after school, today. I wanted to tell you something,” a boy from my class said, “…in private,” he added, looking at my friend, whom I was talking to. My friend raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “Where?” I asked. “Uhh… At the back of the school.”...
August 25th, 2017
He Was A Police Officer
I am a survivor of rape. My assault happened by someone I thought was a person I could trust. We had been childhood friends and he was the pastor’s son at the church I grew up in. He was a police officer in the town I was attending college at...
December 16th, 2014
Did He Rape My Mind Too
I was 17 when I was drugged and raped. I was on holiday with my best friend, and it was our 2nd night out. We went to a bar and started chatting to a group of lads. At the time it seemed so genuine and I was having a good...
It’s just not fair, why did he treat her like an actual human being but saw me as an object he can just use whenever he wants? I would ask myself that every night. He took my voice away and made my words not matter. He’d make me call myself...
June 30th, 2014
I was raped when I was 16 and again when I was 17 but now I am in my 20s. When I was 16 I started looking for companion ship online. I was always a socially anxious person so it was a way, for me, to meet new people. I...
June 17th, 2014
Teenage Victim
I am a 26 year old, female to male transgender, who was raped, I was raped twice when I was younger. Once by my ex boyfriend during my sophomore year of high school and once when I was about 14 years old by a stranger. When I was 14, I...
February 9th, 2015
My Secret
The other day a high school friend of mine posted pictures of the inside of the school before it gets torn down. I smiled as I saw the lockers and the hallways I frequented. I remembered seeing friends and boys I had crushes on. I felt happy. Then I saw...
September 7th, 2009
לדבר, להלחם, לנצח
לינור יקרה, בלי שתדעי ליוות אותי בשנים הקשות שלי. נאנסתי במשך שנים וכשאת סיפרת את הסיפור שלך אני הייתי בת 13. נתת לי את הכוח לספר את הסיפור שלי ולבקש עזרה. היום- יותר מעשור אחרי… ואחרי טיפול ארוך שנים ואין בוף עליות וירידות אני גאה לומר- ניצחתי. אני חיה. נהנת...
February 5th, 2018
The year that changed me
I had my first kiss and lost my virginity at 19, I was also raped that same year. I wish I could say that my first time was with someone special, someone I genuinely trusted and cared about but that would be a lie. The truth is that I only...
July 25th, 2020
At the beginning of my sophomore year, I was at a new school, and this guy started talking to me very early on. People at the school don’t like him, at all, but I didn’t know that, I was new, and he always pulled the new girls who wouldn’t have...
July 12th, 2015
Not Sure It Happened
I was a bit of a party wild child, started drinking when I was 13 and kissing boys, however did nothing sexual until I was 17. That’s when I started hanging out with the “cool” crowd. The popular boys seemed into me and that was really flattering so I started...
December 28th, 2016
It was three months before my ffifth birthday when “scooby” came into my life. Everyone called him that because he looked like Shaggy from Scooby Doo; I don’t remember his actual name though. What I do remember is how he would hug me a little too long or kiss me...
September 30th, 2017
My Best Friend’s Brother
A few months ago, back in February, I went through something I can’t ever forget. A little backstory, about a year ago in October, my boyfriend of a little over a year left me after telling me he wanted to marry me. I obviously was devastated and didn’t handle it...
October 29th, 2016
Drunken Rape
Just a few months ago, April 1st, 2016, I was sexually assaulted. I am 16 years old, and was 15 when it happened. The man was 52… I haven’t seen my friend for a while and wanted to hangout with her, and we had nothing to do for a few...
February 6th, 2017
I Said No
They made me do a module on sexual assault and harassment. I listened. I did it. I read 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted. I told myself it would never be me. I would never put myself in that situation. And then the storm came. I liked you...
March 14th, 2016
Silenced But Not Forever
i have always heard of rape stories never once did i ever think it would happen to me.. what hurts most is when its a person so close to you someone you trusted so much… someone you considered a brother…i grew up with him i didnt know he would suddenly...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
January 2nd, 2017
He Cashed in His Trust
I want to start off by saying I know compared to many survivors I am lucky that I was never brutally raped, but I can say what ever happened psychologically fucked me. I struggle with trusting people and I’m scared to see how future relationships will turn out after this....
February 22nd, 2017
My First Time
I was 19 and it was my second year in university. It was great, I lived in my new dorm with some really nice girls and I couldn’t have asked for anything more. It was December 19. I came out of an economics lecture and it was relatively late, it...
January 3rd, 2014
Rape & Sexual Assault
This has gone on for too many years, not only to women but men too. The shame and guilt and fear kept me quiet for over 40 years.I let myself down as well as others. How to heal and speak out is something i need in order too move on...
January 10th, 2016
When I was a child, my mom’s boyfriend touched me. I didn’t tell anyone. When I was 17, my boyfriend forced himself on me. I told my best friend, and she didn’t believe me. When I turned 20, I told my mom everything. She didn’t believe me for a long...
December 21st, 2016
Two Strangers in a Park
I’m new to this site but lately I’ve just felt that I need to let this out, to tell someone what happened, and I’m not ready to tell anyone in my life. Two months ago I was assaulted by two men in a park a kilometre from my home. I...
November 2nd, 2016
First Time Sharing
I have never shared my story before in detail. I have told a couple close friends that I was raped but I can tell by how they react that they don’t believe me or it makes them uncomfortable. I had known the guy for a few years, his family was...
November 20th, 2015
He’s Still Out There
I was sixteen years old. Arrogant. Naive. I thought nothing could ever go wrong, so when a strange man approached me I thought nothing of it. I was raped in the building right next to where I lived. To this day I’m upset that I could not fight back, instead...
October 28th, 2015
When I Was 8
Between the ages of 7 1/2 and 9 1/2 I was continually molested by my step-brothers Robert Redwine (16-17) and Earl Redwine Jr. (18). These molestations escalated briefly to a one time event when I was 8. That’s when Robert attempted to penetrate me. He stopped when I cried out...
September 7th, 2009
הסיפור שלי…
במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...
אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
November 5th, 2016
Love of My Life?
I was 17 years old. My senior year of high school was complete. My boyfriend at the time came down from Stanford to see me graduate. He was caring, supportive, kind, you know, a great boyfriend. He was a sophomore, grade A student, football player, and community activist. Two weeks...
January 4th, 2017
My Best Friend’s Boyfriend
My junior year of high school I had class with this guy I had never seen around school before. It turns out he transferred from another school and as time passed he began dating one of my best friends. I had a crush on him but I obviously didn’t purse...
February 4th, 2017
Thank you
Dear Brave Miss World Community, For the last two years I have had the privilege of reading and responding to many of your posts. It is an honor to hold space and watch healing unfold as survivors share their experiences, many for the first time. I wanted to take a...
I feel like now is the right time to share my story. I was 18 at the time and just started a new life for myself across the country from my family at a college that I thought was perfect for me. One night I went out with my friends...
September 7th, 2009
עדיין מציק
וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...
January 23rd, 2017
Relationship does not equal consent
I had been with my boyfriend for 6 months, and he was starting to distance himself from the relationship. When we made out he always tried to take things further but I wasn’t ready. In an attempt to save the relationship from ending, I told him I wanted to do...
October 27th, 2015
Just Hanging Out
I am 20 years old. I have had consensual sex before with a previous boyfriend. I had a friend that I had known for a couple of years from college classes and mutual friends. He used to have a controlling girlfriend then when they broke up he started talking to...
I was at a fraternity party with a date in February 1989 at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a beach theme, so we were all wearing bathing suits. I distinctly remember choosing a one-piece because I thought that a bikini would cause problems. I was wearing denim shorts as...
I just watched your documentary yesterday and I am glad to see some one CAN speak out and hear people stories. I am a 46 year old French woman who was walking in the streets of upper west side of Manhattan on May 16th when a man dining outside a...
December 13th, 2017
My 19 year old cousin
When I was 6 years old, I would always go over to my aunts. She would love to have me and other cousins over. This one time , I went to stay with her , but it was just me. My aunt has a pool, and I remember I wanted...
November 15th, 2015
I was 2 months old when I was adopted by my grandparents. My mother did this for money. I have 3 sisters. Two of which I know something similar happened to them. The oldest one is deceased. I remember being very young. Around four or five when I could remember...
August 22nd, 2018
PART 1: My True, Horrid, and Concluded...
“All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair.”—Mitch Albom. Being born second eldest, with my father’s child (my half sister) being born a...
April 23rd, 2018
He was a friend
He was a god friend and coworker of two years. I was going through a rough patch in life and truly needed a friend. I had 4 deaths in my family in a matter of 3 months and felt very alone. My spouse was trying to cope with the loses...
October 18th, 2017
It’s OK
My Rapist: My mother’s boyfriend. My Age: 13 Force Used: Authority We had a close family, my Mom, my bratty Little Sis, Me of course, and the latest of Mom’s Boyfriends. We used to do a lot of things together, especially watch Cable. Once we were all on the couch,...
November 13th, 2015
My Friend
I wasn’t raped or sexually assaulted, and I’m not sure if this belongs here, but I’m going to say something anyways. My friend was abused, physically and mentally, by his parents. They would lock him out of the house for long periods of time and do other things. He told...
November 2nd, 2016
First Time Sharing
I have never shared my story before in detail. I have told a couple close friends that I was raped but I can tell by how they react that they don’t believe me or it makes them uncomfortable. I had known the guy for a few years, his family was...
July 8th, 2014
Never Be the Same Again
On 03/02/11 my world changed forever I knew this guy he was acquaintance we decided to hangout I made it very clear to him I didn’t want to do anything sexual and he agreed and he told me he wouldn’t do anything that I didn’t want to do. So I...
March 17th, 2016
My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend
I was in a relationship with a guy from 2 days before my 14th birthday to 4 month before my 15th birthday. All together we were together for a total of 8 months. In that time, I was constantly being hit and whenever he would get high, he would use...
September 3rd, 2014
לפני 14 שנים
והסיפור בעברית כי אני לא טובה לכתוב באנגלית!! דבר חשוב שיש לי לציין לפני שאני מתחילה לכתוב אני לא יודעת אנגלית טוב אני יודעת רק עברית אז מקווה שהתוכנה תתרגם נכון. שלום ראיתי את הסרט שלך והרגשתי צורך לכתוב לך את הסיפור שלי. כיום אני בת 16… זה קרה לפני...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
November 1st, 2016
It all started when I was in 4th grade [age 9]. I didn’t understand what he did when he touched me over my clothing. As I got older my mum said never let someone touch you in your areas where you were underwear, but he constantly said to me ‘don’t...
March 15th, 2018
Finally ready to tell my story
My story began when I was 17. It was a few weeks before Halloween. I had been dating this guy my sister went to school with. We always partied together. He was a recovering drug addict. He was also a bit older than me, 25. I remember sitting in my...
March 6th, 2014
In Denial of My Rape
When I was fifteen and sixteen, I was in an abusive relationship. He raped me four times, and had me convinced that it wasn’t rape because we were together. He would tell me things like, “I love you so much. I just couldn’t help it.” and “Don’t you love me?...
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
August 25th, 2017
Not my fault
I was 19 years old, in the military and in Korea. I had an on and off again fling with a co worker and ended up getting pregnant and miscarried. People found out and we sort of had a party to get everyone’s minds off. There was drinking and games...
December 7th, 2017
Rape Being Considered a “Joke”
Dear Readers, I am anonymous for a reason that me revealing this story is a danger to my life. The reason for this is because the rapist is somebody with high power. They are the son of this (something). I don’t know. I just know that for a fact that...
October 10th, 2014
I’ve met several disaster dates through a popular online dating service known as “match” dot com but the worst was a successful, charismatic, attractive chiropractor who turned out to be a heartless sexual predator. 12 years ago in October, 2002, I went out with a seemingly attractive man who was...
March 17th, 2015
Sleep Over
We had lived in a small subdivision at the time and everyone knew each other , and we always did stuff. I was 8 at the time and I had gone to stay the night at one of my friends house, but we’d gotten into a childish fight. I left...
August 15th, 2015
Scared and Confused
Two years ago I was a sophomore in high school. It was the last day of school and some guy I saw of as my brother asked me if I was going to go to the same class we have. I said yes. On my way to class I decided...
October 18th, 2011
Different face, but the same monster
It started when I was 5…he was a trusted friend of a neighbors family…I can still remember his smell, some 20 years later…’If you tell anyone that I touch you, I’ll hurt you’ he would say, and then throw me to the ground and walk away…fast forward 10 years, same...
May 25th, 2018
Twice a pattern?
If something bad happens once, people usually say it’s bad luck. But to happen twice, just seems stupid. Growing up in a restricted family, I had never been exposed to the sexually explicit content that is out in the world. However, when I turned 17 that all changed for me....
January 2nd, 2016
Hola soy una mujer de 31 años. Viví una situación muy confusa cuando era niña casi 9 o 10 años. Mis padres nos dejaban vacacional en la casa de mis abuelos que nos cuidaban, nos consentían con golosinas, ver televisión y jugar. Una tarde ya para llegar la noche nos...
March 22nd, 2016
Living With Us
I grew up in a very happy home. I loved my parents, siblings, relatives and whoever my mother brought into the home. I have 5 siblings (one is adopted). I have two older brothers, one older sister and a younger sister. From when I was young my mother would help...
June 20th, 2016
Naive College Freshman
I was only 18. I wanted to save myself for marriage, and had managed to make it through a year long high school romance without having sex. When I got to college, I started drinking a lot because I could and it was fun. I attended my first frat party...
June 29th, 2014
You are fearless – even when vulnerable. My story is different. I don’t know what is considered “rape” – my grandfather never inserted his penis inside me, but he licked me, touched me and massaged me. It was rape in my mind. He also raped my mind as he convinced...
January 19th, 2015
My Best Friend
My best friend was raped when she was fourteen. She was raped by two older guys during her summer job at a children’s theme park. She’s never been the same. She didn’t tell me that she had been raped until about five years ago, and it hasn’t been until recently...
February 17th, 2016
I Trusted Him
I was raped by my best friend. I’d known him all my life and we trusted each other. I was only 14 and he had recently turned 15. I was at his house to hang out and his parents had gone out to run errands for the day. We were...
January 29th, 2018
I am J. D. R., and I...
I am J.D.R., and I was physical and sexually assaulted almost 3 years ago by a police officer in Salem, VA. I was shocked, scared, stayed quite; I stopped functioning, I stopped going to school, working; scared to leave my house or go anywhere. I never got the courage to...
August 24th, 2009
לא יוצאים מזה…
לינור יקרה- הסיפור שלך השפיע עלי רבות בזמנו (1998) כי ממש באותה תקופה הסיפור עם השכן שפגע בי התפוצץ… אני לא חיה מאז. אני חיה-מתה למען האמת… כל יום הוא מלחמה עבורי… אני נאחזת בשיניים, וזה לא קל. סליחה אם אני נשמעת פסימית (אולי זה בגלל התקופה…), אבל קשה מאוד...
May 18th, 2015
Rape or Not?
I just saw Brave Miss World, and it made me think of my past. It was year 2011 when this happened. I was going to have sex with a boy that I didn’t know so well. We were at the party. At first, I wanted it myself too. Then I...
January 4th, 2017
My Girlfriend of Two Years
‘m still not sure if this was rape but everyone – including my therapist – is naming it as such. I’ve also never told this story in detail and I know that this may make some people uncomfortable… But, here goes: We started dating when I was 13. A few...
September 1st, 2014
My Two Rapes
It’s taken me about 15 years to call my 1st time having sex what it really was-rape. As a mental health therapist who’s trained to know what abuse, sexual assault, rape is I’m not quite sure why it’s taken me this long. Maybe it’s because of my culture’s confusion about...
October 26th, 2015
College Student
I was raped. By a guy I thought was cool. He was a member of a fraternity. I thought he was cool. He invited me to his place for dinner. I thought he liked me. I got to his place he had picked me up from campus. So I was...
October 25th, 2018
The Boys Club Continues
I decided to share my story after reading another woman’s story on this site…she was brutally gang raped by police and contemplating suicide. Please “don’t let them win” by Suicide. I know it’s your choice to take your life or survive…. I know the helplessness against the Blue Wall. I...
November 21st, 2015
I Trusted Him
When I was a teenager, I would stay out past curfew a lot. My mother was at her wits end with me. She constantly expressed her disappointment. At one point she said to me “you are going to end up pregnant.” When I turned 18, I signed up for the...
It happens when I just turned 14. It was summer day, I was playing on the playground with my best friend. We met two men – they were much older than us, but who cared – if anyone wanted to play, there wasn’t any problem – the playground was public...
July 14th, 2014
I Was Only 14
I was having fun at a friend’s sweet 16 party. It was held in a little “club” that was very popular. It was very hot inside and I had never danced that much in my life. I went outside to get a breathe of fresh air. A strange man was...
July 21st, 2014
ללינור היקרה
היי לינור, קוראים לי אוריאן אני בת 16 מתל אביב. אני כותבת לך מכתב זה כי אני מעריכה אותך ורואה בך מודל לחיקוי. האומץ שבך,האסרטיביות,הכוח רצון,החוזק שיש בך נותנים לי כוח ורצון להמשיך הלאה. את אישה מדהימה ליונר, את לקחת את הכוח שיש לך לדברים טובים,לעזרה לזולת,ואני מתכוונת לכך שכשזכית...
August 17th, 2015
I Was 3 Years Old
He was 12, my father’s younger brother. He was my friend, my playmate, my love. It was very traumatic. Still is, more than 60 years later. I finally told my parents a few years before they died. He was at their funeral. I’m still unable to talk about it with...
May 30th, 2014
Sexual Abuse
Hola. Tengo 25. La primera vez que fue abusada sexualmente fue por mi abuelo, yo tenía 7 u 8 años, cuando él me llamó a su habitación y me preguntó que si yo sabía besar, y yo le dije que no. Desde ahí empezaron una serie de actos desagradables. Cada...
August 6th, 2014
Football Player
he guy who raped me was a 17 year football player & I was a 15 year virgin. I newly had been dating another boy but had kissed this football player a few times in the previous months at parties. On this night, he led me to his truck during...
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
November 14th, 2010
Erase and Rewind
גדלתי מילדה ונערה לאישה – אבל בתור אחת שהיו לה קצת רגשי נחיתות וכזו שהסתובבה בעיקר עם חברים בנים ושלושת אחיי הגדולים – הייתי טיפה רחוקה מהנשיות שלי- היה בי משהו מעורב בין נסיכה ביישנית לבין טום בוי חוצפנית- וכך יצא שעד גיל 21 עוד הייתי בתולה -מחוסר בחיבור לגוף...
September 3rd, 2015
Six Year Sentencing Anniversary
59 years to life. All the girls sitting in the jury box waiting to hear what the judge would sentence the criminal who harmed us all in one way or another as we held hands and cried forced to look at the man who changed our lives forever. It has...
June 16th, 2014
My Daughter’s Rape
My husband and I emigrated to Toronto from the uk in 2001 with our 2 daughters. Our youngest daughter, Abigail, was raped in 2005 whilst celebrating her graduation from high school. The tradition here is to go camping in a group the weekend after the graduation ceremony and prom. She...
I was 17 years old i was a virgin I had this boyfriend for a couple of weeks and then he went to university in another city, i went to visit him and lied to my parents telling them i was going to visit a friend on The same city...
January 3rd, 2014
Drugged and Raped at Age 14
I was something of a “wild child” in my teenage years. I grew up in the Los Angeles area and fell in love with live music at a very young age. My mom wouldn’t allow me to go out to any concerts, and we had a venue with lots of...
July 13th, 2018
I was assaulted twice at the same...
I had just returned from a year of studying abroad, so my 3 best friends decided to throw a small party for me. I had just turned 17. It was a small party for close friends, and the cousin and a couple of his friends of my best friend. Through...
Born A Girl When I was 10, I noticed men looking at me differently When I was 10 to 12 men and boys of all ages honked their horns, whistled and yelled profanities at me When I was 13 my friend and I were walking home in the daylight, when...
February 10th, 2017
Raped at age 9 & 15
Rape isn’t love, Rape isn’t sex, Rape isn’t a relationship, Rape isn’t consensual. The only thing that had my dignity written all over it was taken from me, The one thing that meant so much to me was taken from me, the one thing that made me feel more like...
September 26th, 2018
We met at the bar
He bought me a drink and we played shuffle board. All the while laughing and flirting. He was very charming. We took an Uber back to his place. We go inside and start making out. The drinks are all hitting me and feeling good. As we start to have sex...
January 28th, 2017
I Trusted Him
I was 15 at the time. He was 17. We had been dating for about six months, when he started to ask for sex. Being young I would say no. He would accept it normally. Sometimes he would touch me in places I didn’t want to be touched. I would...
November 15th, 2017
I did Not need to know this
Youngest of 3, and I was the most outgoing. I was into sports and clubs, and after school church activities. I came home from field hockey, all sweaty and stinky, and needed a shower like no tomorrow! I went straight in and to my room to get a change of...
April 21st, 2015
I just don’t know how to start. It feels weird and I am ashamed, I feel dirty and I don’t have any self-esteem left. I am having a great boyfriend. We both are having a strong relationship and we are dating since five years and a half, I met him...
September 13th, 2022
Raped in my own bed
Locked forever in Liberty Plaza, Frozen in time, always saying no, But no one hears me, no one listens and no one comes. But why would they? If I don’t scream for help. Locked forever, in my tiny uni room. Your clothes, stained with vomit, in my bathroom. Photos of...
May 4th, 2015
No Wasn’t Good Enough
I was enlisted in the United States Army. I believed it was my chance to find my self and be courageous and to leave the sheltered area from where I was raised, to be a voice. After a deployment with my unit I came home, I was tired and worn...
September 4th, 2015
It Started With Rape
For sometime I have befriended this guy thru text , he is a cousin of my high school classmate. After two years of exchanging messages we finally met-up and he formally courted me. I thought I already know him with the two years exchange of messages. He seemed gentle and...
September 15th, 2016
My Abusers
In my lifetime, I’ve dealt with nasty things. From getting bad grades, to getting therapy. One of my worst secrets are my assaults. The first one was in preschool. I have no memory of what my teacher did to me, but I remember somethings. I remember the little daycare I...
December 29th, 2015
Sexual Assault
For Halloween my friends and I went to a party. Everyone there was around 15-16 years old. At first I hung out with them, but then they started hanging out with others so I started hanging out with this guy. I knew him from school and we were actually very...
March 20th, 2017
Abused as a Child
I’m 19 now, but every single day my mind will keep on repeating the same old thing over again. I want it to stop but I CAN’T. I’m from the Southeast Asia, It happened when I was around 8 or 9 years old, on the second day of a festival...
November 24th, 2014
I Will Never Forget
Three and a half years ago, at 3 o’clock in the morning, I sat at a worn table in a domestic violence shelter. I was preparing for the most important battle of my life: custody of my daughters. My daughters slept, upstairs in one of the shelter’s tiny bedrooms as...
October 28th, 2015
Just need to express my anger about something that happened many years ago. I am a secondary survivor I would say. I was not physically raped by this man but my niece was at the tender age of 9 until she was 11. She is 47 now. I found out...
October 11th, 2016
I Thought It Was My Fault
I was in my youth pastor’s office when he started complementing me on my new dress and how my body looked in it. He grabbed my crotch when he hugged me. I was 13. I thought I caused it. — Survivor, age 60
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
October 13th, 2016
I Didn’t See It In Time
I’m just some normal person. That’s what I always think of myself. I have a guy who loves me, and has never hurt me. My best friend, on the other hand, didn’t get the best experience with her boyfriend. Everything went pretty ok with them at first, but I didn’t...
January 1st, 2017
I was 16, and my father was a month away from dying of stage 4 cancer. I lost my virginity earlier that year in what I feel is sexual assault as well. (I was drunk, the guy took advantage and brought me to a vacant room and had sex with...
November 22nd, 2016
My Rape Story
So, I was just five. I remember this like it was yesterday. So it was late at night, and I was spending the night at my aunt’s house. My cousin had passed by me a few times to go to the kitchen. I was sleeping in the living room and...
December 3rd, 2016
From Heaven to Hell
This all started when I was in the 8th grade, I met my now ex boyfriend Matt C. who I dated for about four years leading up to my junior year in high school. I’ve know Matt since we were very little, we went to the same elementary so I...
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
November 3rd, 2014
My Life History
I’m a girl of 22 years from Norway …. Sorry my bad english, but hope you understand what I want to share with you. I grew up with my mother until I was 10 years, when I was placed in foster care. My mother was mentally ill. Since I was...
April 22nd, 2018
Friend of mines set me up
I was about 18 years old 2 years ago and me and this girl became really close. We didnt talk im school much but after we graduate she wanted to hang out more. One day she tells me she wants me to go to the beach with her and a...
June 30th, 2014
Married My Rapist
I watched the project on Netflix. I saw Joan Collins. She is the first person that I have heard of doing what I did. I was a virgin and had planned to remain a virgin until I was married. The guy I was dating knocked at my apartment door which...
February 26th, 2016
Stupid Coward
It began when my mother re-married and I suddenly got an older step brother. At first, I was delighted to have a new family member since I’ve always been a single child. We got along pretty well and we were pretty close, he would take me to shopping or to...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
March 26th, 2016
Still Rape
I’m sharing my story because I have a daughter and I know with her beautiful little face and bubbly personality, she could become a victim in an instant. I want her to know her mother is a survivor and I will walk through hell and back to protect her from...
July 31st, 2018
Supe que fue un abuso cuando ya...
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, no recuerdo la edad exacta, un primo mio de unos 17 años solia sentarme en sus piernas y frotarse sus partes conmigo. Nunca intentó tener relaciones conmigo pero fue algo que me afectó por años. No sabía si debía contarlo o no porque no sabía ni...
June 17th, 2014
Seis Años
A los seis años fui a la fiesta de una tia buela una de las tantas reuniones que hacen en mi familia y cuando fui al baño el hijo de esa tia me llevo a su cuarto y abuso de mi yo trate de llamar a mi mama pero tenian...
Hola, no comprendo muy bien el idioma ingles por eso escribo esta corta historia en español, la persona que fue abusa es mi esposa cuan ella tenia 11 años por el esposo de una tía de ella y el esposo de una prima de ella. Al contarme esto sentí demasiada...
December 18th, 2015
Growing Past Just Surviving
I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. Our daytime seemed the perfect middle class, church going family where all was polite, well and peaceful. Our night times where a living nightmare. My father became a different man drunk. I grew up physically and sexually abused, although...
January 7th, 2017
Black and Blue
My story is a little different than the ones Ive read. And for a long time I didn’t see it as rape because of what I was reading. I now realize that I was raped an I need to go forward. The first step is to share my story. I...
June 26th, 2015
Another Victim
I was 18 when I was raped. I went on holiday with my friends to a Greek island. It was my first holiday without my parents and it was supposed to be a celebration of finishing our exams. To get to the beach we had to walk through a beach...
August 24th, 2009
חיה בשני עולמות מקבילים
מאיפה בכלל מתחילים לרשום את הסיפור שלי כשמרגישה שלא משנה כמה אני ירשום- זה פשוט לא יהיה מספיק. אני חיה בתוך הסוד הזה כבר שנים רבות- רבות מדי. אני בת 25, לאחרונה סיימתי את התואר הראשון שלי. למרות הכאב שאני חייה בחיי- לאורך השנים תמיד וידאתי שאת כל הכוחות שלי...
June 24th, 2014
Multiple Times
Raped by a caregiver at 6 years old and then again after he was released from captivity. Second rape was also kidnapping and stabbing to punish me for telling the first time. I almost died. I blocked the trauma from my memory. My mother tried to get me help but...
November 27th, 2017
My husband was molested as a child
This is my husband’s story. He recently confided to me about how terrible of a person his great uncle is. He was molested multiple times by him whom I’ve met a few times in the past. Let’s call him Guu. It started when he was very young (6 or 7)...
December 19th, 2015
Since Age 6?
I have early memories from about age six. When i was about six years old, I fondly have flash backs of being touched by my younger brother’s father. I’m not completely sure what he exactly did to me but I sometimes have weird “dreams” and I’m not sure if there...
December 1st, 2015
Suppose to Protect Me
When I was 8 my oldest brother began touching me and by the time I was 12 he had penetrated me several times. He tried to get me to give him a blow job but I refused. He preformed oral sex on me though. He would make me sit on...
February 12th, 2017
My rape
I was raped by various people from my extended family. I was young so I didn’t know what they were doing to me. Everyday I think about it. It kills me inside. I wish I could tell someone but I feel ashamed. I feel this way because my rapists were...
March 5th, 2018
One Night Only
I had been traveling nonstop for weeks. I was running on empty but still managed to pull myself together after a four-hour flight to meet a couple of my friends for dinner. Little did I know, it would only take that one night for my life to change drastically. I...
July 28th, 2014
הטרידו אותי
היי לינור קודם כל אני חייבת להגיד שראיתי את הסרט שלך אולי מאות פעמים וכל פעם אני מתרגשת מחדש. אני בת 13 ולפני כמה ימים הטרידו אותי וזה לא יוצא לי מהראש זה הלך ככה הלכתי עם חברה שלי לקניון ואז איש מבוגר פנה אלי ואמר לי שיש לי יופי...
April 2nd, 2017
A Letter To The Man Who Stole...
o the man who stole my life: If I knew the day that I met you what kind of person you really were, I would have never acknowledged your presence. We grew up in church together and I admired you for years from afar. I always wondered what it would...
December 4th, 2017
I’m so sorry
I’ve never told anyone my story- I brushed it to the side, hoping I’d find strength in myself to forget. I have a little sister, she needs someone to look up to- It can’t be me when I’m suffering. This exact day a year ago, my life changed forever- I...
October 20th, 2017
“Me too” On Facebook
Recently, there’s been a lot of people posting “me too” on social media. That statement is supposed to show others they’re not alone and reveal to the word the size of this epidemic. I can’t help but feel more alone each and every time I see a “me too” status....
September 5th, 2010
גבר אלים וחולני
לקראת גיל 15 התחלתי לצאת עם בחור שהיה גדול ממני בשנה, לאחר חודשיים בערך ביחד הייתה בנינו מריבה מטופשת במהלך המריבה הוא נהייה אלים כלפי זאת הפעם הראשונה בעצם שהוא הרים עליי יד, הביא לי סטירה שהפילה אותי על הריצפה וכשאני שוכבת על הרצפה הביא לי מכה חזרה בבטן עם...
14/01/2016 I was walking home from work at 4am I heard footsteps behind me and then someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the wall, pulled my trouser down and then raped I was crying and screaming but no one could hear me. I was so scared to...
January 3rd, 2018
Drunken rape
When I decided to get drunk for the first time ( my first semester in college), I tried to be wise and have friends watch over me. A male friend from my dorm offered to be my “guardian angel” for the night and make sure I didn’t get into too...
July 27th, 2016
Lightening Does Strike Twice
I’ve been raped twice. One left left me bruised, one didn’t leave a mark. Both hurt the same. When I was 16 I got a boyfriend. He was older, and cool, and in a band. He took me to parties, and gave me weed, and made me feel cool, too....
April 26th, 2017
My Snowball Effect
My life has been a serious of many many struggles. But, I am grateful that they happened because I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. It started with my parents relationship. It was ever really good. But at the age of nine, I caught my Father cheating on...
April 8th, 2016
The Most Vivid Distant Memories
Hi. I guess my story starts when I came to America to start a life anew with my family. I remember my parents were busy a lot back than, trying to set stable beginnings for us, their children. Because of this, I remember being left in the care of family...
June 6th, 2015
I Was Only 7
I’m from a little town in Mexico (I apologize for my english) And my nightmare started when I was 7 years. I Was a little girl, a little happy girl… but when I started the school, my cousin, (a nephew from my father’s) raped me and changed everything. He was...
July 1st, 2014
7th Grade Assault
I am in 10th grade. 15 years old. It has been 3 years since my rape. I was 13, in 7th grade, still figuring myself out. During this time, I was going to a new school, a high school and middle school combined. I had recently been fitted for hearing...
January 7th, 2016
I was raped about a year before I was kidnapped. The kidnapping is more traumatic for me because nearly 20 years later I recognized a story on a profiling on America’s Most wanted that I knew it was the same people who kidnapped me. I escaped by some incredible strokes...
February 4th, 2018
Sexual Harrassment
I know I am just a common ordinary woman in Kearney Nebraska, so my story does not seem news worthy. In 2005 I was employed as the Development Coordinator for the Buffalo County Economic Development Council. My boss was a man named Ron Tillery. When I took the job five...
July 11th, 2014
Didn’t Know Until Later
I am 25 now, and when I was from the ages of 4 to 13 I was molested by my mother’s half sister. I didn’t realize it was molestation because I found out later on in life that she had been grooming me most of my life. I finally told...
July 10th, 2017
19 years later and still thinking about...
Back in 1998/1999 I was 9 years old. It is 2017 now and you would think I would just simply forget about what happened, but it never goes away. I always think about it, just never talk about it. The last few months I found myself finally having the courage...
November 9th, 2017
Tulane Law
I was a Junior. I lived in school housing and went to a party at a house 2 blocks from my room. I arrived and one of the guys who lived there asked me to come check out his CD collection. He got aggressive, pushed me against a wall, and...
February 16th, 2015
6 years have passed and I think about this everyday. Everyday. An inner tug of war turning the events over in my head. My boyfriend is an ‘upstanding citizen’, joined the army for the forces of good and would walk old ladies across the road. He started by the end...
August 20th, 2009
my story
אני בת 28, נשואה ואם לילד. עברתי פגיעה מינית מתמשכת, מגיל 9, ועד גיל 13.5, מאדם בגיל של הורי אני לא אוהבת לקרוא לעצמי “שורדת” כי בחיים יש הרבה יותר מזה כיום, בעיצומו של תהליך החלמה ושיקום, אני פעילה בארגוני נשים שונים, ביניהם מרכז הסיוע לנפגעות תקיפה מינית בישראל תודה...
June 6th, 2016
It’s Been Eight Years
The first time I was raped I was around seven years old. It was by my older cousin. After I kept saying no, he said he would do it to my sister. So I protected her. I was fourteen when he stopped. I’m fifteen now, and had around three months...
August 24th, 2016
Our Corrupted Country
I woke up from my bed. I could remember someone mixed dugs in my orange juice last night. I slept on my friend’s bed. I went to take a shower when I noticed nail marks on my (o)(o). I was horrified when I saw my hand. It was written. I...
August 22nd, 2016
Finally Accepting I Was Raped
My story starts my first year of high school. I was the youngest person in my class; starting my freshman year at 13 years old. It was the first time being mixed together in classes with people older than myself. I was very sheltered by my parents, never allowed to...
November 22nd, 2017
Never Thought It Would Happen to Me
Dear Survivor, I know the bad days outnumber the good ones. Maybe you haven’t even had a good day since it happened. Maybe you feel like your temptations are the only logical way to escape. Maybe you’re ignoring it. I thought ending my life was the only way to escape....
November 27th 2015. I still haven’t been able to call it what it was out loud. Rape. I was a freshman in college, but back home for thanksgiving break, and one of my close friends had a party where lots of people came, and many were drinking. I chose not...
October 23rd, 2017
Confused for Too Long
So many stories here have helped me to feel okay, so I figured I would give back in hopes that my story might comfort someone else who may have experienced something similar. I was raped when I was 17 on a family vacation, and for 8 years of my life...
August 19th, 2014
Stranger Danger
I was on vacation walking at night with a friend on my birthday when we saw a bus go by and stop ahead of us. The driver and doorman waved us over friendly like. We go on the bus like we had a few times previous on the tropical island...
Hi, my name is Vetty and this is my story. It was hard to share this story but Brave Miss World inspired me a lot. Thank you. So I’m 16 now and this happen to me when I was 15. So I when to a party and my parent told...
March 25th, 2016
Still Need Help
I was dating this guy that my family had a lot of connections with. He came over to my house one day. I was 20 years old and I am now 26. It started out as just kissing but he went to far and the next thing I know he...
September 13th, 2016
Never Ending
It started back when I was in the 7th grade. I felt as if I was always being watched. I was. An older boy was always somewhere near me staring. I never thought of myself as attractive and I wasn’t interested in dating yet. Nothing major happened until the next...
מרגיש מכני נושא הסיפור: והסיפור: כלכך ישיר לנושא כלכך מורכב אני שכנה שלך ממש חדשה ברחוב הסחלב 96 רמת פולג בעלך עבד עם חבר שלי שמנהל את הקפה קפה באמנון ותמר 6 (של אבא שלי) הסיפור שלי כזה הייתי ילדה שמחה מאוד ואז זה הפסיק פעם אחת קצרה ,אבל כלכך...
September 6th, 2016
The Night My Life Got Destroyed
I was foolish…my very close “friend” raped me with his friends it destroyed me. At that time i was 17 and he was 19 , we where friends ever since our childhood and we were neighbors-he betrayed my trust he betrayed our friendship. My mom made it clear on that...
I just finished watching Brave Miss World and it inspired me to share for the first time my experiences. Between the age of 6 and 8, the older son (he was 16) of a family friend sexually abused me. He always said not to tell. I felt so ashamed that...
December 9th, 2015
I’m a Victor, not a Victim
I grew up in a dysfunctional and broken family. The youngest of four to a single mother struggling with addiction and her own demons, I didn’t have much of a chance in the pursuit of normalcy. When we were children, my mother sent us to church once a week with...
August 19th, 2009
היי לינור
היי אני מקווה שאכן תקראי אותי. גם אני עברתי חוויות דומות, כאלה ואחרות בחיי מ 8 אנשים מהמשפחה. זה הבלוג שלי אם תרצי לעיין http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userblog.asp?foldername=bubaa&passok=yes אשמח אם תצרי איתי קשר במייל את חזקה! כל הכבוד לך *חיבוק*
January 11th, 2018
Still Going
I can barely remember my childhood but Im going to let it go and share what I do remember. Im 33 years old and grateful to have survived. I remember my mothers husband raping me at the age of 7. He was sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive. He was...
October 25th, 2014
I Dated My Rapists
I was raped three times in my life. After seeing the documentary Brave Miss World and hearing Joan Collins, from the film, who married her rapist, it resonated a lot with me. I was first raped when I was 16 years old by my boyfriend. I was a virgin waiting...
September 7th, 2016
I Hate You
You left me at a crack house where he was waiting to corner me and take me to his bedroom. You were gone for maybe five minutes and he already had me. What’s worse! I tried to tell you when you got in the door, oh sweet ex of mine,...
I was 13 when my life changed. My dads best friend had always made me feel uneasy but I never thought anything of it at the time but now looking back the winks, the slapping my bum as he passed was not normal behavior. One night he went out with...
November 16th, 2016
Sexual Assault
At the age of 15, I was sexually assaulted by my Aunties Husband. One night he came in to my room when I was sleeping. I was awoken to find him sexually assaulting me! This meant my whole world had collapsed! At 15, after a week of the incident, I...
October 22nd, 2018
It is not my fault
The first incident I can really vividly remember was my freshman year of high school. I went to a school that required us to wear uniforms and I had to take the metro to school every day. I was sitting down by myself and a guy got on the train...
I have been raped multiple times. For the longest time I just acted like it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t think about it and tried to forget about it all together. However, in reality, I was terrified. The time that scared me the most was when I was at...
June 15th, 2016
I’m 20 now…it started when i was 9 or 10. I once caught HIM watching porn. Unable to understand what it was that he was watching late at night, I asked him. I don’t remember getting an answer but he would invite me to his room later on and it...
July 1st, 2014
I’m Doing You a Favor
I was 7 years old when we moved into my step-father’s house. Around that time he pulled me into his dark bedroom and whispered that there was something very important he wanted to show me. My mom had just left the room to go downstairs and make dinner for us....
August 10th, 2014
Restoring Innocence
I just wanted to write to all of those who have taken the time to write. I am a victim of rape as well. I am saddened and horrified by the stories here. By the stories of my past. I just wanted to offer up a little joy. I am...
I was molested at 7 years old in the apartment complex I currently live in. My best friend was also molested with me. It is now easier to talk about it, but I have not found a way to cope. Only my mother and one of my cousins know what...
April 6th, 2014
April 5th, 2017
School Rape
I was 8 and I was heading to the girls bathroom. I walked into the biggest stall because I always go for the most spacious. I walked in and locked the door. Three males older than me, (about two or three grades), crawled into my stall from the one next...
March 4th, 2017
Forgiving The Rapist
My wife was date raped 10 years ago. We have been together for 7 years, so it was 3 years before I met her. She was at a bar with some friends, she met a guy. She had just gone through a bad breakup and was in a bad spot....
February 26th, 2018
Innocence Taken
My story begins when I was 6 years old. My babysitter had a brother who was in high school and my babysitter left me with him for long periods of time. He would take me for bike rides and we would end up in a barn. To this day I...
October 15th, 2016
Date Rape
I was married a long time and am now divorced, so therefore I’m not very experienced with dating. Recently I went on a date with a guy I knew about ten years and who was getting a divorce. We had a fantastic time. We talked often for another week and...
June 26th, 2014
Afraid of Being Judged
When I was 18 years old I was like a lot of young women-dating, trying out relationships, making mistakes. My biggest mistake was to trust a “friend.”. We had a passionate relationship at the start. We were both college freshman, I had a long-distance boyfriend that wasn’t working out-and we...
October 22nd, 2015
Rape at Bogota, Colombia
Sueño / Recuerdo I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of...
It happened two weeks ago in school I went to the bathroom and then there were two men. It happened, but they didn’t cut me or bruise me. They didn’t want anyone to notice after I ran from school and walked home and started cutting myself. I still don’t know...
August 19th, 2014
Raped by Brother
I was about 12/13 years old when I was raped by my brother. In my memory it happened often during approx. 1 year. He warned me not to talk about it with my mom. When we went on a family holiday, my eldest brother did not come. Usually they would...
September 26th, 2018
We met at the bar
He bought me a drink and we played shuffle board. All the while laughing and flirting. He was very charming. We took an Uber back to his place. We go inside and start making out. The drinks are all hitting me and feeling good. As we start to have sex...
January 17th, 2022
You had no rights
“Meet me after school, today. I wanted to tell you something,” a boy from my class said, “…in private,” he added, looking at my friend, whom I was talking to. My friend raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “Where?” I asked. “Uhh… At the back of the school.”...
August 26th, 2015
He Was a Friend
A few months ago I met a guy called Josh, He was knew to my town. Being a friendly person I befriended him, began to trust him. We hung out a lot at his flat along with other friends there. One night everyone went home I decided to stay a...
October 8th, 2017
Dream / Recall
I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of showing their power-She...
October 14th, 2015
Fishing Trips
The first time I was molested I was 4. I went on a fishing trip with my family, my fathers best friend and his sons. When everyone was down at the doc I was left alone with the other mans oldest son, we were very close and I always considered...
December 8th, 2015
Raped By My Father
First time I felt the pain of being raped, I was 8 years old. That day haunted me every night. For some reason I managed to find a way to deal with it. I didn’t forget but I made sure it didn’t destroy me. Then I turned 20, how life...
January 29th, 2017
My Story
Hi all. This is my personal story. It’s taken me awhile to share it out in the open like this, but I believe it’s the next step in my healing. Ive read lots of your stories and it helps to know I’m not alone in the way I feel. I’ve...
March 20th, 2016
Started With My Father
I apologize for how long this is and how graphic if graphic descriptions are going to be hard for you consider this your warning to stop now. However, I wanted to be frank about what I’ve done and what’s happened to me. I don’t want to pretend things weren’t the...
October 12th, 2017
My year abroad
Sometimes I wonder if it was my fault…Did I say yes? I must of, right? I was studying in Rome for the academic year, what was meant to be the best year of my life. I had been at a party and obviously was drinking, a friend and I decided...
June 27th, 2014
Lasting Effects
I just watched the Brave Miss World on Netflix. I was raped four times by four different men when I was between the ages of 16 and 22. I am now 44. I thought I was over all of it. The documentary showed me just how NOT over it I am....
August 6th, 2015
En Enero de 2010
No se como contar algo que todavia duele, que todavia me mata un poco cada día. En enero de 2010 fui violada por un hombre que no consigo acordarme de su rostro, pero si de su voz y ese recuerdo me acopaña hasta ahora. Mis padres nunca supieron de nada,...
July 15th, 2014
No More Silence
I have kept my secret, his secret, their secret, for 36 years, my brother, later my husband. I was 4 years old the first time I remember, but it wasn’t the first time. When I began menstruation I was immediately sent away to boarding school. At the time I didn’t...
February 23rd, 2017
I’m now 28 and going through eating disorder recovery along with trauma work. When I was in kindergarten my mom went back to work full time. She sent me to the same daycare my younger cousin went to. The owner ran it from her home (sometimes her sons would help...
September 21st, 2015
The Course of Seven Years
When I was younger I was told that I would have to rely on my brain to get me places because I wasn’t going to meet someone who found me attractive physically. I went through most of my life with an extremely low self esteem and found it odd when...
June 27th, 2015
Betrayed By My Own Mind
I had a shower, and sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my head resting on the glass, for maybe a good 45 minutes trying to meditate or at least practice some mindfulness breathing that our marriage counsellor suggest I try. I can’t. I can’t for more than...
September 27th, 2016
Darkness With Friends
One day I was just chillin in my room texting a friend from school. Then I get these weird texts all of a sudden. My friend and I then text on another format of texting. We try to figure who’s texting me then we find out. From that day on...
March 24th, 2016
Rape By My Husband
Linor, watched Brave Miss World last night and was still shocked by the many rapes to women all over the world (later watched miner women in Bolivia). Admire your bravery in public, your youth and determination in looking for justice, speaking out, removing the blame of the victims and the...
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
December 20th, 2016
Struggling to Survive
5 months ago I went on a night out with my friend. ‘=I remember dancing, having fun and then my memory goes very patchy. Next thing I know I’m naked and being raped. I tried to get him off but it’s like I was a doll that could see her...
October 17th, 2017
#MeToo 5 years later…
#METOO i shared my story on this site a few years ago about the time i was raped by a stranger. i’m surprised at how easy those four letters rolled off my fingertips as if i was just writing anything. over the years i have been in therapy a lot...
July 20th, 2016
BC Oilfield Ruined My Life
If it were to ever happen to anyone. I wish it would happen to me again as I don’t wish this on my darkest enemy. It was Friday and I was blessed with a sunny day off. I had went into the dispatch office in the morning asking if there...
June 23rd, 2014
My Mother Was Raped
I was not sure if I should talk about this in public. I have saved this feeling in my heart for so many years, I remembered one day my mother and I were arguing about a boy I wanted to go out with. My mother was so afraid and started...
By BF and me went to drink beers at the Door to Hell, a cave in the woods(it might have a name, but that’s what we called it). Basically a private place for the kids to drink, and the homeless clean the clans for salvage cash. We all drank a...
April 7th, 2017
Raped by school ‘friend’
dont really know where to start with this i’ve not told anyone, tried to stop myself from thinking about it. pretending it was a nightmare, that this didn’t happen to me. but i was raped by a boy i knew since year 7. he was hosting a party and there...
June 8th, 2018
Perfect on Paper
I met him at a party on New Years. He was handsome, a great dancer, a pre-law student, worked while putting himself through school, had a new car, played in a jazz band, father was a minister. We went to different schools so he called me when he came home...
March 25th, 2016
So Many Years to Remember
It took me so many years to remember. I was at a party. I went with a girl friend. I was immediately offered drinks. I accepted. I don’t even think I finished it. Guys were overly sweet to me. It only took 20 minutes and I felt awesome! I thought,...
February 17th, 2018
sexual assault
I remember i had not long broken up from my first love Oliver and not long after i was used for a one night stand i met Aaron, at first things were going well, or so i thought, there was a couple of times that he had tried to force...
I was molested at 7 years old in the apartment complex I currently live in. My best friend was also molested with me. It is now easier to talk about it, but I have not found a way to cope. Only my mother and one of my cousins know what...
June 29th, 2017
Childhood Rape
This is hard so I’m not going to try to drag this out to much. In the early 90’s a guy(only know his first name) dragged us out of a pool located at 500 pacific avenue in Virginia Beach. I was around 6 and my sister was 8. It’s crazy...
November 18th, 2014
De Los 6 a Los 12
Desperté con su aliento sucio y su lengua dentro de mi boca y, no entendí nada, quedé paralizada, tenía apenas 6 añitos y lo quería y admiraba… era mi abuelo. Esa noche, antes de irnos a la cama y con mi abuelo de visita, lloré desconsolada pues competíamos mis hermanos...
November 30th, 2014
I dated my boyfriend for 4 years on and off. He was extremely emotionally and physically abusive. He isolated me from everyone I knew, including my parents and made me feel like he was everything. He was the first guy I slept with, and even the first time with him...
September 28th, 2016
An Unknown Face & Hands
I was almost killed. I never thought I would utter those words let alone write them on a public website like this. I’ve written here before but that was a while ago, about a rape that happened almost 3 years ago. It’s happened countless times in my life already, I’ve...
June 5th, 2017
Blaming Myself
I don’t remember when it started. All I remember is being afraid whenever my mom left the house and it was just my stepdad and I. He would always come around to my sister and I’s room after our mom had tucked us in so he could “tickle us.” Unsurprisingly,...
September 12th, 2016
I’m not entirely sure what guys want. If I text my boyfriend good morning and appreciate him when he does something kind, I can put a smile on his face. If I study hard and be respectful and loving, I can make my dad light up. If I work out...
August 17th, 2014
My Story
I was raped by my boyfriend at the time, and 5 of his friends, when I was 18. It happened in a hotel in London where I live, and although it was 22 years ago I’ve never been able to go near the hotel -it’s really well known. But, now...
August 24th, 2009
My Story.
I’m Chanel, I’m 12 years old young right? Well here’s my heartbreaking story.. I was hmm.. About 10 or so when it all began. Now MOST people, their stepdads sexualy abuse them, well no. This guy. He was my older brother.. he was about ehh. 14, he KNEW rigt from...