November 2nd, 2020
When does it get easier?
I was already a troubled kid. My mother was an alcoholic and we moved at least once a year. New schools, new friends, new environment… it’s hard to get to know yourself let alone anyone else, with no stability. My mother fell for any and everyone. Typical chain of events…...
November 1st, 2020
I was raped by my ex boyfriend Austin Buechele and he made me think it was okay, and he still threatens me till this day even though we have an epo against him. – Maddison, age 17
October 31st, 2020
How it makes me feel 5 years...
When I was a young kid I allways liked to play fairytales. But in my head the stories all had a different ending than the original ones. I remember that I wanted to feel powerful. One time I pretended to be Rapunzel. But instead of waiting in the tower to...
October 30th, 2020
I met this man online and after we went out to eat he took me back to his place and after me telling him no I didn’t want to perform any type of sex he proceeded to penetrate me until I started to bleed and he didn’t stop until I...
October 29th, 2020
My childhood was living hell
Im sixty three years old I have held this in for at least fifty five years and never told anyone until now I can remember far back as three years old My dad would get drunk and beat my mother I remember my mom and me lived with her brother...
October 28th, 2020
If this hadn’t happened to me
I really don’t know where to start but I’ll shorten this so as not to bore anyone and this will probably bounce around a bit. My father sexually abused my brother and I from a very young age until I went to live with my mother at age 9. I...
October 27th, 2020
Agressée deux fois, mais toujours debout.
J ai subi deux agressions. La première, j avais environ 7 ans, un jeune homme m a entraînée dans une forêt près de chez ma grand-mère, qui me gardait. Il m a menacé, a baissé ma culotté et s est masturbé sur mes fesses. Quand il a eu terminé, il...
October 25th, 2020
Healing from Incest
The shut down was slow while the rising ready. At 22 years old, my body, brain, and being could hardly function. I suffered from a paralyzing catatonia, but why? My mind traveled through its memory networks searching for something that would serve as the root of this depression, this distance...
October 25th, 2020
so forceful
It was 2 weeks after my 17th birthday. I was talking to this guy 3 years older than me, I had found myself really catching feelings for him. One night we had planned a sleepover at his house. Before i got there i already told him that i didn’t want...
October 22nd, 2020
My Life Destroyed in 5 Minutes
I have been trying to write this out for a long time Let me first introduce myself and my community My name is Rachel and I live in a very strict austere religious community We go to separate genders schools from the age of 3 We aren’t allowed to touch...
October 15th, 2020
True Tales No One Knows
Incested at five years old, oral and anal sodomy including rape by six years old. Taken and completely used by men, women and, teenage baby sitters before by the age of eleven. Time period: 1959 – 1965 Survivor, age 66
October 15th, 2020
Wide awake
I was 7 when I met him, he was my sisters softball coach. After a while I started to enjoy softball too so decided to join. Then he started to invite me over with him daughter my age, at first we only hung out for like a hour. Then his...
October 12th, 2020
My Husband Repeatedly Raped me
“When I finally indulge inquisitive listeners with the truth of why my marriage ended, it’s a very mixed response… “Rachel!?” they ask “I thought you two looked really solid! You seemed to get on so well, why did you split up?” “Because my husband decided it was OK to rape...
October 9th, 2020
I was raped by my step dad
It started in the first grade.. but i was to little to figure out what he was doing was bad to me so years past and he kept raping me sometimes it was more than one day.. and when we moved he started using it as for me to get...
October 9th, 2020
There are a lot of assholes on...
I downloaded tinder to experience dating, I never dated before, always had long term relationships with guys I knew for a longer period of time and friendships turned into relationships. This time i wanted to experience the whole dating part. Meeting a stranger, getting to know them and see where...
October 4th, 2020
Pastor’s Son
He was a pastor’s son named after an important figure in the bible. A regular church attendee who made his love for Jesus well known. But now he is a painful memory. It was my first semester at Angelo State University. I was lonely. Luckily I met great people who...
October 4th, 2020
I was a victim of serious child...
I was 9, it was after school at swimming club when the teacher had to urgently go home. We were told to go home but no one was at school anymore apart from us. I didnt care as my parents were on vacation and i had no one at home,...
September 24th, 2020
Broken down car
Back in the early 1980’s, I was just a young girl just starting to drive. My first car was a clunker but it got me where I needed to go except for that one time. I was fighting with my family so I left mad and went out for a...
September 23rd, 2020
my teacher grabbed me
in school i had a teacher reach down my shirt and up my skirt to grab my behind. I’ve had this happen with the same teacher 3 times so my parents removed me from the school and i started a new one where i have lots of mental health support...
September 22nd, 2020
My mom’s boyfriend assaulted me and my...
I was assaulted multiple times ! I was assaulted by my mom’s boyfriend when I was 13. My parents got divorced then my mom and her boyfriend found an apartment with just one bedroom so the 3 of us had to sleep together. At night when my mom would fall...
September 19th, 2020
I spend the whole night reading stories from all of these brave survivors .I decide to write mine so that I can give courage even to just one person .I was 17 when he touched me and pushed an object into me through my clothing .Since then I suffer through...
September 15th, 2020
My Multiple-Offender Rape
Mine happened at 17. I was in high school and I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone knowing. I’ll never forget what “they” did to me. Parts of me died that night. I was Intoxicated, unconscious and woke up in an all-male athletic college dorm, being assaulted with an audience...
September 14th, 2020
To this day I still feel sick…
My hands are shaking as I write this… You’ll have to forgive any mistakes or rambling as I tend to do both when I’m nervous. To be honest I don’t know where to start. Because the timeline is all foggy and blurred for me. All I know is I was...
September 9th, 2020
Multiple Sexual Assaults
I told my story of how I was raped on here. I decided that I would share my story of the times i’ve been molested. The first time I was about 5. My brother had a tournament out of town and so my family and I went. I wanted to...
September 2nd, 2020
I am a Survivor.
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I was first touched when I was around 3 years old, all the way up until 14. The person who molested me as a child was my next door neighbor. I was not protected by my mother. I tried to tell her...
September 2nd, 2020
This Is Me, my fight song
College has started, around this time I was a college freshman fully moved in and Saying bye to my parents. I felt so cool living on my own in my own place, doing my own thing and the best part was, I was playing soccer. It was everything and more....
August 31st, 2020
Hi I was raped when I was 18. I am now 40 and been told I have post traumatic stress disorder. I had just broken up with my first love and I went on a night out in Liverpool, UK, I was drinking and ended up kissing a boy and...
August 30th, 2020
Drunken Sex or Assault?
First of all, ‘m not even sure if this was truly a rape or not. My memory of the night is very foggy and I want advice more than anything. I was drinking and catching up with a close male friend of mine. We met my first year of college...
August 29th, 2020
Why you should talk to your daughters...
At 16 I began dating my first serious boyfriend. I kept it a secret from my mom since she made it feel like I couldn’t talk to her about anything, love, sex, school, nothing. I had recently turned 16 and he was 17 at the time. We went to the...
August 28th, 2020
Still Lost :/
There were two of them. Two men. This was a few months ago. I can’t tell what is going on in my mind. I don’t know if I’m upset about it but I just can’t stop thinking about what happened. And the next day I was just, I don’t know,...
August 26th, 2020
Stranger, Friend, Lawyer, and Youth Leader
People have accused me of being a liar and the one with whom the fault lies… repeatedly. They use statistics to give themselves a platform to shame me or to feel better about their lives, because they don’t want to face reality. The reality is that statistics are not always...
August 26th, 2020
I would like to share my story. When I was six years of age my cousin that was 20 years older than me would molest me and my sister. My cousin used to live with us for about 3 years so it would be constantly when ever he had the...
August 25th, 2020
I am confused. My grandpa always kisses me hugs me and touches me in my hand. But today he touched me two times on my butt. was it accidental? was it out of love because he just sees me as a kid? or was it meant something bad and I...
August 24th, 2020
A letter to the monster
Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. That’s how the FBI defines rape. That’s what you did that day. You raped me. I realized it...
August 24th, 2020
He Was a Family Friend
Trejo molested me when i was 8 years old. We lived on 548 Calle cinco de mayo in Juarez Mexico. He was one of my step dad’s “Carnales” and offered to let him stay with us while him and his wife looked for a new house. The house we lived...
August 24th, 2020
My deaf husband sued the Vatican
My deaf husband was molested by the priest who is the head of the deaf residential school in which he was raised. This is for your mother and your husband. I am them. Although you were the person who was raped, those of us live with you and love you...
August 24th, 2020
Raped by my step father
I don’t know where to start or the right way to say this. All I remember is that i was primary doing grade 5 when i decided to tell my grandma of what was happening regarding my step father, he went under my blankets nearly every night, from grade 3...
August 16th, 2020
Does the pain ever go away?
I really don’t know how to write this but I do want to try. I’ve been reading these stories for a while and have wanted to write my own but every time I try it’s too hard to actually put words down… I don’t know why this keeps happening. Every...
August 11th, 2020
Scarred for life
I should never walked into that trailer when I was 10. My name is Sarimya, the person who raped me is named Danial. Danial lived on the property that I was living on, he is my fathers best friend. Danial tricked me into going into his trailer to help clean...
August 11th, 2020
Raped by a US Marine when I...
I was home from college and out at a local bar to reunite with friends. I was out with people I considered myself close to and still do. I remember having one drink and ended up at the bar for one more before I called it a night. A person...
August 11th, 2020
There is hope
I was sexually abused abused as a child between the ages of 6-14. As i result i have ptsd. Life has been really rough at times but I feel like I’m coming through the other side. It’s been a long road. The first time I talked about was when I...
August 8th, 2020
Will I ever get over it.
I’m not ready to share my story yet and the first time it happened was 13 years ago the most recent is 6 years ago. Will it ever be easier to talk about or cope with. I feel like I’ve moved on, like I’m over it. Then my husband tries...
August 6th, 2020
I regret not telling
When I was in high school, I dated someone briefly. He never told anyone about me to his family or friends. I ended things after a month or two, because he was really into kissing and wanted to do more than that. I didn’t want that though as I was...
August 6th, 2020
The First time I shared…
For my healing my therapist said-if you can’t verbalize, write it… i was like i want to, I don’t know how to— she said well write those letters to your mom, to those people that have caused you trauma from your child. At first not only was i resistant (why...
July 30th, 2020
Monster dad
It was 1990. From the time I was born til I turned 5 my life was a normal little kids life. Playing, sleepovers with grandma, and parents who I THOUGHT loved each other. Fast forward to two weeks after my 5th birthday… My mom was at work and I was...
July 25th, 2020
At the beginning of my sophomore year, I was at a new school, and this guy started talking to me very early on. People at the school don’t like him, at all, but I didn’t know that, I was new, and he always pulled the new girls who wouldn’t have...
July 23rd, 2020
Sexual molestation as a child
I came to the USA from Ireland when I was 6. My mother had been here a year by then. I arrived with my siblings to a new world. My mother had an alcoholic abusive boyfriend that started touching me at the age of 6. It kept on until I...
July 21st, 2020
He ignored me
I was 15 when i was raped. He was my boyfriend at the time. He told me to make him a visit, I did that and after a while we started to kiss and mess around. But when it came down to do something sexually I refused but he completely...
July 18th, 2020
I should’ve known
My roommate (Girl 1) and I were close friends. We were both international students and the only 2 in the whole university that came from a tiny country in Asia. When a third girl (Girl 2) joined us, we all rented an apartment together. Girl 1 and I already had...
July 17th, 2020
When does it end?
Two times. It has happened two times. One at 14 on at 17. I can still feel his hand on me when I stand on a crowded room and I jump when someone touches me by accident. I feel terrified around men often having panic attacks when I am being...
July 16th, 2020
Mental Breakdown
My life’s a mess at 19, but I don’t like complaining to people (friends + family) because I don’t want to burden someone else with my problems, and to be honest nobody really cares like that, I don’t want to project myself as this ‘weak abused girl’ so later on...
July 15th, 2020
East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer – Joseph...
As the evening began on December 18th, 1976 I was a normal 15-year old kid. It was a week away from Christmas, the house was decorated and it was a festive time. I loved going to school, having sleepovers, going to church. I was Christmas shopping for my friends and...
July 14th, 2020
Raped in a Psychiatric Hospital in the...
I apologize for not being able to share my name at this stage- my case is still under investigation, and I do not wish to jeopardize this. The shroud of silence is quadrupled when one is mentally ill and the perpetrator is someone who is meant to be a healer....
July 3rd, 2020
The pain that was never mine to...
I was a freshman in college. It was first semester and I was there for maybe about a month. One night my friends and I went to a party. As we were there, I started talking to a guy and eventually went back to his appt. Once we were in...
July 2nd, 2020
He gave me to his friend
My mom remarried when I was 2. My step dad has always been my dad. His son who is 8 years older then me was just my brother. When I was about 5 he started to play games where he touched me. I didn’t know anything was wrong and I...
July 1st, 2020
My First Boyfriend
I started dating this boy when I was 15. He talked about sex a lot but since I was still a virgin it made me really nervous and I wasn’t sure if I was ready. One day after school he came to my house. Both my parents were not home...
June 29th, 2020
Red Flags
I texted her. The girl he is currently seeing. I reached out to her as soon as I found out they were together. I told her that he was in fact a predator and told her to be careful. I didn’t need to text her, but I did. It was...
June 29th, 2020
My story
Hey, I’m an 18 year old girl, living in central germany with a special story. When I was younger I’ve always been interested in different languages and i always wanted to improve my language skills. So when I was 16 years old right before my birthday i’ve decided to look...
June 28th, 2020
It was someone I knew and I...
I was 17 years old and it was New Year’s Eve. I had met a great guy through some friends we were at his parents farm for NYE. Although we were together, we did not want people to know just yet as we’d met when I was dating a friend...
June 27th, 2020
The Scapegoat of Shame an Guilt
I was sexually molested an tormented from 7-16 by my Step Dad. He also raped 3 family members while I was laying next to the other victims. My mother knew, but slapped my face an called me a liar. She called all the women liars. He was phycally abusive and...
June 26th, 2020
Was almost raped and no one did...
When i was 11 me my mom and sister were in a bad situation. we didn’t have anywhere to live because we had lost our house. this was normal for us sadly because my mom is a single disabled mother of 5. while our other siblings had places they went...
June 24th, 2020
Too naïve
I was 16. I had my first job, a lifeguard. I was so excited. I have been a swimmer since I was 5 so this was a very fitting job for me. I was the youngest person working there by far. Most of the kids were in college and one...
June 18th, 2020
Feeling lonely and isolated
I was 11/12 when a friend of my parents raped me for the first time. We were on a vacation together. After that it continued until I was 14. I didn’t dare to tell anyone because I thought no one would believe me because it seemed everyone liked him. I...
June 16th, 2020
Serial Rapist
In 2015 I had a party at my house. My friend brought a strange man over with her. He was making everyone uncomfortable so most guests left the party. He barely drank but claimed to be too drunk to drive. I offered him the couch to sleep on. He forced...
June 11th, 2020
Afraid, Ashamed and Alone
It was a family member. I was sleeping over at their house because my mom had to get a cancerous spot removed on the back of her head. He touched me. He continued to touch me. And i just froze up. The next day, I tried to act like everything...
June 4th, 2020
Coping with rape during a pandemic
I had just moved to London (2 weeks before the rape). Went out for drinks and had my drink spiked. I woke up in a place I didn’t know, naked next to two guys. I was CONVINCED for about 12 hours that nothing happened because ‘I would remember if someone...
June 3rd, 2020
Little Girl
I was a little girl. Some people would say at that time I should have forgotten what happened but I didn’t, it stuck with me until the age I am today. To start off let me give you some background. My mother had gotten with her boyfriend, let’s call him...
May 26th, 2020
My Last Party
It was my first year of college. I was the type that hated parties since high school so I barely go out. But our midterms were finished and my friend insisted we should go. So I decided to call my boyfriend too. I remember the party was too loud and...
May 16th, 2020
I am a survivor
May 12th, 2020
What even happened
Last year in March my cousin was getting married say we were all at my uncle’s house, choreographing dances, planning and organising. I was going through a terrible time facing recently broken up with my boyfriend bcs of my parents and gave him go out with my bestfriend who didn’t...
May 10th, 2020
Never forgot
I didn’t know English when I was little. It made it hard to speak about the unfair things that happen to me in school. There was a boy in my class who touched me all the time. He touched me and would give me looks that frightened me to death....
May 7th, 2020
3 Different Times
The first time I ever experienced sexual assault or anything sexually was when I was around the ages of 7-9 and I was in the sea. I know it might sound crazy. But I was in the sea. I remember it was a man, he didn’t look old, but he...
April 18th, 2020
Gang rape
I have survived multiple rapes from different men through out my life. I was first raped when I was in college around 19 years old by two men much older than me. I didn’t know them exactly, they were friends of my male friend back then and one of them...
April 16th, 2020
3 years on
I don’t know why I’m writing this out. Maybe so I don’t feel alone, or maybe to just have it in writing, I don’t know. 3 years ago on the 19th I was raped. I can say that now, not that I’m proud of that but I can say it....
April 11th, 2020
This is my story
When I was 12 years old, my mother’s partner at the time who I called dad who had raised me for the past 5-8 years decided he would rape me multiple times until I was 15, until I told my mother. She supported me in every way imaginable and made...
April 11th, 2020
Childhood sexual abuse
It started when I was a toddler. My mom hit me for something I did. I went to school the next day and my teacher called the police because I had a big mark on my back. Yy mom was arrested and cps was going to get me but my...
April 9th, 2020
People don’t think your spouse can rape...
6 months ago my husband forced me to have sex with him because it was his birthday and he deserved it. Even after repeatedly telling him no, I was forced to comply with his request. I felt dirty after that. Like my marriage had been deviled. I went into a...
April 4th, 2020
It was my ex boyfriend
It was a ex boyfriend. 2 years ago and I was 22 years old. We had been dating for a few months. We were on a date and pulled into a parking lot to what I thought we were going to go inside a gaming store. He had other plans....
March 21st, 2020
I was 16 and dating an older guy who was an alcoholic. He was always drunk and making accusations, talking about how his ex-girlfriend hurt him, and so on. I was in tenth grade and dealing with drama I shouldn’t have been. One day I called him and he wasn’t...
March 12th, 2020
If your boyfriend does it is is...
If your Boyfriend does it is it rape? This is a question I ask myself every night before I go to sleep while I relive the rape I experience a year and a half ago. One night, my boyfriend and I had been out drinking at the bar. My boyfriend...