March 10th, 2020
Raped by my step fathers
First time I can remember is when I was 5 or 6 years old. My mom left that step father and I told her what happened and she said why didn’t I tell her. She remarried and that man also raped me. My mom actually walked in on it when...
March 8th, 2020
You Were Supposed to Be My Protector
You were supposed to keep me safe. Instead, you were the one to cause me harm. You came into my room one night when I was thirteen and took my virginity. You were my stepfather but still was supposed to take care of me like a father. You entered my...
March 2nd, 2020
I still hate him
It happened when I was 8. He seemed so nice at first, he’d tell us (my brothers and I) stories and buy me stuff that I like almost everyday… And ask me how was my day but it would be JUST ME not my brothers. He wouldn’t be nice to...
February 27th, 2020
Was it rape?
I was 21. I’m a Christian and as taught in my circle we are to be virgins until marriage and I was trying to uphold that, but I was curious about sex and flirting with sex. I went to a Baptist university where being alone with a guy wasn’t even...
February 16th, 2020
My first love
I was 13 and we went to the same high school. I didn’t know him but we both took part in drama. He was a year and a half older and we met at a school trip to a theatre one evening. He was a ‘bad boy’ causing trouble but...
February 13th, 2020
Start of grooming at 15
When I was around 11 years old my parents and I moved to a new house. It was a lovely time. A neighbour of ours who was very friendly with the rest of our neighbourhood as first was kind. People always said he was very charming. Walking home from school...
February 5th, 2020
I wonder if you are happy for what you did to me. Do you think about how I turned out or how I would’ve felt after you did what you did to me? I have never done to somebody what you did. Does it matter at all of how much...
February 3rd, 2020
A story never told
I was 21 when I was raped. I was at a bar and a man offered me a drink but little did I know that he had drugged it. The next thing I know is I was bent over a couch with something around my neck choking me as this...
January 29th, 2020
My brother let him in
I was 15. Had been to a local party. All my friends were there, my older brother and his friends. We drank, danced and had a good time. I made out with my brothers friend. He was 23. But then I got so drunk. I went home and fall asleep...
January 24th, 2020
My mother’s boyfriend
I was very young, My dad passed 10 days after my 10th birthday I miss him so much! I believe I was under the age of 10 years of age when my mother’s boyfriend asked me to lay on the floor with him, he covered myself and himself with a...
January 20th, 2020
School Bathroom
I was sexually harassed for a period of two years by a group of eleven boys. The ringleader was stalking me both on and off campus as well as online. One day he followed me into a bathroom and pushed me against a wall when I turned to confront him....
January 18th, 2020
Last days I´ve gone thru by PSTD, I can´t stand the voices or people around. I can´t figure out how twenty years has passed in front of my eyes, and they were closed for the fear. Fear have lead my live. And in my “good years” I remember just few...
January 4th, 2020
David and Goliath
Shalom. We’ve got 2 things in common, dear brave Linor. A fight and faith. Except my abuser is my father, an ex minister of my country, ambassador and politician. Meaning he’s had everybody in his hands. And therefore he easily had me committed to a hospital after I first time...
December 26th, 2019
I was raped by a co-worker when I was in my mid-20’s. We were at a work function, we were all drinking, then about 10 of us went to his place to continue the party. He grabbed me on my way out of the washroom and dragged me into his...
December 23rd, 2019
I’m Finally Moving On
Growing up was hard. My childhood was traumatic. Life wasn’t great. But, here I am, moving on. From as far back as I can remember, I hated my life. I was never close to anyone in my family, not in the way family should be. I didn’t feel as if...
December 20th, 2019
To the men who hurt me
Things can change all in an instant and you will never know until it is too late. I’m 22 now and I will try to keep this short and sweet. At 5-6 it all began with someone 4 years older than me showing me his privates. Within the next few...
December 17th, 2019
dad and mom rape
December 10th, 2019
Raped by stranger x2
In my 2nd rape when I was 20 yrs old, I went into shock during and after the assault. Afterwards, my body shook for hours, but I tried to act normal in front of people. I felt like I was dreaming – everything and everyone seemed unreal. But, I also...
December 7th, 2019
Things do get better
I am a very happy person now. I’m dating the best person I know but I, too had a horrible history. I was bullied in high school. It all started when I was invited to a party. I went there and a guy offered me a drink and dumb me...
December 5th, 2019
“It’s not your fault.”
For the first 11 years of my life, I was raised and groomed as a sex toy, mostly for my male family members. However, my mother would also often trade me to other men for various things: drugs, money… love and affection. I have no idea how many times good-intentioned...
December 2nd, 2019
Nerve damage
I was raped by someone that was supposed to be my boyfriend when I was 11. When I was 20, I fell in love with a men 2 years older then me. We went out for 2.5 years. None of the sexual activity in this relationship was consensual. I am...
November 27th, 2019
Jules story
I was a size 8 and into sports and very athletic. I enjoyed sports and enjoyed being healthy, and I am also a lesbian. I was raped by a man who felt he had the right to destroy my life because he thought he could, and he did. After the...
November 25th, 2019
Are you sure?
Sometimes I wish I could say “Hi, I’m the ONE. The ONLY ONE”. That would be extremely lonely, but it would make me happy to know that no one had to go through the same thing. That is not true, though. So, hello, my name is Mariana. I do not...
November 24th, 2019
I was sold to a pedophile
When my father was home, which rarely occured more than two-three times per month, he would spend all of his spare time in the garage outside our home. I was never allowed to join, simply stating that I would only get in the way. He taught my brother everything about...
November 23rd, 2019
Child abuse 9yo now 45 yo never...
Hi my name is Rafael I am from Los cabos Mexico and I was raped when I was 9years old by a friend of my father..(couple of times) while my parents where on holiday .. I never told nobody since I didn’t knew what happened at that time I was...
November 19th, 2019
He was supposed to be a friend
A new friend set me up with a guy she was living with. We went out to a restaurant on the ground floor of my apartment block, where we went for a friendly pizza and a glass of wine, after we finished our pizza and first glass of wine he...
November 12th, 2019
3 incidents
I still don’t know whether I can consider what I experienced rape, but I’m using my therapists help to get a grip of my time traveling through NZ, meeting plenty of men, some of whom have changed things forever. First one was in a dorm I spent my first night...
November 11th, 2019
To inspire and encourage
I was raped when I was 11 years old. Sodomized in the shower is a more accurate description of what happened that night. You see I forgot to lock the bathroom door and my dad went in to pee and saw me in there and that was when he decided...
November 4th, 2019
I don’t know anymore
My high school ends at 10th grade. So you basically start college at 16. As for me, I decided to go abroad and come to the US for college so definitely the rest of the college students were all older than me. I didn’t really fit in. Then one day,...
November 3rd, 2019
I was sexually assaulted at 10 years old. I need help.
November 2nd, 2019
I was 21 years old. I had moved into a flat with my first boyfriend Pete and his best friend, Paul and his pregnant girlfriend Gerry. Pete and Paul were friends from being in the army together. They were both 26 years old. Paul was also my first cousin. I...
October 29th, 2019
‘I have a voice’
I was about 35 years old and I’m sat in a police station talking to a policeman about what happened to me as a child. My friend had helped to get to this point but I had spoke out many times, even when I was very little girl around 4...
October 28th, 2019
I was carrying his daughter.
I’m in a tough spot. I was seeing a therapist for recurring nightmares and was diagnosed with PTSD. Due to some financial limitations recently I’ve had to stop seeing her and it’s been very difficult. So I thought maybe I would give this a try. I’m sorry this is kind...
October 24th, 2019
Molestation and Rape Survivor/Warrior
Hi, I’m not sure how long or short this is supposed to be so I’m just going to summarize what happened. I was molested by my pedophile father until we went to court when I was 12. Nothing happened because I didn’t have any physical evidence. Now I’m 34 and...
October 22nd, 2019
Choose healing over silence
Ke Mosadi gare ga Basadi (This will be the name of the foundation) Choose healing over silence “I was raped by a stranger at the age of 14. Twenty three years ago my life changed. What started off as a fun occasion turned into the biggest nightmare. Like every other...
October 21st, 2019
My story is about how I was abused at the age of 9 till the age of 13 by a close family member, and how much this destroyed my life , it was a trauma as a child, it was intense
October 20th, 2019
my brother in law
two years ago my brother in law raped me. he had been molesting me since i was i was 11 years old, just months after he and my sister got together. for years i did not understand what was going on, i thought he was bring friendly, when he wasn’t...
October 18th, 2019
First boyfriend raped me when i was...
I was 14, he was 17. Both from priveledged white families in Australia. He regularly gave me vodka on the weekends, then on 3 occasions, undressed me and had sex with me when I was unconscious and drunk.
October 16th, 2019
I was a kid, you were my...
My first memory of being touched in such an unpure way was when I was three or four. I lived with my grandparents on my bio dad’s side. My step- Grandma would molest me while my grandpa would watch NASCAR next to us. I don’t think he knew, but who...
October 15th, 2019
I will not stay silent
I was raped at the age of 12 in November of 2018 by a guy who had invited me to stay at his house for the night when I had ran away from my house. The moment I entered his room, I knew I had made the wrong decision because...
October 14th, 2019
I No Longer Want To Live
I was only a child. I lay there as you ran your sweaty filthy, hands all over my undeveloped body. For all those years time and time again I let you hurt me because I thought I was “protecting” others but i couldn’t save them from you…As you would climb...
October 8th, 2019
Was I assaulted?
Last weekend I went out and partied with some friends of mine and I got more intoxicated than I have ever been before. I can’t remember how we left the party we were at or a lot of the other things that happened that night. I do remember that when...
October 7th, 2019
..I had gone to a concert with some friends at a smaller venue. One of my friends knew one of the guys in the band so we were kind of hanging out with the band, etc. They invited us up to the bus. I remember the tour manager handing me...
September 30th, 2019
Finding Me
I don’t really know where to begin I don’t really know if some days I belive in myself. Somedays I suppress all the feeling away that in order for me to breath in order for me to stay alive. This is the first time Im telling my story and I...
September 28th, 2019
Sexual abuse by step father
My step father and his friend had been repeatedly raping my elder sister and her friend for years. From primary school age into secondary school age. This fact was unknown to the entire family. Finally, somehow her friends family found out and the authorities became involved. Both men went to...
September 28th, 2019
I Didn’t Know I Was Raped
Grass stains on my back and blood in my jeans I gain consciousness while my body is jerked like a rag doll My eyes focus on the hazy streetlights as I try to make sense of my surroundings I hear his zipper as he’s walking away So, I pull up...
September 26th, 2019
my story
It felt like I was reliving the moments over and over again, I couldn’t withdraw myself from them feelings and having no closure for nearly four years was the most painful experiences of my childhood. There was no growing up with a picture perfect family, I was the outcast. Never...
September 23rd, 2019
No Comfort
I woke up today feeling especially withdrawn. I’m sure it has to do with the thoughts I had last night of my latest rapist getting away with what he did to me. God it makes me sick that there’s been more than one. Sometimes the thought sends me directly to...
September 19th, 2019
It had to be my fault.
I didn’t know him very well. He worked with a family member. I’d seen him around for gatherings every now and then. He was always nice enough to me. I was sitting on the couch listening to the TV but I was more occupied looking at art. He came by...
September 18th, 2019
Raped in the Air Force
My first duty stationed 28 years ago, i was sexually assaulted by my first supervisor and violently raped by an officer in my unit. The violence of that raped, ruined me for a long time. Suffer from severe PTSD and after 31 years i am being forced out of the...
September 17th, 2019
Multiple Date Rapes/Sexual Abuse During Teen Years...
I am a happily married (39 years) mother of four beautiful children. My sex life has been such a struggle because of the past experiences I’ve had. The first time I was raped I was 14 or 15. My girlfriend and I met a couple of boys at the park....
September 16th, 2019
I didn’t know it was rape, I...
As I sit here watching brave miss world on Netflix I am sobbing. Maybe I’m not alone, probably I am. I was raped by a boy I had a crush on when I was 16. I had drank a glass of wine which had been drugged so even still today...
September 15th, 2019
Online Dangers
I had an online friend named Brandon, and he was shockingly nice. I was around 14 at the time. We decided to meet up because he was the town over and i could walk there. So I walked to his house and we got to know eachother. At one point,...
September 15th, 2019
My rapist sent me a friend request...
My rapist just sent me a friend request on Facebook. It happened at party at my house. I was 16. Another guy… we will call him Rapist #1… who I kicked out of my house the week before for trying to assault me, showed up to my party. The weekend...
September 15th, 2019
I didn’t fight back.
I was 17. I went to a house party of a friend of a friend and knew no one other then the friend I went with. I got talking to a guy, he suggested we went upstairs to a bedroom so we could talk properly. I stupidly agreed. He tried...
September 14th, 2019
Men Like Brett Kavanaugh Make It Hard...
This will come as no surprise to many, but I found myself thinking about my rape more and more during the Kavanaugh hearings. The rich student party boys taking advantage of girls at parties, forcing themselves upon at least one that we’ve heard about, it all seems too similar to...
September 13th, 2019
He was right
I was dating this older man for about over 3 months and I was very happy with this person and we made so much happy memories in such a short time but long story short it just did not work out. He did not want to break up but I...
September 12th, 2019
A learning experience
This is my story: I don’t really consider myself a “victim” as I was just as much into him as he was into me. I just grieve the loss of innocence, the lack of parental supervision, the ignorance of not acknowledging he was a pedophile. I’m not sure why I...
September 11th, 2019
I was not raped, but it took me a long time to understand that I had been sexually assaulted by my family doctor when I was a teenager. It happened twice that I remember when I went to him for a routine flu consultation when I was 14. But this...
September 8th, 2019
Frozen in fear
I thank you for your story. I have kept silent about all my traumas for most of my life. In the last 2 years I have started my healing journey and still have a hard time sharing with anyone but my therapist. I mostly have shamed myself because of how...
September 6th, 2019
Molested used as a sex slave
Was molested and used by the one person who supposed to care for me. Bailey
September 6th, 2019
Breaking the silence
I know what it’s like to feel like you have lost a part of yourself that you weren’t ready to give up. I know what it’s like to not recognize who you see in the mirror. I know what it’s like to cry until your eyes swell shut. I know...
September 5th, 2019
Spoke out and got fired
My name is Vanessa. I served in the United States Army from 2012 to 2016. In my four years of active duty service I encountered 15 cases of sexual assault/harassment/rape/gang rape and then retaliation for reporting. That cost me my military career after reporting. The sexual assaults started when I...
September 4th, 2019
My story of my date rape
In 2016, I was casually dating a guy named “Jay”, who was younger than me, but didn’t look it. He was 6’4” about 200 lbs and I’m about 5’2” and 130 then.. We had been on dates, I was sorta friends with his sister, whom I had worked with at...
September 1st, 2019
My fiancé is my rapist but I...
I have a past of sexual abuse but for the most part I’ve put it behind me though I get flashbacks every so often when watching a triggering show or something. My problem currently is my fiancé. This isn’t a new development in our relationship this started since we started...
August 30th, 2019
My story growing up with a secret
I’m a black South African, I’m 40 years old now, and my son it 20 years old… loved, taught but I still can never live him alone with my nieces as I was left alone and violeted💔💔😭😭 I have spoken about this, but I hate putting this down in writting😭😭...
August 26th, 2019
Family members ex husband
I was 5 years old going through heart surgery when he would come home late from work drunk, or high or his normal scary self and he would come into my room and put his hands down my pants and feel my butt I would act like I couldn’t feel...
August 25th, 2019
Severe childhood trauma, due to drunken, irresponsible,...
I hope everyone can forgive me. I am not ready to share my whole story, right now. You can take what you will, simply from my title. Suffice to say, that this person, my biological father, has made my life hell in a myriad of ways. Ways that affect me...
August 25th, 2019
My Journey (sexual abuse)
After nearly 10 years, I have finally found the strength to speak up about what happened to me when I was a child. I was sexually abused by my step brother over a number of years from the ages of 8 till about 17. I didn’t know what was happening...
August 24th, 2019
Help !
14 and i was inappropriately touched, scared forever, changed, afraid. 3 years later i understand it was sexual assault and i moved on. 17 and someone pushed his foot inside of me through my clothes now i am thinking if this count as rape or not I think that if...
August 24th, 2019
My Trauma(s)
Why do I freeze at the worst possible times? Why can’t I move? Why can’t I scream? Why can’t I fight back? Does it mean that I want it if I don’t fight back? Each time I tell my story or share the shit I’ve been through, I have to...
August 22nd, 2019
my sexual abuse story that i kept...
when I was 13 my neighbor sexual abused me in his pool. it was by far the most painful thing I’ve went through. 3 years later I spoke about my neighbor and had interviews with dcs workers. I was told if I told my story something would be done but...
August 21st, 2019
I didn’t know
It’s started at such a young age , I didn’t know what he was doing wasn’t okay , I didn’t know that being touched there wasn’t okay , I didn’t know that the things he was doing wasn’t okay , I was confused , conflicted , he begged me not...
August 19th, 2019
I lost all the important people in...
I lost everyone. My parent divorced me. Only living family member because I was too angry. I do have anger, but not the screaming kind my mom does to me. Lost all my friends. I fast for all holidays and my birthday. Usually not more than 1 day. A significant...
August 18th, 2019
Abusée par un voisin de mes grands...
Bonjour chère Linor, Je suis en train de regarder Brave Miss World. Merci! Je témoigne car j’en ai peu parlé dans ma vie. J’avais 4 ou 5 ans. Je vivais avec mes grands-parents et ils me posaient parfois le samedi chez la voisine qui me gardait pour aller à un...
August 17th, 2019
No one cares
Got raped in the USA by another patient I met there at physical therapy. I got all kinds of repercussions from the medical, legal and law enforcement. I’m told it’s called secondary trauma. I do not want to tell others for fear of more trauma. I had his dna found...
August 17th, 2019
My/our German “Weinstein” Case
My name is Jany Tempel. I live both in Germany and Thailand. I turned public now, to end the big silence of our country. Almost twenty years ago I had already written a novel about my arduous life. The book wasn’t published back then, mainly because I reported on crimes...
August 16th, 2019
Trapped with memories
It was 2012, my mom had gone to a YMCA summer camp and my brother, dad, and I had gone to a party at my neighbors house, (I was only five-ish at the time so I dont remember the party details) my dad was intoxicated and our neighbor had to...
August 15th, 2019
I Shouldn’t Have To…
I shouldn’t have to be a survivor. I shouldn’t have to be scared of men. I shouldn’t have memories of being sexually assaulted. I shouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath of what happened to me because it shouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t be scared to speak up and share...