April 15th, 2018

My boyfriend of 2 years

I’ve been dating this guy for 2 years, and a little while ago, he took me to his family’s beach house for summer. The first night we were there, he offered me a candy. Obviously, I took it. I started to feel funny and turns out he drugged me and...
April 15th, 2018

The children are the priority here

Thank You for Speak Out/Share Your Story, you are an Inspiration! My husband is a trucker and spends days to weeks on the road crossing the country. He feels bad about leaving us for so long, but he does it to be an excellent provider. It was a Sunday night....
April 13th, 2018

My ex

This happened in late September to late October. I just got out of a relationship with my first love and to get over him I started dating someone else. I thought i liked him. He was seventeen and i was sixteen. He seemed nice a first, but soon became aggressive....
April 13th, 2018

A young mother

I came to college a year early, I was seventeen and so naive. I had taken summer school 2 years so I could get out of that small town Kentucky high school. I was so ready to have a fresh start. My first semester was awesome. I joined a sorority...
April 12th, 2018

Bartender Lies

I was 21, a young ballet dancer studying in NYC. My roommate and I went to visit the bar of the restaurant I was a hostess. The bartenders were always revered, put on a pedestal. I thought the attention from him was good, a positive thing. How wrong I was....
April 10th, 2018

the scary shadows

Out of all people, I would’ve never thought my own brother, that I looked up to, would hurt me so much. At an unknown starting age (I’ve come to the conclusion that I was in 4th grade or so. ) , I would lay in bed, watching the light outside...
April 10th, 2018

A person to trust became my worst...

It was supposed to be one of the most exiting weeks of my life, a step into adult-hood i had dreamed about all of summer. Freshers week. The week everyone is supposed to let go of all inhibitions and have an amazing time with new friends and people who you...
April 10th, 2018

Raped by my grandfather

I have always hated him. He treated me differently than he did my cousins and younger siblings. One night, I was staying with my aunt and my mom had called me asking if I knew anything about him touching a neighbor and friend of mine who lived a floor below...
April 9th, 2018

Rape survivor

I was 14 years old when i was raped. It was my boyfriend at the time and i was still a virgin. We had sexual contact at the time but i did not want to have sex. I felt that i was not ready to lose my virginity yet. He...
April 9th, 2018

Two Times

I have been raped 2 times in total, both in the same place, both by strangers. The first time was hang rape, they chased after me pinned me down and took turns with me. They told me it was my fault for wearing a skirt that showed some of my...
April 9th, 2018


I can’t remember if I was 7 or 9 or if it happened more times that I can remember. He is two years older than me and he’s my cousin, even though I don’t consider him family. He’s always been the weird kid of the family and I think I...
April 8th, 2018

Coming forward turned into a nightmare

6 months ago I was raped while at college. And I still have no idea who by. I was walking by a lake to get some fresh air and he came from behind. I never even saw his face. It all happened so fast that I completely froze. I didn’t...
April 8th, 2018

I thought he liked me

We had gone on dates, I thought he liked me, I liked him. I was 18, he had met my family and made me feel special. I said no and he did it anyway, I laid there looking away, I didn’t fight, I should have fought. I cried after it...
April 7th, 2018

He raped me. I hugged him goodbye...

One night while 18 years old and out partying with a girlfriend, I ran into an old friend. He was older – 27 – and I had known him for about 4 years, since he was good friends with my neighbor. I thought he was a friend because he seemed...
April 7th, 2018

Lasting memories

Three things happened in my life. When I was younger I was molested by 3 men in my life, all family. I still blame myself till this day. Every touch, every word so powerful. I grew up a messed up girl from that. Move forward to the future, on April...
April 6th, 2018

A friend who is a rapist

I’m a survivor maybe not as strong as I was but I will work to make myself stronger. As a mother of 3 boys and a wife of 10 years. I never thought one of my husband’s friends would peep at me while changing or grab me and finger me...
April 6th, 2018

Was it rape if he’s my boyfriend?

In retrospect, we are a happy, normal couple. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, what feel like less. I love him and he adores me. He loves me. He respects me. I think? So I may have had too much to drink one night when the...
April 6th, 2018

Raped by my cousin

I wouldn’t ever say that’s that my life was truly horrible, but I’m at a point in life where I want to talk about my struggles. To set the scene a little, I have 2 cultured south Asian parents, a stay at home mom and an engineer for a dad....
April 6th, 2018

Molested By My Uncle

When I was 5 years old I lived in a house that shared property with my grandparents. My house was walking distance from theirs and I went over there often. My uncle had recently been released from prison. He was 28 years old. He was in prison for theft. He...
April 4th, 2018

My story

I was 20 just before my 21st birthday. I was in college, out at a party with some friends. We’d been drinking and having a good time. A friend came over to me and said that this guy she’d been interested in had invited her to come over to his...
April 3rd, 2018

I tried to bury it for seven...

I lied to my friends about the extent of what happened. I lied to myself that my emotional binge eating was tied to my parents’ divorce. I lied to myself that he only kissed me. I lied to myself that I did not not feel violated. The worst lie of...
April 3rd, 2018


Alcohol quieted my anxiety and dulled my hurt. I never ate enough, so when I drank, I would get drunker, faster. Alcohol gave me guts and I felt bold, sexy, and powerful under its spell. My new gal pal and I drank that day until all I can recall are...
April 3rd, 2018

My First Boyfriend

I was absolutely smitten with my first boyfriend. He was cute, handsome, and very smart. I had never been in love before. I thought I loved him more than I could love anybody else. I was clear; I wanted to wait until I was married. I wanted to share that...
April 2nd, 2018

Raped by my ex-boyfriend

Things with my ex-boyfriend ended really badly, after we broke up I had gotten into a relationship with this amazing girl but he befriended her and she ended up cheating on me with him. When they got into a relationship I was worried about her because of my history with...
April 2nd, 2018

There once was love

It seems every time I close my eyes I can see him on top of me, or if I’m to still I can feel him. I was 16 when my boyfriend decided to take something from me I could never take back. My mother had passed away who lived in...
April 2nd, 2018

He bought me chips and sent me...

Two years ago I aborted the child of my rapist. To this day I still feel sick to my stomach at the thought of this. This man had the ability to remove all sense of control from me and break me completely in a matter of hours. He also forced...
March 30th, 2018

A Literal Fight

I finally got the chance, after years, to kick this woman’s ass, once and for all! Ready and worked up, I brought it to an alley behind work! About a minute later, at least I hope it went over a minute, I was on the ground. My eyes were both...
March 29th, 2018

My sexual assault

I’m not really that good at explaining or even make sense most of the time but this was around the age of 11 or 12 years old that it happened to me . I was on the bus and this man sitting at the front turned around and looked at...
March 28th, 2018

Story Subject: * I thought he was...

I had been friends with this guy for a few months. We were very close. Some people called us “friends with benefits”. He was the guy I lost my virginity to. I thought he was someone I could trust. I still think it’s my fault. He led me on and...
March 28th, 2018

Ex-boyfriend rape

I had just turned 17 when I met him. We talked nonstop. Over the phone, at school, after school. Always. We were unofficially dating over the summer. Then he randomly decided to drop me. Well, maybe it wasn’t random- he had a girlfriend of 2 months that I had no...
March 27th, 2018

Date Rape

When I was 17 years old, I went to a house party. The boys had just won their hockey finals and decided to celebrate by having lots of people over to drink and party. When I arrived, I noticed that we were the only girls there but living in a...
March 27th, 2018


I was raped involving 3 men that worked in the same workplace with me. MY PROFESSION WAS A DIETARY AID. I WAS ASSIGNED IN AN AREA WHERE ELDERLY PEOPLE EATS IN THE DINING ROOM. I WAS ASSIGNED BY MYSELF(which I thought I was). Three men where talking to each other...
March 27th, 2018

“I’m not gonna have sex with you”

I think about it all the time. The feeling of my legs shaking afterwards and the rest of the night. The mark that was left on my neck. The wave of confusion that I was left with. The feeling of shame and disappointment I had in myself for letting him...
March 23rd, 2018

Child sex abuse

When I was 13 my stepfather punished me by touching me “down there”. He told me thats what bad girls get. After that it progressed to longer touches, he made me touch him as well. He wouldn’t punish me as he did my sisters because we, “had a relationship.” I...
March 23rd, 2018

The cycle

Not once but twice I was raped. The first time I was young, I was recovering from a medical procedure and used this truth as an excuse to not engage in sex with the man I was in a relationship with. He was much older than I, and I had...
March 23rd, 2018

Fraternity Men

Hi. I’m really not sure how to go about this and I don’t know how comfortable I feel yet, but I saw your site and I wanted to reach out to share with other women. I was raped by a Fraternity man who I was actually very close friends with....
March 23rd, 2018

My best friend raped me

I will start out by saying that I am a totally different person now than I was then at 18. I won’t say that what happened made me who I am today because I know better than that. You aren’t broken nor damaged from what happened, you just work on...
March 22nd, 2018

I was raped

I decided to take a stroll in my neighborhood,I was taking selfies when suddenly a man came out of nowhere holding a knife in his hand…my heart skipped a beat, I stood there staring at him wondering what to do next, he asked me to give him the phone I...
March 22nd, 2018

I was born for this

My Story. Where do I begin, throughout my childhood I’ve lived to be someone’s property of satisfaction, unable to experience an ordinary childhood. from the age of 5 was when I started being portrayed as a simple object, being touched in areas that a child would never understand but wonder...
March 22nd, 2018

It was just a friend date

I wasn’t planning on cheating. I was in a committed monogamous relationship, and we were both quite happy! I was with B for over 3 years, and I know he was trying to do it all right and save that 3 month wages! I had a lot of friends online,...
March 19th, 2018

I am 1 in 4

When I was over my boyfriend’s one day, he and his brother decided to rape me. Aside from to have sex, I don’t know why they decided to. I told him we were through while I got dressed. He said I didn’t mean it. I meant it! I never told...
March 19th, 2018

He had my pants down

I remember arriving. there was a recycle bin at the door already overflowing with cans. I remember the loud music. I don’t know when who where or how. the why and what were obvious! I looked down and could see between my legs. he didn’t even take the time to...
March 19th, 2018

Quarterly Review

As my 1st job, I was working at a chain store while going to school, and supporting my Mother through her cancer treatments. We had some assistance, but not enough to cover bills and food, much less rent. I needed the job. The manager TJ knew I was hard up...
March 17th, 2018

Do I even belong here?

I am not sure if my story belongs here or not. but this was the first place I found to share it. I volunteer at a site that pairs it’s volunteers with people in need for anonymous private conversations. as a rule it is a great site. but I found...
March 16th, 2018

Sexual Harrassment

This is a recent story. There was a college student in my grade that I only met once a few weeks back. He wanted to come over to my place to hangout after a few weeks went by. Everything seemed normal at first, we studied mostly and then he wanted...
March 16th, 2018

I lost myself before I even knew...

I was six years old the first time I ever felt as if my body was no longer mine. Six years old, I lost the pure innocence you often see in young children playing in playgrounds. At six years old, you don’t understand what this means or what he’s doing....
March 16th, 2018


My story starts with me wanting to have a photo shoot, to be put in a casting base in Norway. The man who ran this page, was also the photographer – and he offered me to meet with him and the secretary. We met, and made an appointment that I...
March 15th, 2018

No means yes to some

was 15 when I was raped, I am now 16 so this is about almost a year later that i am writing this. I was very stupid last year. It was summer. I felt lost in ways i cant explain. It was during preseason soccer conditioning that i decided i...
March 15th, 2018

My Interview

On the way to any job interview, how many of you thought through every Nightmare Scenario you could on the way there, Raise your Hands! The ones with their hands down are called Liars! On this day, I went, early of course. Went into the Ladies, to check makeup, use...
March 15th, 2018

It was in a society that told...

I was 16, a young homosexual teen who’s society would probably blame me instead of him. He was my first actual “true love”. But we coudn’t publicly show out love (no holding hands/kissing/other form of affection). So one day,my mom went to my grandmother’s house to sleep over. So i...
March 15th, 2018

Speak up for yourself

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it” – Helen Keller. Nearly after 12-13+ years, I’m finally stepping out of the shadow and speaking up about what happened to me as a child. I hope this spreads awareness to ALL victims that...
March 15th, 2018

Finally ready to tell my story

My story began when I was 17. It was a few weeks before Halloween. I had been dating this guy my sister went to school with. We always partied together. He was a recovering drug addict. He was also a bit older than me, 25. I remember sitting in my...
March 14th, 2018

Sexually assulted by coworker

Not long after I turned 16 I got a job at a grocery store. I had seen the guy before I met him and thought he was a very handsome guy. He worked in the produce section and was 19. Not long after working there he started talking to me,...
March 14th, 2018

Childhood rape

Hello, I’m a male. I was raped when I was age 9 by my brother, my mom was on drugs at the time and my brother was with are dad in another state, my mom got so bad on drugs she couldn’t take care of me they way should have,...
March 13th, 2018


For my 23 birthday I wanted to do something special for myself, and let go of what holds me back. In the last year so many things have happened and changed me as I am. I’m done hiding something that doesn’t define me, that wasn’t my fault. At the young...
March 13th, 2018

I Did NOT Get Justice But I...

When I walk the halls of the hospital as a bubbly HM3 and greet everyone, they can never see the demons I am fighting on the inside. I walk with my head held high and with a beaming smile to hide the stress and pain but I always carry myself...
March 13th, 2018

Digging my own grave

From age 6 to 15 I was sexually abused. First it started with touching, then he would make me preform oral sex or he would get on top of me and try to put it inside but I was so little and that could risk him getting caught so he’d...
March 13th, 2018

Too temping, I guess

I was 21 at the time and with my very first girlfriend. All of my life I had been so far in the closet, with the whole world telling me I was straight that finally being with a girl was so freeing. We we’re hanging out in her apartment drinking...
March 12th, 2018

Finding Words

I sit here, purposefully alone, deciding what and how to Share. Before I get lost, Thank You for Share Your story! Okay, I’ll say IT happened. I always thought I was in control, not so much the It Won’t Happen to Me, as I am Able enough that He Can’t....
March 12th, 2018

I’m Disgusted

A few weeks ago, my Boyfriend Alex and I joined up with some others celebrating the Eagles winning their 1st Super Bowl (E-A-G-L-E-S!), and many beers fell in the battles that followed. We ended up at Sue’s house, being a house, had bathrooms, and the only driver who could still...
March 10th, 2018

When Will My Voice Be Heard

By the age of eighteen, I would be taken advantaged of and raped at a house party. By 19, after coming forward and sharing my story to Tidal IX I would be told that there was not enough witness testimony and evidence therefore their decision that it most likely did...
March 10th, 2018


On the 1st January years ago I woke up in a strangers house. My bag was missing and I had very little recollection of the previous night. I was only 18, and had been looking forward to my first legal NYE celebrations with my friends. I had honestly no idea...
March 9th, 2018

Night of Psychedelic Horror

I was just 12 and my family had just moved into a new house in Beverly Hills. I didn’t like it there at first because I didn’t know anyone and my friends were from our old neighborhood, so I rarely saw them anymore. I made a new group of friends...
March 9th, 2018


Hey ! I been rape by my long time friend that I trusted an respected..I never thought he cud of done something like this to me but after time past I realised for him it was a normal thing …well it was day like every other day ..he wanted to...
March 8th, 2018


I went to San Francisco to help a friend move. Afterwards we grabbed a beer. I didn’t even finish half of my beer and I don’t remember much of what happened. A man named Oleg started chatting with my friend and I. I told him I was married and had...
March 8th, 2018


My name is Mary I am 58 years old When I was 24 I was living in Holland I was raped at knife point I went to the police on the same day I gave a full statement and had to be examined The rapist was never found Many years...
March 8th, 2018

My childhood

I remember when I was just a young girl coming home from school straight to my room scared to death. I was emotionally abused from a young age by my dad. he used to drink constantly and had no idea what I would come home too. I remember being called...
March 8th, 2018

Fiance Father of my Child

I was nine months pregnant and he was mad at me. I tried getting him to talk to me ana calm down. Helps started hurting me. He then decided to hurt me in the way it would hurt the most. My biggest fear. He raped me. I begged him not...
March 7th, 2018

I’m Only Stronger

Wednesday night of November 1, 2017 I was beaten half to death by my ex boyfriend. He kicked me, punched me, pistol whipped me and took the battery out of my phone therefore, making it impossible for me to call anyone or for me to leave. I never thought that...
March 7th, 2018

I loved him

I was 21 when I went out drinking with friends. I woke up in the morning not being able to recall how I got home or anything that had happened that night, I didn’t feel hungover or sick. I wasn’t wearing any clothes and I had bruises on my body....
March 6th, 2018

My Own Brother

My brother was 15 and I was 14, we are 13 months apart. He wasn’t under the influence or anything, completely normal. I was an innocent child and to me I thought this was “normal”. At first it was just touchy feelings for awhile. But eventually, he raped me for...
March 6th, 2018

Sexual Abuse

Every Saturday most kids spend their time playing outside with friends, watching TV, or just playing with games and toys. However, every Saturday my step father would sexually abuse me. This happened every week and sometimes more than once during the week. My mom would leave for work at about...
March 6th, 2018

Marital Rape and the abuser in my...

I’m not sure where to start. Years ago I met a much younger man who would not leave my side. He is not in the U.S. legally. Now it’s clear that back then, he was looking for protection, and security, and he found that in me. He was subtle in...
March 6th, 2018


It’s just not fair, why did he treat her like an actual human being but saw me as an object he can just use whenever he wants? I would ask myself that every night. He took my voice away and made my words not matter. He’d make me call myself...
March 6th, 2018

It was my boyfriend

I never took it too seriously because it was my, at the time, boyfriend. And for a while, I thought if you choose to be with a person, it cannot be called rape. I was 18, we went to Greece for a week. The day before the last, my ex...
March 6th, 2018

I should have never meet my biological...

I came from a bad home. I new i was not my stepdads biological duaghter. He made that clear. Eldest of eight kids at the time all were his own blood. My mother was addicted to drugs and in and out of the home. We were isolated from the extended...
March 6th, 2018

My posting

I do not know what to say. I know, or at least see what others have posted. Do I claim that I am different, or expound that I am the same? I have spent a lot of time, effort and money in schools. It would seem I would have the...
March 5th, 2018

Liberating Moment

I watched your documentary today and it was liberating. I too was a victim of rape. I was molested from age 11 to 17 by my biological father. He also molested my 2 younger sisters. My mother when she found out stayed with him. I have went through so many...
March 5th, 2018

Don’t Give Up

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March 5th, 2018

I Choose Hope

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