August 11th, 2019

My secret

It all started when i was about 7 .first of all i thought it was all my fault because it was happening again and again …so i blame myself .but then i was only a child .i was sexually abused by 4 different men in my childhood .the first was...
August 10th, 2019

Surviving Sexual Abuse: A Childhood Story

I am a Xavier Stagg and I faced a many traumatic events in my life as a child. One of the worst traumatic events that occured in my life were sexual abuse by my own father! The abuse happened the ages of 7-12 twice a week sometimes it would be...
August 7th, 2019

Was I raped?

I was drinking wine with my great friend Scotty. We were playing Monopoly and catching up on each others life. I had taken a gap year from college so it was nice to see all of my friends again. Everyone was tired so they went to bed and I settled...
July 29th, 2019


I was molested at a young age, maybe 4 maybe 5 or 6, I honestly don’t remember (I have a bad memory due to experiencing 18 years of verbal, emotional abuse, and multiple sexual abuse encounters) but I remember him telling me that it was “okay” so I didn’t say...
July 28th, 2019

Four years later

It’s four years later since I was sexually assaulted. People say “it gets better” and at some existent I guess that’s true . Since I graduated high school it’s way easier to avoid his existence than it was back then . Although we are from a small town so when...
July 28th, 2019

Woke up violated and confused.

It was April 26th, 2018 and I decided to get a drink with the man I worked for (32 y/o). I knew he had a rough past with his ex / baby mama from stories he would tell me while venting to me. Other than some odd things he would...
July 27th, 2019

No Justice

When I was around 8 to 12, I was being molested by my older brother, around 13 to 17/18. It only stopped after he moved out. I don’t know if he remembers, or just thinks I don’t remember. After years I told my mother, she brushed it off, saying she...
July 26th, 2019

Those 8 hours

Those Eight Hours Eight hours of that day cost me everything and resulted in a life sentence my five-year-old brain was, at that time, too small to comprehend, so those eight hours, like the monster in the closet, hid from me, for decades, showing only an unexplained unease with myself...
July 26th, 2019

Younger me

When I was 11 that was when it first started I was asleep in my room and my dad’s girlfriends son came in and got on top of me. my body literally couldn’t move and that went on until I was 16. he did this two of my brothers also....
July 24th, 2019


When I was 5 years old, I was sexually assaulted by many men. The next day I tried to kill myself. At the age of 10, I was raped and again tried to end it by ending my life. I also am a survivor of FASD and there for not...
July 23rd, 2019


ANTHONY AND TITUS. You nasty bastards knew what you did. Defiled my body. Titus u groped my breasts forcefully when u pushed me on the walking box so the cameras couldn’t see you, disgusting pervert i hope u die. ANTHONY YOURE A DISGUSTING UGLY PIG WHO DESERVES TO HAVE HIS...
July 23rd, 2019

I’m finally letting my hurt out

I’m calling names because I am being honest. I worked at a Jamaican restaurant called “golden Krust” on Jamaica and sutphin Avenue in jamaica queens. That’s where I experienced my two sexual assaults. First one was by the chefs assistant named Titus it was morning shift and I went downstairs...
July 22nd, 2019

Sexually abused by a 11/12 girl

This had happened a long time ago so I can’t remember our ages. It all started when my mom dated this guy for money and drugs. I was very young and I didn’t know better. The guy my mom was dating had a daughter. She would force me to kiss...
July 22nd, 2019


Abducted at 8 beat up by my father because I was late home after abduction police called . because I was beaten after my trauma I was afraid to tell I was raped by a stranger in a garage at 11 in case he told my parents I was a...
July 21st, 2019

I took me 7 years to realize...

When I was 15 years old I moved to an elite school, known as the school where all the top grade students went, I was a tad bit proud of myself. It boasted of excellent curriculum, highly educated teachers and 100% results. This extra ordinary faculty also had the pedophile...
July 20th, 2019

No man, however old, is safe.

I was naive, I thought old men at age 80 was safe. I delivered something to a Church member. He was also the contractor of our house. He had told me his wife was not in, it did not faze me. I was going to drop it off and leave....
July 18th, 2019

His name was Kenneth

I was 13. He was 25. I had just came out the closet. I had met him on MySpace, back when that was popular and it seemed like we clicked. I thought I was ready to be in a relationship with a grown men, but like most teenagers I didnt...
July 17th, 2019

Boyfriend Forcefully Sodomized Me

I had been with my (still current) boyfriend for about a year the night that it happened. We had been staying out of town in the mountains, having a great time. That night, we had a few drinks at a bar across the street from the hotel we were staying...
July 16th, 2019


One night when I was 24 years old, I was returning home after a dinner with friends and two guys approach me two blocks from my building. The took all my money and things, and raped me there on the street. A month later the police caught the guys, and...
July 10th, 2019

So drunk I can’t remember

I was turning 18. I was partying like any teen would. I drank a lot. I threw up, sat down. They picked me up and put me in their car. They said “don’t worry we’ll take care of you. You won’t miss the bus”. I remember lying on the bed...
July 9th, 2019

My Story

I was at a small party at my best friends house. Her husband was stationed out of state and was home for the weekend. I was not feeling well and he told me I needed to go lay down and to come with him. I followed him up staires believing...
July 7th, 2019

@ years of rape and being drugged

I was repeatedly raped by someone I will call D.C. He was my 2nd boyfriend at the time who lied to me about his age. He was in his 20s I was 16. Within the 1st year the so called relationship became something vicious like a nightmare that I could...
July 2nd, 2019

She was 5 years old

I was four years old and was at a family reunion where I went to play with my female, five year old cousin. I knew something was wrong when she had the door locked from the outside by her brother and told me that I couldn’t tell anyone what we...
July 1st, 2019

Shitty nights

And there are some nights that all my memories reduces to your belt around my neck, being on my knees and be forced to give you oral sex, the disgusting taste, the inability of move or take some air while you raped me until I lost consciousness. And even know...
June 30th, 2019

Need advice

I posted my story here in the past about how i was raped by a stranger when i was extremely drunk, however I am in need of advice, unfortunately I have to see the person who raped me every now and then in public in my town and it almost...
June 27th, 2019

Survivor of child molestation and date rape

I grew up in a family that was great at keeping secrets. I remembered bits and pieces of a night when my parents had gone out and left my two brothers and I with a male adult. Nothing came about with these brief memories until I was at university and...
June 26th, 2019

Is love assault?

The first thing I remember growing up is the fact that I was always told that Dschinns are a real thing that live amongst us. The first memory I have is that my mom locked me up in our then living room in Mainz Germany. I remember seeing grey. Our...
June 26th, 2019

Why Me?

It was homecoming at my UW campus. Eau Claire is supposed to be a safe city. A good city. A great school. Homecoming week my friends and I attended a party one night. We had been drinking all day and it was bar time so we went to the party....
June 25th, 2019

It never stops changing you and thats...

I have no other way to tell this, So here I am opening my heart and sharing my story with you. It was something I had kept to myself for so long. It really molded a lot of my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors. It was this huge burden. I...
June 24th, 2019

It never stops changing you

I have no other way to tell this, So here I am opening my heart and sharing my story with you. It was something I had kept to myself for so long. It really molded a lot of my thoughts, my feelings, my behaviors. It was this huge burden. I...
June 18th, 2019

My best friends dad

April 27th 2018. Two weeks prior to this incident I was in Longleaf psychiatric facility. I took over 300 pills cuz I didn’t want to be alive anymore but little did I know the worst was yet to come. Ironically when I decided to take all the pills I called...
June 17th, 2019

Sexual abuse

When I was 4 or 5 my cousin who was six years older than me, started molesting me. When we visited them. When he visited us. When we went to our shared holiday house. I don’t know how long it lasted. I told my parents when I was about 7....
June 16th, 2019

Survivor #metoo

I’m a mere eighteen years old, and I have been sexually assaulted. Twice. It’s not something I ever expected to have to go through myself. I remember when I first learned what sexual assault was in fifth grade; I was ten years old. How was I supposed to know to...
June 15th, 2019

Men get raped too…

When I was 17, I was raped by a man who was in his 50’s after boxing training. Couple days later I tried to lie to myself and say that everything was fine but it wasn’t. Therefore I told my brothers girlfriend. At first she believed me and asked to...
June 14th, 2019

A not so perfect family exposed to...

When I told my story no one cared, my dad who had raped me hundreds of times was never charged, my mom who watched was never punished and my brother who wasn’t exactly innocent or guilty in the matter is the only one charged. I was told by police that...
June 13th, 2019

Males are Victims Too

Iam a male and I am victim of abuse too, so I thought to share my story here too. I was probably around 5 years of age, happy kid as one should be. One day while I came out of the house to play, my neighbor’s son who was around...
June 12th, 2019

A story of a not so perfect...

When I was growing up my grandfather molested me constantly. When I turned 9 my brother raped me for the first time and it continued until I was 12. My brother raped me 12 times over those 3 years. When I turned 12 I told my parents and they didn’t...
June 11th, 2019

Another poem about a not so perfect...

Poem-The blade on the shelf: Plenty of times On plenty of days She does a bad thing To take it away She gets out a blade She lifts up her wrist She sets the blade down And gives it a twist She calms down As the blood grows thick It...
June 10th, 2019


I have been going through sexual assault for the past 6 years by a close family member. At the time, I didn’t really understand what was happening to me or how wrong it was, but as I grew more mature and realized that what I was experiencing was actually sexual...
June 9th, 2019

i said yes but i really meant...

I was 15. I was with two of my friends when he invited us to his friends house with two of his mates. He had a girlfriend. I knew him as he was 2 years above me in school. They encouraged us to drink straight vodka. We got so drunk...
June 8th, 2019

We had sex before

I met this guy in class and he wasn’t really my type but he was really into me and liked me so I thought I’d give him a chance. We hungout a couple times and eventually had consensual sex a couple of times. I realized I didn’t want anything romantic...
June 6th, 2019

A night gone wrong

2 years ago when I was 20 years old I went on a night out with a group of friends in our local town. We went to bars and the club and I began mixing drinks and became incredibly drunk, more then I ever have been, barely able to function...
June 5th, 2019

Christianity teaches men to treat women like...

I was born into a Christian household, 12 siblings, my mum was pregnant with twins,when I was 19, the guy I started dating (courting) was perfect in the eyes of my father, he has 8 siblings and both attended the same Christian church. We married after 3 months, on our...
June 4th, 2019


My uncle raped me on the fourth of july, he raped me over and over and over. After he was done he told me i was like fireworks. i still cant sleep through the night.
June 3rd, 2019

I was used. I got left. I...

15. That’s how old I was. 15. I thought my life was great. I had just got my permit and was loving my life. 15. I got used and then left. During this, I got strong. I have known this guy since I was in sixth grade. We used to...
June 3rd, 2019

Cousin rape

When I went to school I used to go to my counsin’s home to take english lessons and during summer sometimes we went in mountain or beach with other cousins. When I was 17 my parents went to hospital for car crash, so he offered to go to sleep at...
June 2nd, 2019

Sexual abuse by brother

I would sleep in my brothers room when I was 11 /12 and we’d play the xbox alot together and he would wait tell I fell a sleep and he would pull my bottoms down. I would wake with the feeling of wetness on my behind and could feel him...
June 1st, 2019

Need info what do I do

so I have a friend right and she lives with her grandparents and her grandparents legally adopted her so basically her dad is like her brother it’s really weird but besides the point, whenever me and my mom would pick her up or drop her off after sleepovers her dad...
June 1st, 2019

The Life I Live

When I was 7 my cousin started touch me. He was older and he said it was okay we were practicing. I wasn’t sure what he meant. This went on for 3 years. He would touch my body and claimed it was his. He said it was a way to...
May 31st, 2019

I Recorded my Rapist

I was gang raped almost 30 years ago by my ex boyfriend and at least 3 of his friends, 2 of which I never spoke to. I never spoke of what they did to me until the Supreme Court event, which more than triggered something inside me. I had been...
May 30th, 2019

My Husband thought he was entitled to...

Hi, my name is Kelly, I was born into a Christian fundamentalist household, I have 18 siblings and I’m the second oldest. I am 28 now. The story begins at 16, my father and mother sit me down to have a talk about marital relationships, he told me it was...
May 29th, 2019

Nothing Feels Beautiful Anymore

I remember it was February. I remember closing my eyes and agreeing that although it was only 2pm that I would end my day. I closed my eyes and agreed, “Okay, I am done.” I have never wanted to end a day at 2pm. I have been annoyed and frustrated...
May 29th, 2019

Ashamed of myself

I was seventeen years old, not even old enough to be in the club. But I was there, and I wish I hadn’t been. I was drunk, and the room felt like it was spinning, and suddenly this guy was there. He was a stranger, we didn’t even speak the...
May 28th, 2019

You were supposed to be my friend

This is letter is to you. You were my friend… my best friend. You knew what your dad did to me, yet you looked the other way and pretended like nothing had happened, like nothing was wrong. I was just a little girl, in my eyes, I was. I mean,...
May 27th, 2019

I was raped…

He is the son of my father’s friend. We’ve known each other since we were children. May 28th 2018, I will never forget this day, he texted me that he was in the city where my university in and wanted to have dinner with me. We met at a restaurant...
May 25th, 2019

The Trauma That Made Me

I was raised in a broken home in a broken home from a pretty young age. Not young enough that it’s all I ever knew, but young enough that visitation schedules were a steady part of my life. I am the oldest of my parent’s 3 children, but my dad...
May 25th, 2019

I need some advice

My name is Aleksandra and I am from Macedonia, Europe. I am almost 20 years old. On February 12, 2018 I was raped by 3 men. It was terrible, rape taking place in the woods, being virgin and taking several hours. I managed hardly to get home, being physically and...
May 24th, 2019

The Statistics that Changed Me

2 sexual assaults and 1 rape… the statistics of my story. I can’t promise that this story is pleasant, but I can tell you that power and growth comes with telling it. So sincerely, thank you for hearing me out. October 2017 I was in Chebut, Argentina(a part of the...
May 23rd, 2019


I was 17 years old, it was August 2016. It was the summer going into my senior year. It had been crazy summer but a great one noneless the less. I was staying with my bestfriend (let’s call her G) during the time so we were at her apartment. We...
May 22nd, 2019

You made me feel like I was...

Imagine this, you leave work with your best friend and go over to her boyfriends house to hang out with him and one of his friends. When you get there the boys are in a room playing xbox, you and your best friend walk In. She hugs her boyfriend and...
May 21st, 2019


“It is important in life not to be strong, but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once. If you want something in life, reach out and grab it.” – Christopher McCandless When I was 7 my dad had a really bad manic episode, he has bipolar and didn’t...
May 21st, 2019

raped by my own brother

I was maybe 11 or 12 when i got raped by my brother. He would put me in his room and take off his pants and tell me to touch his penis and I was so scared i did. then he would take off my pants and touck my private...
May 20th, 2019

The Diaper in the Corner

Most of us know the saying by Darshan Mondkar, “‘Was it really my fault?’ asked the short skirt. ‘No. It happened with me too.’ replied the burkha. The diaper in the corner couldn’t speak.” Out of these, I relate the most to the diaper as I had just stopped wearing...
May 20th, 2019

Lied to left brain damged

I was completely lied to and mislead . Can you can you believe a hospital would keep the fact that you were raped because of a negligence they caused my arm by putting a catheter in me. You see back in 2014 A co-worker male asked me to go out...
May 19th, 2019

I Wanted to See the Aquarium

The first person that ever saw my bare chest was Jimmy. We were both 12 at the time. It started off as playful kissing and after saying no a few times, he forced my shirt up so he could see my chest. I laughed and ran away. Jimmy was the...
May 18th, 2019

We were drunk

I still hear a nagging voice in my head telling me the way I feel isn’t valid. I was at a party with my friends from home over break from college. I carpooled with a guy I would have easily called my best friend at the time. We were extremely...
May 15th, 2019

This Is My Story

I was Only Seven My Dad Had A Girlfriend Who Had Many Sons and Just The One Took Me In My Room And Starting Playing With My Toys With Me Then We Played House n Had Barbie Kids Untill He Started Touching On me I didn’t Know It Was Inappropriate...
May 14th, 2019

My biggest mistake

Well it happened when i was 15 (I’m 17 now). I was a crazy teenager who wanted popularity and attention, and a boyfriend. My childhood bestie introduced me to a guy, he was sweet and a lot like me and i instantly liked him. After talking for a month or...
May 14th, 2019

Drunk and taken advantage of

It happened in October of 2018, I was 15, and a sophomore in high school. I live in a small town where teens to nothing but party to have fun because there is nothing else to do. In the town next to mine there is a college that a couple...
May 12th, 2019

Too good to be true

I met him in a gas station and he impressed me mostly because he approached me and seemed genuinely interested in the bond between my daughter and I. Within a couple of weeks we were texting, calling and FaceTiming each other constantly. When he asked me on a first date...
May 11th, 2019

Husband raped? Well people don’t call it...

I was a married with a guy whom I did not know before marriage. It’s called arranged marriage. I knew before marriage that he is not the one. But I could not convince my family and I was had to give up for my parents. After marriage, we just stayed...
May 10th, 2019

I was raped for 3 years

My uncle raped me for three years saying if i told anyone id be sent away and my family would hate me. It was repeated. It started when i was 13 and ended when i told on him when i was 16. My aunt called a lying whore and half...
May 10th, 2019

My Story

Question for my future self… do you ever get over rape? My relationship with my current boyfriend was as everyone describes very much a light switch, always on and off. As you do when you are angry and break up with someone you go meet up with other people in...
May 9th, 2019

To My Rapist

You remind of my dad a little, the way you like to fly airplanes and because you like to build things. That made me feel comfortable with you, I felt safe and warm, I trusted you. I believed you would listen to me, really listen to me but you didn’t...
May 9th, 2019

The First Time

When I was 7 years old my mother met a man. I immediately thought of him as a father figure. They got married only 6 weeks after knowing each other. Just days before their wedding in a hotel me and my brother were washing dishes and the man called me...
May 9th, 2019

My brother raped my sister and my...

So about 9 or 10 years ago, when my sister was 6/7 years old, my brother who was 11/12 years old at the time, raped/possibly groomed my sister. Our family isn’t like everyone else’s. My sister decided (even though it was up to CPS) no to press charges because she...
May 8th, 2019


Molestation 4-13, dissociation syndrome started, afraid 24/7, PTSD 10, black outs began & were triggered by the smell of certain foods or a male authorities voice. Attempted Rape 15, Physical Abuse 16-31, all my ex-boyfriends. Rape 18, also attempted suicide & started dancing because I needed extra money & no...
May 8th, 2019

I didn’t even know what was happening

I say I didnt know what was happening and I mean that, now I do, but at the age of 7 those things aren’t programmed into our brains. We don’t learn in preschool what sexual assault or rape is. We were on vacation in Mexico and my parents went out...
May 8th, 2019

Spoke out and was blamed

I am the only girl at a job of 4 men. I am also 20 while these men are 40+. One worker would grab me from behind when I would walk in the back to the bathroom. This would happen often. One day all my coworkers had to go outside...
May 7th, 2019

Too much trauma

I applaud your mission and vision. Watching Brave Miss World was very cathartic. I had a very tough childhood, enduring physical abuse from a stepfather. When I was 11, I was molested by a male cousin. At 19, I was raped and sodomized by my boyfriend at the time who...