May 7th, 2019

What now?

I am a 34 year-old wife and mother of three, my story starts back in 1985 my mother gave birth to me and she in my father who were both very young about 18 we’re together for about a year and they split up. I would later find out that...
May 7th, 2019

Did I ask for this?

During my childhood-teen years it always seemed like there was a dark cloud hanging over me. One abuser after another, after another. At 12 years old I started experimenting with drugs pretty heavily. It was my way of forgetting reality. I was with my first love for 5 years. He...
May 6th, 2019


It´s been 18 year of this, and i think there is no single day of me having a memory of it. I was thirteen and taking your classes, i didn’t realize when you started to touch me, i can´t remember when i begun to be under your command, untill you...
May 4th, 2019

Shedding the Shame of Adolescent Peer Sexual...

For years, it ate away at me inside. Disgusted in myself for not being more forceful, for not standing my ground. Ashamed, believing it was my fault because, well, I was part of it. I knew it was wrong for an adult to harm or exploit a child but never...
May 4th, 2019

To my best friend who raped me

To my best friend who raped me, I am so torn between feeling love for you and feeling hate for what you have done; what you have taken away from me is irreplaceable. On the first of May, I lost hope for all living things to live and breathe and...
May 3rd, 2019

Nearly 50 years later

In an odd way, I am a “victim” of sexual abuse, even though I have never met the abuser. Her is my father, but he is also either my grandfather or my uncle. I was adopted as an infant, and my mom and dad always told me I was adopted....
May 2nd, 2019

Abused by the boyfriend of my mom...

Hello Linor, today I saw your story on Netflix, it made me cry and it made me relive the sexual abuse that I experienced when I was 7 years old. He was my mother’s boyfriend since I was 3 years old, years later I started to say dad because my...
May 1st, 2019


My mom was always the person to take in someone who needed help and somewhere to live. Her heart too big to let someone go without. That’s why when a friends son needed somewhere to, she was the first to offer. So within days this 22 year old man came...
May 1st, 2019

I don’t know if I was raped

One night my boyfriend of three years was out with some friends drinking. When he came back home I was already laying in bed. We got into a little altercation and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was always a big drinker and I never liked that...
April 30th, 2019


At the beginning of my junior year of high school, my boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with me out of nowhere. I was at such a low point in my life and I was just trying to figure out how to be happy again. I went...
April 29th, 2019

My boyfriend

We have been together for almost 5 years and we have a little girl together. I went to bed half dressed because I was so tired but I woke to him lifting my lower body and trying to penetrate me and instinctively I laid back down but he lifted me...
April 29th, 2019

Broken Girl

My abuse began at 7 years old at the hands of my 1/2 brother. This went on for almost 8 years. I never spoke a word because he brutally raped me… and my 3 year old sister. He used sharp items, which caused an enormous amount of vaginal scarring. I...
April 28th, 2019

Katie Jones

So, 23 Years old In a holiday town, the strip club was the best money to earn. We worked late one night and our manager sold us to a party at a hotel. We thought it was an innocent after party, how ever when I entered the toilet with my...
April 27th, 2019

Everyone Else Likes You, Too

I had never been to a bar before. Sure, I’d gone out to Applebees with other coworkers where they’d serve me drinks. But I was 19, and had to drive home. I had never been drunk before, and didn’t push my limits. I went to the bar to see him...
April 26th, 2019

A poem about a not so perfect...

Poems about them: Mom and dad told me just how it’s done They never told me that I should run I was never told to scream or to fight They thought it was implied that it wasn’t right But I cried and I fought and I screamed and I ran...
April 25th, 2019

Left in shambles

I had a falling out with one of my guy friends the previous year, and I decided that this year would be different and we could be friends again. So I invited him over, and it started out innocent and he was supposed to leave around 10 o’clock. But, he...
April 24th, 2019

It was just a vacation

When I was 12 I went on vacation with my grandparents and my brother who was 14 at the time. This was supposed to be a month long adventure of visiting family and having fun however I couldn’t have been more wrong. My brother and I were sharing a room...
April 23rd, 2019

Still searching for any type of answer....

I still don’t know what to do. I need some insight here. I know that I been sexually molested by my uncle as a child. He is my mom’s brother. I know it happened and I know that its true. It was a long time ago. I dont remember how...
April 22nd, 2019

Swept under the carpet

I was 8 years old and my Mam always brought me supermarket shopping with my grandparents every Saturday. It was always the same, same shop, same car, same smell, I hated it! My grandfather always bought me an ice cream, a really expensive one, once bought and back in the...
April 21st, 2019

My life as a survivor

Hi this all began when a time of innocence and being a child at that time was easy and I had no fears of what life was all about my first time I was touched by a guest in my parents home for a party no one noticed what was...
April 21st, 2019

Going Through the Emotions

I love Law and Order SVU. I watched it every Saturday, drawn in by the plot and intriguing characters, but I never understood the victims until I myself became one. While watching SVU I would sometimes wonder “Why don’t they want to report it?” “How can someone get raped so...
April 21st, 2019

4th grade

I an finally seeking help and starting therapy next Sunday for an on going sexual assult that occured in 4th grade. It happened in a dark classroom behind his big desk. All I could do was focus on the sparce light coming through the window, the rattle of his belt,...
April 20th, 2019

At 17yr old was raped by my...

I became pregnant at age 16, forced to marry months later at 17, I went through domestic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse by him, my husband and my family did nothing to help me out of the nightmare! After 2 yrs I got out with the help of...
April 20th, 2019

“raped” by my long time bf

One night we were out to bars with friends to get drinks, including my bf of 7 years. After drinking we went to a hostel room. Everything started as usual, then he wanted to have anal sex, which I refused cause it hurts, he answered with “I don’t care” and...
April 18th, 2019

My husband raped me when I took...

I just want him to be sorry and get help.
April 17th, 2019

My Story

I ask myself the question… you get over being raped as an adult? I was 29 at the time….i was just starting to love me, except me, I was excited about life…i had a reason to get up and live. I finally believed I was worth more than what was...
April 15th, 2019

Accepting myself and my story after…

I’ve been thinking about sharing my story for some time and I am still uncertain about whether I should share it. I struggle with a lot of shame surrounding the abusive relationship that ended with my rape, and the emotionally abusive relationships that I had after the incident. I am...
April 15th, 2019

Too Trusting

I was raped by a mutual friend. My night started off at a housewarming party for my best friend. She went to sleep, but I decided to go out with a couple girl friends and some guys they knew. I didn’t know the decision would change my life forever. We...
April 15th, 2019

raped as a lone solidier in israeli...

Hi Linor I was raped by the חובש on my base in the army. Unitl today – almost daily I think about it. At the age of 18 I was a young naive virgin from Australia. I moved to Israel by myself. The guy that raped me, ALL the girls...
April 15th, 2019

Coercion is never consent

I have spent my whole life a victim. From early childhood trauma to emotionally abusive paternal figures. For a long time I responded to my trauma the way so many do. I partied to hard, let myself be used by the men in my life. I developed an eating disorder...
April 12th, 2019

23 with a secret

I begin writing every time a new story inspires me but I can never find the words to tell the world what happened so many years ago.I always ask myself why am I not as strong as these other women? Why can’t I ever get the words out my mouth?...
April 9th, 2019

A Message from the Director

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April 7th, 2019

This will be painful

This will be painful. This will bring up things I don’t want to talk about. But I think it needs to be said. I think it needs to be written out. It’s therapeutic in a sort of way. This is the story of my stolen childhood. It started a little...
April 5th, 2019

Victim of sexual assault

April 3rd, 2019

Im 16

April 2nd, 2019

I Choose

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April 1st, 2019

Raped by my Stepfather

This is something I have not shared in years. Everything started when I was about 6 years old. My mother married my stepfather when I was a baby and I had known him almost all my life. One day, my mom went to work and my stepfather was on the...
April 1st, 2019

I still see him on campus

April 1st, 2019

Raped by my Stepfather

March 31st, 2019

Useless tears

March 30th, 2019

It was normal

March 29th, 2019

My First “Boyfriend”

My first “boyfriend” raped me. He was two years older than me. We met at a park; he was the first boy that ever showed interest in me. We texted for a few days, and he convinced me to let him sneak over to my parents house in the middle...
March 26th, 2019

My case is different from yours

March 25th, 2019

It just happened

March 21st, 2019

Never Forget

March 19th, 2019

No Stranger

March 18th, 2019

I buried the pain

March 17th, 2019

40 years

March 17th, 2019

I thought he was a brother

March 16th, 2019

What happened to me?

March 8th, 2019

Death before birth

March 7th, 2019

Self Worth

March 6th, 2019

I knew and trusted him

March 5th, 2019

Afraid No More

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March 4th, 2019

It wasn’t my fault

February 24th, 2019

Am I really that broken?

February 21st, 2019

Dear Coward

February 20th, 2019

To the man who stole my independence

February 19th, 2019

Sexual Assault Does NOT Define You

January 27th, 2019

That wasn’t too bad now was it?

January 23rd, 2019

Raped by my boyfriend

I was 15 when it happened and my boyfriend was 18. I’d met him as he and his mum worked with my mum. we started dating and were told not to do any funny business, then we went out to watch the Christmas Light switch on and as it finished...
January 23rd, 2019

He knew what he was doing

January 23rd, 2019

Raped by my boyfriend

January 22nd, 2019

Healing in progress

January 21st, 2019

My Daughter’s Story

January 12th, 2019

Sexual Abuse of Minors

January 9th, 2019

Raped At 12 Years Old– Letter to...

January 9th, 2019

I didn’t realise until now

January 8th, 2019

This will be painful

January 6th, 2019

Black Girl

January 6th, 2019

Black Girl

As a black child she grew up with many black women An atmosphere of mostly females and children A plether of differences yet many the same someone points the finger but no one takes the blame Attenion seaking variances of competition with the appearance of being soft For the man...
January 5th, 2019

Need help

January 4th, 2019

College Rape

January 2nd, 2019

Why didn’t I do anything?

January 1st, 2019

I was kidnapped, beaten, knocked out and...

December 31st, 2018

No one owns your story but you

December 31st, 2018

My so called “best friend”

December 26th, 2018

Someone I should be able to trust

December 20th, 2018

He was a trusted friend, until he...

December 17th, 2018

My little girl